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[Buddha's Images]


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If you use the images you must give credit to me that means post by your card this [Image Credit -- .Buddha]
I also make requests if you want 1 send a pm with the render to me, if it is a big one the quality of the image will be much better
Please enjoy my Images

I disclaim none of the following Renders/Stocks/c4d's/Backgrounds as my own
Rendercredit goes to Yin, Google, Planetrenders, Renderat,Deviantart, Yangninja, Zeaux, -DG- and HP Doom
Backgroundcredit goes to Alcander, HP Doom, Deviantart, achow198 (for the lightsworn bg) and Me
Logo by Overdrive









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yeah i'll make more ;)
i have done hundrets of them already
most of them were already posted in this section so i will make new images an add some old images too

thank you for your comment

No problem, I'll probably be using some of them, and I will of course credit you since you asked :D
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Well, seeing as this is posted in showcase I presume you are looking for some CnC. So I'll get to it.

For starters they mostly seem quite LQ and quickly put together (I can see exactly what you have done) to fix each of these, try sharpening-and spending more time on each one of them. More could have been done with the coloring, lighting, render placement etc. The outer glows aren't used effectively either, i.e the renders stand out far too much, if you wanted to effectively create a piece you need to work on incorporating the renders into what you have already set out. Rather than making the render suit the background, maybe the background suit the render.


You should also learn to use GMaps a bit more effectively, or just using more adjustments to make the coloration work more effectively. These aren't bad pieces but a little bit of refining will improve them.

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first of all thank you for comments


xel i get your points but some of them aren't correct for custom images
eg the render have to stand out because in the original images the render always stand out

as for the lq your kinda right but think it is somewhat cause of the uploading site

the problem for most graphic people is to compare them to a sig or a piece like that, but it is a complete different thing

well a said some points are helpful and i will work on it ;)

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There is a difference between them flowing and fully standing out. I'm not saying make them like a sig, I'm stating that you need to make them work a bit more with what you have going already. And they aren't completely different, something completely different would be a website or a logo. They are both sort of more buisnessesque where as custom images and sigs are more of from a creative standing point.


Me stating they need to "flow" more could mean multiple things, some original images stand out yes. Whilst others are created to work with what is going for it. 

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