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ninja set


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Japanese Katana

-I would add another minor effect to the cards. Axe of despair already gives 1000 ATK and it doesn't have any equirements like this card does.


First Ninja

-There's a flaw in this card's design. Since you can special summon any ninja, you can summon another "first ninja" which will let you summon another which lets you summon any other ninja card. That's 4 monsters in the place of 1! I would change the text to: "When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 "Ninja" monster from your hand."


Ninja Master

-Way overpowered. If you Special Summon this guy with First Ninja, your entire field would be filled instantly. Recommended change: "When this card is Tribute Summoned, Special Summon up to 2 Level 4 or lower "Ninja" monsters from your Graveyard to the field." I also suggest making him a level 6.


Second Ninja

-...where does he summon the ninja's from? Besides, if he's the "second ninja" shouldn't his effect activate when he's brought out by a ninja's effect; "When this card is Special Summoned to the field by the effect of a "ninja" monster, *insert rest of effect here*", just don't make it another special summon effect. I think inflicting damage or making your opponent discard a card would work nicely.


Third Ninja

-Another Special Summon card? Oh well, I recommend this then: "When a "ninja" monster is Special Summoned to the field by the effect of a "ninja monster", you may add this card from your deck to your hand."


Hope these suggestions help!

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