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Yugioh 4Kids / Anime / TV Show Style for MSE

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This is the new One! : click here to download the new one


 Magic Set Editor is a program that is used to make cards for different card games. With the help from theOnlykyd and green_meep (other forum), we completed the new TV Show Style template. Some cards i made:

AnimeSpell_zps0f43310a.jpg AnimeNormalMonster_zpsa899e05f.jpg KingofJinzo_zps1c3ea937.jpg

Download template here. - Outdated!
Download Magic Set Editor in here.

[spoiler="How To Install Template"]
1. Download the template.

2. Go to the folder where you install mse (commonly, it is in C:\Program Files)

3. Right-click on the folder and click Properties.

4. On General tab, untick Read-Only so that it is not checked.

5. On Security tab, click on Advanced and set the Full Control to Allow.
6. Go to the folder where you save your downloaded template. Double-click on yugioh-tvshow-2013-12-09.mse-installer to install template.
7. Read How To Use.[/spoiler]
[spoiler="How To Use:"]
1. Open magic set editor
2. click on "Yu-Gi-Oh!" and click on "TV Show Style"

3. For monster cards:
4. For spell/trap cards:

NOTE : If you want a sub-icon, type any of the following in the left side of the spell/trap icon:

! = counter

# = ritual

$ = quickplay
% = continuous

& = field

+ = equip
5. Enjoy![/spoiler]

[spoiler="EDIT 1:"]New features:
1. card name is added
2. card name shadow foil added
3. Allows you to make the card name visible or not.
4. alllows you to make the card name text have a shadow foil.[/spoiler]


[spoiler="EDIT 2:"]New features:
1. Added the textbox. Click on Style tab and on Use a textbox option, choose Yes.

2. Fixed some things and added extra features.
3. Changed the OP.[/spoiler]

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