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[Fanfiction] Thar's YCM Pairings (PG-16)


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How about I shoot it down by saying that Larxene has the biggest ego in YCM history? Like I said before, you are no Larxene.


OT: When will the MugenXCoolspy fic be out?


Nahh m8.


The only person on this site with a bigger ego had to have been Reece. 

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Nahh m8.


The only person on this site with a bigger ego had to have been Reece. 


Frunk wasn't worshiped as a YCM god though. Larxene was. Anything he did and said, people noticed listened. I paid the price for feuding with him. >> You seem to just be playing reruns of what has already been done.

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Frunk wasn't worshiped as a YCM god though. Larxene was. Anything he did and said, people noticed listened. I paid the price for feuding with him. >> You seem to just be playing reruns of what has already been done.


My apologies, I forgot that being praised for trivial bullshit equated to significance. 


Now if we're done debating who has the biggest e-dick, I'd like to not get banned by Yinny due to spam. 

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Frunk wasn't worshiped as a YCM god though. Larxene was. Anything he did and said, people noticed listened. I paid the price for feuding with him. >> You seem to just be playing reruns of what has already been done.


I was under the impression that Larxene was a she, not a he.

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So in two hours then?

How about 11 minutes?

[spoiler=The Madman Who Loved Me - Mugen x Coolspy (6,056 words.)]The Mod Department has been exceptionally quiet as of late, mostly because of the loss for major crimes in YCM City. As of late, all that the Mods in the Department offices have been doing is throwing parties and prank-calling other members. Mugen was among those who didn’t know about this behavior, but had a hunch. He stood in the slums of Clubs and Organizations like he has been doing since he was kept in charge of the watch squad there, bored as usual.

“I swear, if it were up to me, I’d be watching the TCG Stadium right now…” Mugen has had his teeth gritted for the last hour, having nothing to do but pace one of the streets that drew a line in the grid-like display of the slums. Occasionally he would pass by another officer that paced a road perpendicular to his. He would then share a curled smile, which was acknowledged by said officer, for he would know full well how Mugen felt.

Just as Mugen had laid up against a building to take a nap, he heard his walkie-talkie, “Mugen, I need you to go to the Admin Chapel right away.” Mugen perked up at the order to leave his current post.

“May I ask why?” there was excitement in Mugen’s voice.

“We put a tracking device in Sora after you arrested him in those slums,” Mugen knew exactly what the voice meant, “We’re tracking him inside the chapel, and according to the radar, he’s been there since four in the morning.”

Mugen laughed, “He must be with that one try-hard stripper from Skype.”

There was a long, awkward silence before the voice replied, “Just get your ass down there. I don’t know what you were doing with Sora yesterday, but if you don’t retrieve him-”

“Relax, Night, for f*ck’s sake…” Mugen shot back, “I’ll take care of him. Keep partying back at the office.” He strapped his walkie-talkie back on his belt, ignoring the reply, and broke into a sprint towards the Admin Chapel, which wasn’t far. By the time he arrived, he could hear the sound of an angry boy yelling, “Oh boy, seems like Sora’s upset someone…” He listened as the boy ranted, catching the fact that it was him that Sora was with that day in the slums. Mugen burst into laughter before he heard a loud thud by the door of the chapel followed by silence. He used that as the queue to get up and enter the building, peeking around the corner to see none other than Sora and Advo under Sora’s silk red cape.

Mugen looked outside to see his backup squad approaching the building, putting a finger to his lip to silence them as he showed them the pair in the chapel hall. They all shared a quiet snicker before they drew their guns, “You two! Stand up and put your hands behind your heads!” Sora and Advo both shot up out of reflex and obeyed, letting the cape slip off and reveal their naked bodies. All of the officers winced and turned to look away, which made Mugen laugh.

“C’mon, what’s so bad about a few di-” Mugen was cut off by the sight of Advo’s male genitalia, stopping in his tracks. His eyes widened, but only for a second before he regained his composure, “Well, can’t say I’m surprised, Sora.”

Sora curled his lips, “Hey, I thought she was a girl.”

Advo looked at Sora, offended, “What?! But I thought you were fine with i-”

“Shut up…” Sora gritted his teeth, making Advo obliged to do as he told her. Mugen raised a brow, signaling his squad to detain the two.

“Sorry, Sora, Advo, but you two are under arrest for loitering in an off-limits area without consent.” Mugen held his head high as he spoke, feeling like a boss. The squad took the cape lying on the floor and tore it in half, wrapping each half around Sora and Advo as they put each of them in cuffs, “You’ll be marked with another warn. Third warn, and you’ll be put on suspensi-”

Mugen’s heart stopped when he caught a glimpse of a message written in blood on the window:


His vision blurred out all object in his view except for the oozing, crimson letters. For a second, he forgot what he was saying, not believe what situation he was in.

“Put on suspension?” Sora said, “Is that what you were trying to say?”

Mugen shook his head, “Yes, suspension. So don’t get crazy-” he coughed, “don’t get into trouble now.” Mugen’s heart was pounding as he saw Sora slowly turning his head away in confusion. Advo shared the same feeling, but no one else in the room saw the message. Mugen was tempted to point it out, but everyone was headed towards the other door. He broke into a run towards the exit on that side of the building, busting through the door while ignoring the curious looks he got from the other officers. On the ground, what appeared to be one of the squad members lied dead in a bloody mess in between the bushes that were planted just outside the window.

“Commander, what’s the matte-” An officer followed Mugen out the door, seeing the same body Mugen saw, “Holy sh*t! Should I tell the others?”

“No…” Mugen sighed, “It’s not use. I have a good idea who’s responsible, so there’s nothing they can do but react just as you did.”

The officer raised a brow, turning to head back in to follow the others out the other side, “I see. We should at least notify the Admin. Through him, the city cabinet can take action.”

Mugen cringed, “What use is notifying the Admin? He’s almost never in his office…” He formed a fist and unconsciously punched the hinge of the door, startling the officer. His eyes twitched, but as he snapped out of it, he winced at the pain that had corrupted his hand.

“You should get some rest, commander,” the officer said while walking through the doorway, “I’ll send the message to the cabinet so that they know. In the mean time, make use of tonight to take the load off, at least until you’re given further orders.”

Mugen sighed, “Yes sir…” it felt weird to say that to a subordinate officer, but in times like these, it felt refreshing to be given advice, let alone good advice.


Mugen woke up the next morning covered in sweat. His covers were scrambled all across his bed yet none of them covered him. The sudden breeze from his open window hit him and caused him to shiver and instinctively get up to shut it, not knowing why his window was open in the first place.

“The hell?” Mugen opened the window again to look around outside. He saw nothing noticeably different to narrow down the possibilities that pertained to the mysterious open window, but his heart raced nonetheless. The idea that someone had snuck in while he was asleep raced through his mind, but as he thought of one person in particular, he cringed, “Damn it! Why does it have to be him?” With force driven by his frustration, he slammed his window shut, worried that he might have cracked it, but saw that no harm was done.

“Deep breaths, Mugen. The guy is in prison…” Mugen made a full effort to calm down, only to flinch at the sight of what he thought was a guy looking into the room from the same window. He blinked to realize there was no one there. The sweat returned, “Damn it, damn it, damn it…” He paced the floor, taking heavy breaths and cussing some more. If he had not had the composure of an experienced officer, he’d be driven insane.

Mugen snapped out of his phase after his morning routine of a cup of coffee and a jelly-filled donut. The donut was dripping his favorite kind of jelly as he went in to bite into it, but as his teeth sunk in, the jelly on the other end squirted out, landing in his coffee. He raised a brow, dropping the donut and going to take a sip from the mug. Just as his mouth filled up with coffee, the phone rang. The ring startled him and made him spit every drop.

“Hello?” Mugen grunted after he yanked it from the charger. On the other end, he could barely make out the sound of someone chuckling. He rolled his eyes, “If this is a prank call, it better be goo-”

“I told u not to get crazy, didn’t I?” Mugen was holding onto his mug as he let it slip from his hands and crash onto the floor. The noise was followed by more laughter, “Surprised to hear from me? I knew you’d be.”

Mugen’s lips quivered, “Coolspy… you… aren’t you supposed to be in jail?”

“I wuz, but I wuz lovingly let out. U overestimate ur cop buddies. Ur not scared, r u?”

Mugen took a deep breath, “I’m more confused than scared. First of all… what kind of idiot would call a commanding officer on their landline? This call can be traced to the Mods.”

“Precisely why I’m not using my phone,” Coolspy replied, “and also why I’m not speaking in my natural voice.” Mugen realized that Coolspy’s voice wasn’t normal, “Pretty nifty, huh? I managed ta get a hold of this pitch-changer doohickey. Works liek a charm!”

“I hope you don’t plan to hunt me down,” Mugen said with gritted teeth and a clutched fist, “Because I’ll be ready!”

A loud cackled responded to the remark, “Oh, u won’t see it coming, Schmugenz! U and all ur cop friends should watch their backs. They’ll all end up liek the one by the church window, but I’ve got something special planned for u!” Mugen’s eyes widened as he swallowed a wad of nervous spit that gathered in his mouth, “Hahaha, I’ll be seeing ya, Schmugenz!” A kissing sound followed before the call ended. Mugen immediately dialed the number for the Mod offices, which was answered immediately.

“Mugen? Are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“We’re tracing the call right now.” There was a brief pause, “…we got it! The call was coming from… just outside your house…” Mugen gasped and swiftly turned towards the kitchen window, bolting towards it to look outside. He saw nothing as the voice from the phone continued, “Mugen, you need to report to headquarters immediately!”

“Hold on a second… I need to check something.”

“Well hurry up, damn you!” The other end hung up just as Mugen threw the phone on the counter right next to his donut before he dashed outside his front door, checking every inch of his yard before seeing the dead body on his back lawn. He sighed, walking over to the body to inspect it. Bathing in the puddle of blood on the grass was a cell phone which was broken in half.

“Damn it, Coolspy…” Mugen was on the verge of fainting before his walkie-talkie blared.

“I’m sending an officer to escort you here. If you can’t get here, then they will assist you.” The voice had signs of irritation and sympathy, both of which Mugen rolled his eyes at. His only option was to wait for the escorts to arrive. He took advantage of the time he had to take a picture of the body with his cell phone and send it to the database at the headquarters. By the time the picture was saved on his phone, a text message appeared on the screen:

“btw, u look hot when u sleep”

Chills went down Mugen’s spine as he looked up down the yard, where he assumed Coolspy ran off in that direction just after the call. A grunt slipped out of his throat, followed by a half-minded cuss involving Coolspy’s name. The escorts arrived later on, and Mugen had no other option but to get in the vehicle and ride it to the Mod Department.


The escort pulled up to the doors of the Mod building that exited to a gated parking lot exclusively for thread control vehicles. Just before it slowed down to a stop next to the curb, Night was waiting, leaning against the brick wall with his arms crossed and a lit cigarette in hand. He watched the car pull up, sighing as he huffed a smoke before tossing the butt on the ground and crushing it with his feet. The moment the vehicle pulled up, he was already at the door as he shot out smoke from his nostrils like a raging bull.

“You’re killing me, Mugen,” Night said, opening the passenger door, “You’re killing us all right now.”

Mugen closed the door while Night’s hand was still on it. Night let it slip off as Mugen spoke, “I’m killing YOU? What happened to whatever sentiment you had for me earlier?”

“The f*ck do you mean ‘earlier?’ I’m still worried for you.”

Mugen snickered, “You? Worried about me?”

Night rolled his eyes, “It’s not like that, you piece of sh*t. I’m worried because I’m responsible for your ass. If you get your ass killed, I’m the one they’re gonna condescend on.”

“My ass is fine, Night. Thanks for being so concerned for it.” Mugen had a fit of chuckles, which made night wince in annoyance. He was tempted to grab another cigarette, but they were already in the building, which had a ‘no smoking’ policy.

“Alright, listen up, smartass. We have a homicidal psychopath on the loose and he’s locked onto you.” They walked down the hall as Night spoke, “We need to track this guy down and get his ugly face back in jail.” Mugen’s face turned mildly red at the ‘ugly face’ statement. The heat he felt immediately vanished when Night looked at him, “Question is, though… why YOU? Of all the Mods that were involved in his arrest, why you?”

Mugen avoided eye contact to try and find an answer, “I’m not sure. I guess he thinks I’m the most attractive?”

Night raised a brow, “Why the f*ck would he wanna kill you, then?” Night stopped, prompting Mugen to the same as Night stared him down, “There something you aren't telling me, boy?”

Mugen stuttered, “No, why would you think that? Why would I hide something from you?”

“You may have more experience than others, Mugen, but remember, you’re still new, and I’m still your superior. If you’re hiding something from me, then you better explain yourself right now before it comes back to bite you in the ass.”

Mugen couldn’t help but begin to laugh again, “But since you’re responsible for my ass-”

“Exactly!” Night let out a frustrated shout, “If you have secrets, I want you to tell me now before you get a boot up your ass, because if it aren't MY boot, then it won’t be just YOUR ass…”

“Can we stop bringing up our asses, please?”

Night’s face turned red for a second, “Yes, let’s.” The two continued to walk down the hall and into the conjoined offices, where computers had people’s eyes glued to them as papers were being stacked, crumpled, and tossed out of routine. Night guided Mugen over to his desk, which was covered in framed pictures of art that were placed parallel to each other respective to each side of the desk. His computer divided the desk in half while his paperwork sat neatly in a pile on the right of the keyboard right next to his cup of coffee. On the right side sat an open sketchbook with an outlined drawing on it. Mugen stopped by the edge of the desk to look down at it, but Night grabbed it and threw it in a drawer.

“It’s not finished,” he said shyly, clearing his throat, “Anyway, let’s get to work on this case. Ever since his arrest, we’ve had every bit of information on Coolspy we need.” Night typed into his keyboard with impressively quick fingers, pulling up several windows including Coolspy’s mugshot, fingerprint, charges, etc. “Coolspy. Arrested for stirring up a riot in the main hub and for being responsible for the killings of several in the same area as a result.”

“Yes, you don’t have to tell me,” Mugen interrupted, “I was there, remember? I remember it clearly.”

“Yes, whatever,” Night sighed, “I’m just refreshing your memory.” Night’s phone was on the floor, which he put there to clear the table for a spot to put his sketchbook. He picked it up just as it started to ring, answering it. After a brief moment, Night hung up, “You have a package.”

Mugen raised a brow, “A package?” He looked up towards the door that led to the front of the building, where the mail for any Mod in the building was delivered and sorted into cabinets, “Well, I guess I should go get it, right?”

“Make it quick. Remember, you’re being targeted. We need to get this thing taken care of.” Night has his eyes glued to the screen like the rest of the office, letting Mugen flank the desk towards the front of the building to respond to the call. After a short hall, he turned to walk into the main lobby, where a few lines of chairs stroked the tiled floor, seating a group of reporters waiting for a response.

The secretary at the desk saw Mugen and approached him. “Ah Mugen, you have a package waiting for you.”

“Waiting where?” Mugen looked around.

“He said it’s too big to deliver it through the front door. He just wants your signature.” Mugen grew suspicious, but he considered the kind of job some people had to work with. He strolled down the rows of chairs and went through the front door, seeing the delivery truck parked just along the curb. Coming out the back was a man rolling a large box down a ramp.

“Here, let me get that for you!” Mugen said as he ran up to the other end of the box to lend an extra hand. The delivery guy muttered a thank you, but Mugen didn’t hear it as the box rolled onto the street. The two continued to roll the package up the handicap ramp about a foot offset from the door to the building, where they set it down at the corner where there weren’t any windows. The guy thanked Mugen again, adjusting his sunglasses and pulling out the signing sheet with a pen attached. Mugen did just as the sheet was meant for and handed it back, walking over to the giant box.

“Wow, I wonder what the hell it is-” Mugen was marveling at the size of the package as he felt a sharp, stinging sensation shanking into the back on his neck. His first response was to slap his hand onto the stinging sensation, but within seconds the world around him began to warp and spin. In his last seconds of consciousness, he turned around to see the delivery guy lift him up by the shoulders and onto the dolly that held the box, tying him to the handle with a rope. Things turned pitch dark after the delivery guy covered Mugen with the box. Coolspy removed his sunglasses to wipe them off, immediately putting them back on as he looked over to see that no one was watching, confirming that it was safe to roll the box back up the ramp and into the vehicle. He closed the cargo door and jumped into the driver’s seat, putting it in gear and driving away.

When Mugen regained consciousness, it was pitch dark, but he knew that there were lights on. He moved his lip around to confirm that his face was covered by a black cloth. He tugged and pulled to confirm that he was tied down onto a chair at the arms and legs with rope. He could feel the grains of the rope digging into his skin even when he wasn’t tugging, despite knowing it was futile to attempt an escape, even with his experience. The cloth around his head began to itch, but just as much as it was to escape, he couldn’t dream of itching it.

Footsteps could be heard in an obligatory direction, which Mugen could only distinguish from what he heard. He had no visual knowledge of where he was, but he knew very well who brought him here, even before he heard his voice to confirm it:

“I thought I told you not to get crazy…” Coolspy said after a raspy deep breath. Mugen could feel his breath coming onto him as he got closer, “You’ve brought this upon yourself, Schmugenz.”

“Brought upon myself?” Mugen responded foully, coughing from the dust inside the cloth, “I didn’t ask for anyone’s help-”

“BUT UR THE ONE WHO CALLED THEM!” Coolspy’s scream echoed for about a minute, “I knew the call waz being traced. I listened to you dialing the Mod’s number. I listened to Night as he said he’d keep you safe…” Coolspy was choked up in his words, laughing to loosen them, “…he can’t protect u liek I can.”

“How exactly is THIS protecting me?” Mugen’s voice was slightly muffled by the cloth that was still on his head, “If you’re gonna keep me here, at least let me see your face!” Mugen began to get frustrated. Coolspy snickered, acknowledging the feeling and yanking the cloth off of Mugen’s head, tossing his hair forward to cover his face. Mugen instinctively flipped his hair back, staring coldly into Coolspy’s glaring eyes. A streak of shaved hair acted as a Mohawk on his bald head, topping off a face covered in scars. A plaid shirt loosely covered a bare torso over a pair of tan, baggy cargo shorts with no shoes.

“U remember this face, Mugen?” Coolspy’s glare did not budge, neither did Mugen’s, “This wasn’t the face that u saved months ago. This is the face u let rot in jail.”

“I did what needed to be done,” Mugen said, wishing he could itch his body which was writhing with the need to be scratched, “You were a criminal. You caused a riot and killed several people in it-”

“I don’t need ur history lessons!” Coolspy interrupted, “I know what I did, and I’m not ashamed of it either. If anything, it was THEIR fault! I told them not to get crazy, and they do the exact opposite! They’re idiots, the lot of them! Their moral is enough to kill a man, which is why I worry so much about you, Mugen.”

“You worry that I’ll be killed by the people I’m trying to protect?”

“No, I worry that u’ll turn against me as well. I don’t want that, Schmugenz. I want u to be with me. I want u to love me as much as I love-”

“Wait, wait,” Mugen interrupted with a look of genuine shock, “You didn’t say anything about love. I may have covered your ass back then, but I wasn’t showing affection-” Mugen was cut off by a knife getting jabbed into the side of the arm of the chair, just next to Mugen’s tied arm. The sound echoed throughout the room, leaving it silent for a good moment as Mugen made every attempt to start breathing again. Coolspy’s eyes were as wide as golf balls and inches away from Mugen’s.

“Ur getting crazy again, Schmuges,” Coolspy coldy stated, “Don’t. Ur doing just as what I feared. I have you tied down for a reason.”

“So I won’t detain you in a camorra lock and break both of your f*cking arms?” Mugen found the ability to speak after a while.

Coolspy laughed and coughed severely while still up in Mugen’s face, “You liek to play rough, don’t ya? Well, Schmug, let me tell ya… so do I!” Coolspy yanked the knife out of the side of the chair and pulled Mugen’s shirt out tight from the chest. He cut a slit in the taught shirt and ripped it open to reveal Mugen’s bare chest, slowly guiding the knife along the creases of his pecs and abs. Mugen winced, feeling the blade of the knife cut open his soul.

“Coolspy…” Mugen gasped, “…what the f*ck are you doing?”

Coolspy wore a smile that stretched across his face with eyes that insanely locked onto Mugen’s torso, “U said u liek it rough…”

“This isn’t rough… this is f*cking SICK.”

“Well then I guess I’m ill for you, my Schmugenz!” The knife cut a tad deeper, enough to draw blood. Mugen let out a grunt, squinting his eyes as he tightly gripped the ends of the chair arms.

Coolspy was giggling like a madman, “Don’t u get crazy now. The pain will only get worse… but you liek it that way, don’t ya… DON’T YA?!” He pulled the knife away to reveal the slit in Mugen’s chest, watching the blood decorate it in vertical, crimson stripes that curved with the muscles. With the knife still in hand, he lifted his leg up to step on Mugen’s arm, hoisting himself onto him with his crotch in Mugen’s face, “U liek it, don’t ya? I can feel it in you. U and I are connected.”

Mugen was still wincing, but the adrenaline pouring through him. He opened his eyes to see the crevice of Coolspy’s cargos groping his breath, “Whaddya want me to do? My arms are tied down.”

“But you have a mouth, don’t ya?” Coolspy started humping the air, “C’mon, ya dirty animal, bite it loose!”

Mugen winced and turned his face away, “Ugh, you’re a sick f*ck…”

“You’re my only cure, Smugewoogenz!” Mugen grimaced with his head turned to the side. He sighed through his teeth, smacking his lips and moving his law around to prepare for the act he was about to commit. He opened his eyes and turned his head back towards the crevice, watching as Coolspy looked down at him with eyes like a basilisk, as if he was stalking his prey, ready to pounce at the right moment. Mugen couldn’t imagine what he’d do after his pants came off.

“What is it that you plan to do next?” Mugen looked up at Coolspy, who answered with a snorting scoff.

“U’ll find out soon enough, babycakes!” He smiled as Mugen looked back at the zipper which stood out like a sliver in Coolspy’s shorts. He licked his lips, playing the part as he opened his lips to reveal his teeth and open them to make a bite. He inched in towards the zipper, opening his mouth wider little by little. Coolspy sighed in impatience and grabbed the back of Mugen’s head, shoving his face into his crotch, “BITE IT!”

Mugen responded with a grunt and a muffled cuss, but became silent. His heart started beating harder and faster as he moved his head up, grabbing onto the zipper and pulling down with his teeth, unzipping Coolspy’s shorts. Coolspy tilted his head back with the same smile he had before, letting out a sigh of pleasure, “That’s the spirit, Schmugenz,” he exhaled just as his shorts became fully unzipped, which, as loose as they were, fell onto the ground. Beneath was revealed to be a pair of black boxer briefs, “U’ve gotten this far, honeybunch. Now finish the job!”

Mugen licked his lips again, “I dunno, those briefs seem kinda tight around your waist. I can’t loosen them with just my face.” He cleared his throat before his eyes widened in response to his gasp of disbelief for what he just said, turning red in the face.

Coolspy laughed, “Who knew u were this sensitive?” He threw his head back to laugh some more, putting his thumbs into the sides of his boxers and stretching them outward, “Alright then, I’ll do as u wish, sweet cheeks!” He slowly slid the elastic strap down his thighs, revealing the V of his pelvis. Mugen began to drool at the sight, conscious of these sudden feelings that were rushing through him all at once. The V slid into view like a picture was being printed line by line of color. By the time he saw pubic hair squeeze out, a stampede of people could be heard down the halls, which made Coolspy flinch and pull his pants back up.

“Freeze, b*tch!” Night came around the corner through the doorway into the room, freezing at the sight of Mugen tied to a chair and Coolspy in his underwear coming onto him. The officers that followed him turned away out of reflex, cussing at the sight, “…Mugen… are you…”

“Don’t worry, Night, it’s not what you think it is.” Mugen tried to reason with Night, but felt no mutual agreement.

Night only sighed, shaking his head as he pointed his gun at Coolspy, “Whatever the case may be, you’ve gone too far this time, Coolspy. Book him!” All officers behind him rushed towards the man in his boxer briefs and forced his hands behind his back, making him drop the knife he was holding. He looked up, laughing at himself.

“The hell are you laughing at?” One of the cops said.

“Ah, well, that knife I was holding… I coulda held Mugen hostage if I hadda known u guys would be here.”

“Holding someone hostage at knifepoint with a gun pointed at your head?” Night scoffed, “What kind of criminal are you?”

“One of a kind!” Coolspy spat in Night’s direction as he was forcefully escorted out of the building, “WAIT!” Coolspy shook out of the cops’ hold, “How did u know where to go? How did u find me?” Mugen timed it perfectly by letting his cellphone slip out of his pocket and crash onto the floor. Coolspy saw it, widening his eyes, “Aw, u gotta be kidding me…”

Mugen snorted and laughed so hard that he almost tipped over. Night joined in, but the other officers didn’t, “Again, what kind of criminal are you? Aren’t you the one who called my home phone on someone else’s phone to avoid getting traced? You couldn’t have done a quick pocket check for traceable hardware?”

Coolspy was red in the face, “I…” his expression showed humiliation, “…I just wanted to be with you…”

Night raised a brow, looking over at Mugen, “Well, I guess it’s true. He DOES think you’re attractive,” he put his gun back into the holster on his belt, “and I guess he wasn’t trying to kill you either, but all those people he DID kill…”

“He’s unique, I’ll tell you that much,” Mugen said.

“Well, answer me this… how did he get out of jail in the first place?”

Mugen shrugged, “Beats me. I don’t guard the prison cells.”

“As I recall, you went into the prison a few months ago. Why?”

“I like to see the looks on the faces of those I threw in those cells.” Mugen put on a devious smile, which made Night’s eyeballs roll sideways.

“Whatever you say,” Night walked up to Mugen, grabbing the knife that laid on the floor and cutting Mugen loose. Mugen rolled his wrists and shoulders, standing up and stretching to the ceiling. Night sighed when he looked at Mugen’s chest, seeing the slit that went down it, “My god, this guy is f*cking nuts!”

“Like I said, he’s unique.” Mugen cracked his neck as he headed towards the exit through the doorway and down the hall. Night followed, crossing his arms as he watched Mugen with a suspicious expression of concern.

“That boy’s gonna get me demoted one day…”

Two months passed, and Mugen’s mind was still in a blur. He could still feel the burns of the ropes that tied his arms and legs to the chair, and the scar that ran down his chest felt like a long, thin slug beneath his uniform. He was back on watch duty in the slums of Clubs and Organizations, getting déjà vu from his usual routine of walking down whatever street he was on.

“Same old boring watch duty…” Mugen sighed. One of the officers was nearby, able to hear it.

“Well at least you ain’t being held hostage by that Coolspy fella.” The officer laughed.

“Hostage? HA! That guy couldn’t negotiate with the likes of Striker!”

The officer cringed, “Eh, I dunno about Striker. Maybe Sora?”

“I guess,” Mugen shrugged, “But still, he’s not a very smart criminal.” He looked around, stretching to the sky with a loud grunt, “Listen, there’s obviously nothing for me here at the moment. Can you be in charge for a moment while I take a donut break?”

The officer nodded, “Of course, sir. Take as long as you like.”

“My many thanks.” Mugen and the officer nodded simultaneously before Mugen walked down the street and headed towards one of the buildings, where his bike was parked. He pulled out the keys and put them in the ignition before he seated himself, letting the engine fire up and rev for a good moment before he sat down and accelerated forward out of the slums. After a few turns, he found himself at the city jail, where he parked in his designated officer’s spot. He whistled a tune as he got off and entered the prison, where he navigated to Coolspy’s cell. Coolspy was sitting on his bed with his arms wrapped around his knees which were at face level, rocking forward and back. When he saw Mugen, he froze.

“Mugen?” he stuttered, “…what took ya so long?”

“Be quiet!” The prison guard shouted, startling Mugen. The guard noticed him, “Oh, Mugen. I didn’t see you there.”

“It’s alright, mister… uh…”

“British, sir.”

“You’re British? Okay, then what’s your name?”

“British. My name is British. British Soul.”

“Okay, your name is British, so wh-” Mugen paused, “…oh, my bad. Anyway, British, you look tired. Why don’t you take a break for a while and I’ll cover for you.”

British perked up, “Seriously? Alright! Thanks a bunch, Mugen!” British did not hesitate to grab his coffee mug and coat and walk out of the chamber of cells. Mugen waited until British was out of view before he walked over to the guard’s desk and grabbed the keys, unlocking Coolspy’s cell. As it opened, Coolspy and Mugen made eye contact, mutually gunning towards a tight embrace and a kiss.

“Damn it, Coolspy…” Mugen groaned, falling onto the bed with him. Coolspy attempted to roll over so that he was on top, but Mugen slapped him and ceased his attempt.

“My my, Schmugenz, u’re feisty this evening.”

“You should know this by now, Booboospy.” Mugen lowered his head onto Coolspy’s lips, later rolling off and sitting with his butt on the edge of the bed and his feet touching the floor, “Alright, enough fooling around. You and I had a deal, remember?”

Coolspy pondered for a moment, “Ah yes, I remember, u promised me on that day…”

“I owe you for keeping your mouth shut about us the last time you got arrested for causing that riot. However, I need you to promise me something in return.”

Coolspy raised a brow, “Oh? What would that be?”

Mugen slowly pressed his face onto Coolspy’s, sneaking in another passionate peck, “Promise me you won’t kill anyone to get close to me.”

Coolspy laughed, “Alright, sure. I admit, I got a little too crazy there.”

Mugen smiled and let out a snicker, “You’re such a hypocrite.”

“Yes, but I’m UR hypocrite, Schmugewoogenz.” The two kissed one last time before Mugen started undressing, handing his uniform to Coolspy, who did the same. With both of them in the other’s clothes, Mugen plopped onto the bed, and Coolspy kept his head down as he walked towards the exit door, leaving the keys lying on the desk, “Thanks again, Mugen.”

Mugen didn’t move his head to answer, “I thought I was ‘Schmugenz’.”

Coolspy stopped in his tracks and made a shy smile, “Yeah, but… I’m actually very grateful for what ur doing. I can’t thank u enough.” With those words said, Coolspy exited the building unnoticed, leaving Mugen to savor the sweat that covered the prison sheets.[/spoiler]

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From a scale of 1-10, this'll probably get 20.






I f*cking love you for this Thar.


I was just giggling like a madman most of the time.


Nice. I mean, this is some seriously interesting stuff right here.


I can't thank you guys enough. Honestly, I'm still completely shocked at how much attention this is getting, let alone positive.

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I always pictured Cooslpy as some kind of teenaged Joker through the entirety of this. 


Anyway, this was a great damn read. It started creeping into uncanny valley as it neared the end, but I guess that's just exactly why I love it. Solid  11/10.


Now can we have AinxToyoxAix with Raeg? 

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Well first off (may be the fact I never paid attention to the two)...the hell is up with coolspy being all stalker?


I dunno, I just wanted to emphasize that Coolspy was a sadistic killer who did crazy sh*t just to get under someone's skin. There wasn't any real reasoning behind why, tbh.


And second...the ending...why did Mugen even do that? (I say it like this, on the count of I don't feel like spoiling it for those who haven't read).


[spoiler=Coolspy made a promise]

that he wouldn't tell everyone about him and Mugen being together to save his modship. Mugen was grateful, so he made it up to him by letting him go in exchange for Coolspy not being a killer.[/spoiler]


Now can we have AinxToyoxAix with Raeg?


In due time, yes. ;)

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