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Tormented and Yin's Graphics Shop


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Toot requests a logo to be made. If that is alright with you guys.


[spoiler=Logo Info]

Dimensions: 100-150x100-150

Render: n/a (I hope I don't need one.)

Text: Toot Presents:   In nice thin letters if you can.

Colors: Black/Gray blur-esque colors.

Others: I'm gonna explain how it looks from top going towards the bottom. Please bear with me. This is why I hope I don't need a render. I kinda wanted to have rabbit ears at the top right above a line that separates the text. Just the ears, nothing more. Kinda like the ones in my avi. Under the line would be Toot Presents:. "Presents:" would be on top of Toot. I wanted it to looks something like this...






Was that a good example? I hope so. Lol.

If you could do it, that'd be great. Thanks.[/spoiler]

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Another render order.
The first one does have some text at the bottom (in a way similar to another pic I requested in the past). Since it's an attached image, I have to post the link to it instead of directly giving the pic

As usual, I'm in no rush for them.
@destiny: Renders = image w/out background. Notice all of the orders Yin fills.

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Dimensions: 8.5 by 11

Render: 30sh994.jpg


Colors: Dark Purple/Blue with some light as a horizon at the top. Sorta' like you did in here http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/307846-i-actually-took-and-did-something-with-some-advice/

Others: That's really it. Dark, with some light, but mainly dark... like a shadow

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Will get on with orders tomorrow, was at work all day today and my left hand is getting cramp/or repetitive strain again.


Prime that isn't a render.






[spoiler=Render for Prime's order]Z1XYW0J.png[/spoiler]

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Dimensions: 250x100 (roughly, i don't really mind if you change it)
Render: N/A, text only.
Text: Entice
Colors: Grey/Black
Others: Just a simple one really, nothing too fancy. If you could add something to the E to make the logo more unique that'd be nice but you don't have to.

It's for an Avi archive I'm making btw
(stole your idea tormey xoxo)
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Will get on with orders tomorrow, was at work all day today and my left hand is getting cramp/or repetitive strain again.


Prime that isn't a render.






[spoiler=Render for Prime's order]Z1XYW0J.png[/spoiler]


Oh shoot. I'm sorry.


And the render came out great, thanks.

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Dimensions: 250x100 (roughly, i don't really mind if you change it)
Render: N/A, text only.
Text: Entice
Colors: Grey/Black
Others: Just a simple one really, nothing too fancy. If you could add something to the E to make the logo more unique that'd be nice but you don't have to.

It's for an Avi archive I'm making btw
(stole your idea tormey xoxo)


2pqryb5.jpg or 14jz52e.jpg


I'm getting on to other orders now.

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