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Matt Bahamut AMA (Semi-Serious)

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How often does it take you to write a chapter?


Well there goes my hopes of this sinking unnoticed into the obscurity of page 2. :D


Um, the short answer would be if I'm on form and I really get into it, I can do an average chapter in about seven or eight hours over 2-3 days, and I like to do a chapter a week when I'm into it. The third arc finale chapter I wrote in a single day because I was really on it, and that's obviously a significant part that needs more attention.


Expanding on that: the actual time taken to write a chapter start to finish is getting longer. I haven't really slowed down a lot recently in terms of actual writing; just the gaps between sitting down and doing any writing to come to a finished product are getting progressively longer and longer through lack of motivation. That and I spend longer and longer re-reading and re-editing finished chapters, which is a killer and like driving with a handbrake on and bad practise.

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Why are you so pessimistic?


Because I'm old and tired and cynical and largely fed up. The hope and optisism is pretty much gone and worn out at this point :(


That and specifically in terms of this AMA I am aware I'm coming in at the back end of the fad that it is this section and the AMA activity seems to be on the down turn, which is precisely why I'm posting mine now to get it in very quietly.


Who are your favorite people in YCM Matt?


Hmm... I like a lot of people here, which is why I hang about I guess. There's not a lot of people I don't like on this site. I guess my best friends here are the guys and girls I've got close enough to know the real names of, so like Vector Nightmare, Yin, Kitty and Cinnabon even though they're not here any more, or who I interact with most often.


I don't see much of you on YCM, but you're one of my favourite people on Skype though :D

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