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Bujin Deck - Haven't posted in about 6 years it feels weird


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i think your lack of speed comes from a lot of funny mediocre cards while not playing enough of the really important stuff (hirume!!), making it difficult for you to get to your important cards and giving you odd, cloggy hands


-1 kagutsuchi (it's searchable if you really need it, it's not all that amazing unless you have it with yamato and it tends to dead draw)

-2 centipede 

-3 of the card between crane and quilin

-2 quilin (honestly you only use it in very clutch situations, most of the time you want to be dumping hare and turtle)

-2 the thing between turtle and carnation

-2 the sword

-1 call


+1 hirume (!)

+2 hare (it's the other card you want to have in your grave at all costs, you can play about a bit with the ratio of hares to turtles, you might be better off with 3 hare 2 turtle)

+1 honest

+1 fire fist bear (it's a nice extra option to grab off tenki)

+1 book of moon

+1 solemn warning

+1 torrential tribute

+2 black horn of heaven (it's awesome this format)

+2 breakthrough skill

+1 bottomless trap hole


might have forgotten some stuff but it's a start


also replace one of the kagutsuchis (you only really need one, you'd rather go into susanowo the majority of the time) for an exciton knight.

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-1 kagutsuchi (it's searchable if you really need it, it's not all that amazing unless you have it with yamato and it tends to dead draw)

What should I replace Kaga with?

-2 centipede 

Centipede is too useful to me, I use it way too often to get rid of it completely

-3 of the card between crane and quilin

Crow is great, not as good as Crane but the cards I use in my hand are a lot more unpredictable than the ones in my grave

-2 quilin (honestly you only use it in very clutch situations, most of the time you want to be dumping hare and turtle)

Quilin is never that useful but I'd run it a 2 at a minimum

-2 the thing between turtle and carnation

Mirror is my win condition, and makes 1/2 their utterly useless to them

-2 the sword

-1 call

I'll try sacking these ones and see how it goes


+1 hirume (!)

If I can't use Hirume at all 1st turn i was concerned she would end up being dead weight, I mite try -mika +hirume (maybe)

+2 hare (it's the other card you want to have in your grave at all costs, you can play about a bit with the ratio of hares to turtles, you might be better off with 3 hare 2 turtle)

Hare is actually way more than Turtle on most occasions so I may try siding Turtle and running Hare

+1 honest

​I didn't think he would prove all that useful when I have Crow and Crane

+1 fire fist bear (it's a nice extra option to grab off tenki)

I could try 2 of this guy and 2 Tenki maybe but I think I'd prefer just playing Tenki 

+1 book of moon

+1 solemn warning

+1 torrential tribute

+2 black horn of heaven (it's awesome this format)

Ill try it out, it looks great

+2 breakthrough skill

+1 bottomless trap hole

Not a massive fan of staples when Quilin Crow and Crane do all the work anyway




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you have to max out tenki, you need at least 5 of hare/turtle


honest's a better card that crane/crow anyway so idk why you wouldn't play that first (allows you to otk with susanowo, gives more attack)


-mika +hirume is wise


centipede is a really situational mst when you already have 3 of those and you'd always rather search crane off yamato


crow doesn't remove the problem that is the opponent's monster which is bigger than you therefore it's far worse than crane and tbh you have a lot of things relying on having a beast-warrior out. i'd rather run sinyou than crow and even that's mediocre. it doesn't need to be "unpredictable", crane and crow almost never are because your opponent either sees you search them or just assumes you have them if you don't search them.

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Cut Utopia for Tsukuyomi and maybe Pearl for Amaterasu, considering she's a 2500 name that recovers Relics and gets War Gods back to the field and with Tenki up she's just as big as Pearl anyway on top of being a LIGHT Beast-Warrior.


Arasuda combos with Hirume too easily and also lets you thin the deck if you're ever forced to keep him out so you should try at least 1.


How often do you side in Turtles because honestly they should be mained. How good is Crow for you against decks that matter?


How often does Mirror work for you?

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Amateresus effect is backwards to me, Susan is better in almost every way. I'd put in another susan or kaga before amateresu. Tsukyomie just isn't very good, why would I ditch my whole hand for a chance to get a good card when susan can get me mika and yamato?


No Arasuda, I don't even use Hirumies effect she's there for faster overlays more than anything.


I like Crow, and I've sided Turtles so I can trade them out for hare depending on which is better for the deck I'm dealing with, I mite main turtles again though.


Mirror is in my side so does it matter? I could maybe trade them for phoenix wing blast and another horn. tbh I haven't used the deck much since I've been messing with it.

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Susan adds stuff from the deck to speed up the game, Amaterasu recovers stuff so you can last longer or go hard by SSing a banished Relic or adding back a banished Yamato or Crane. They're different monsters.

You never ditch your whole hand. You discard a Hare or Turtle or Quilin that's stuck in the hand and go +1 while dumping a Relic or setting up a Soul Charge if you choose to add that.

You SS Arasuda off the Hirume Banish and get a R4 or leave Arasuda there to combo off Yamato.

I meant The Mirror not Mirror Force.

You like Crow but the question was how good is it in decks that matter? I like a lot of cards but they're useless.

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Ah I see well I find that Bujin Mirror is very useful and pretty much guaranties that I can keep gaining advantage through my battle phase and on to my next turn.


I'll try out Tsukyomie and see if it's useful. Still don't like Amaterasu because it takes three monsters and I can't see running 1 Arasuda being useful, just cloggy. Crow is good and I like it so I use it.

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