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President Raine's AMA Seminar! #V


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Are you usually delusional or is it your active imagination?


Fool! I am the active reincarnation of depth of all men's hearts here to set ablaze the systems of oppression!



Raine, I didn't know you were actually insane. For how long have you been insane?


If only you followed the rules, Desu! You didn't follow the rules and now you're stuck with me!



How did Striker become a moderator?


Theoretically there is in infinitely small chance of all things... I just... this soon... it's tragic...



Who is that amazingly cute character in your sig?


Kou from Free!(dom America Simulator 2014)

Why do you always use my toothbrush the next morning when you sleep over?


Because you're rich so you have that fancy electric toothbrush that feels funny... brb borrowing for an indefinite period. 

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