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Spell Machine, Xyz Spell Giver


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Its hard to say since you could 

A: Just say its way too overpowered cus u can search for dark hole and wipe the field also negating its second eff.


B: It would be hard to make in most meta decks and isnt powerful enough to bring a non-meta deck into meta since 1 spell doesnt always win the game for you 


Personally i quite like it since there arent many 2 rank xyz's that are any good but could u make it so that it does somethign else aswell so its not just like u r tributing 2 level 2 monsters for any spell since its destroyed during the end phase 

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Well considering It already has a add a card ability, drawing wouldn't be an improvement... and I think destroying a card is too much when you have a choice of any normal spell... or is it? Idk I'm thinking about a discard but Idk... Do you have any ideas? BTW thanx 4 the comment...

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