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[Kill that meta] **Metabound Set** [Cool artwork / ORICA of existing cards][Spinoff Archetype]


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[spoiler='Lore of the Metabound']

The Metabound are the outcome of devious dueling. After many conflicts with Meta decks, judge rulings, and stupid face-up Fiendish Chains, players were fed up with the current way the game was played. A certain set of players utilized this rage and all of the chain links around them to capture many different cards from many different decks, in hopes of forcing their power towards destroying any sort of Meta they are expecting.


Although extremely vague and difficult to pilot under normal circumstances, these bound up monsters have been trained (And whipped!) into complying with their owner's needs. Although they've nearly been depleted of all of their combat power, their effects are dangerously antimeta, and they pose a threat towards any opponent attempting to get away with using overpowered one-of's or archetypes.


Furthermore, these chained minions are always looking out for each other. By utilizing the synergy of their effects, these level 1 weaklings turn into unremovable monstrosities with devastating effects.


Finally, the duelists using these Metabound monsters have access to a small arsenal of the different tactics used by the original captors to seduce and seize the powers of cards. By either searching or buffing your own cards, or chaining your opponent's, the Traps in this archetype are extremely powerful.




[spoiler='Things this deck does']

This mini archetype is obviously aimed towards thwarting any attempts of your opponent either using 1-of cards or extremely powerful components to their own archetypes. Your main objective is to summon a Metabound Tour Guide and search for your Metabound Esper Girl, and declare a card based off of what your opponent plays. This will make it so that your Metabound monsters cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effect, and your opponent will not be able to set up due to the mini prohibition. Furthermore, if you can resolve a Metabinding, you will be able to mitigate them even being targeted by card effects. If all 3 of these cards are on the field at once, you can secure a win through simple stalling, as your monsters are nearly immovable.


Once you set up this board presence, you must now use either the effect of Metabinding to pump up your monsters, Or more Metabound monsters to either XYZ or negate effects. If you're afraid of an MST, grab Metabound Meliae to negate any effect of a card you run as well. If your opponent wants to go off, grab Metabound Lady Light to stop their attempts.


Win conditions in this deck are hard to come by. Since your monsters are extremely weak and vulnerable alone, it is difficult to win with just Metabound cards. It is important that you either use large boss monsters like Black Luster Soldier. However, a win condition could be met with the XYZ cards Number 31 and Number 13, if you can summon them both at the same time. Finally, it is not uncommon to see this archetype played in synchronization with a Burn/Stall/Exodia deck, as it can shut down your opponent and garner damage from other means.


Getting rid of these cards seems very difficult, but do not get overwhelmed by their power. Cards like Chain Disappearance can instantly shut the deck down from the start, as well as Skill Drain crippling their attempts to shut you down. That being said, if the Metabound deck manages to get off their lock combo, you should be very worried at what is coming for you next. [/spoiler]


Hope you enjoyed the set. I had fun making it. Leave comments and criticism below. I enjoy card text changes as well as full reviews a lot. Thanks!




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Hey, thanks for the review! I'll go over things you talked about (By the way, I meant lore as a "Backstory", so I'll change that.)


1) With Meliae, I suppose you could side in the deck your opponent is playing. Then again, that would require too much effort with a 15 card side deck. It's possible, though, I guess. Possibly you meant that I could side in cards such as Vanity's Emptiness to counter the very common Vanity's Emptiness in our own meta. That being said, I think it would be very harsh for this deck to side in cards that would be side decked against it. For example, Chain Disappearance would definitely be sided against this deck to ruin it, but it doesn't make much since to run Chain Disappearance as well in your deck as it would most likely be a dead card.


2) Tour Guide + Esper Girl is the faster Hopperlock, the less powerful Apoqliphort or Beelze, and has absolutely no form of offense. Yes, this combo with Metabinding is really powerful, but it is a 3 card combo that does no damage whatsoever.


3) The point of the deck is to shut  down your opponent for playing cards that are used in the Meta. It shuns your opponent for using very common cards, but is nearly useless if your opponent decides to spice things up and use uncommon cards as replacements.


4) Metabinding is really easy to misinterpret and consider overpowered, but let's look at the facts. First, it is the only automatic searcher in the entire deck. Secondly, although it makes Metabound cards unable to be targeted, it itself is not a Metabound card, so it can be easily removed. Finally, the effect is very conditional as if it is removed, all of the ATK bonus is lost. (And, the ATK bonus is not very extreme.)


5) Metabound Chains is also really easy to call OP, but again I'll go over the limitations. First, it only activates if you control a Metabound, so you must have a way to protect your puny level 1's. Second, it only activates AFTER the effect of a monster has already resolved. (So it does no negation whatsoever, it is essentially just removal. Cards like Rescue Rabbit, Qliphorts, etc.. will not be affected.) Finally, its search is only if you successfully banish that card, and if it resolves without being MST'd, Wiretapped, or negated in any way.


The synergy is that these monsters have to be played with each other in order to have a viable deck. They have to work together for their effects to be live and to even be summoned, and they are very vulnerable without the entire set being used. 


The last little phrase in the Background is just some pretense towards the meaning behind the trap cards, as they are the "different tactics used by the original captors to seduce and seize the powers" 

(So, the traps are how these cards got tied up in the first place, and now they're being used against your opponent.)



Considering the fact that you could just Compulse, D-Prison, MST, Nightbeam, Artifact Ignition, Wiretap, Qliphort, Fire Lake, Chain Diss, or Snatch Steal the s*** out of this deck, I believe that it would sadly only be played in the rogue antimeta atmosphere and not truly see any meta play. If you decide to go turn 1, you have the risk of not getting Tour Guide in your hand and being unable to summon anything at all. Furthermore, you will not know what your opponent is playing for Esper to have any use. Furthermore, if you decide to go turn 2, your opponent has already set up, and you must deal with backrow against your vulnerable monsters as well as the board presence.


However I could see that, in the right circumstances and with the right hand, this deck engine combined with another source of damage/beatstick can be deadly (Oni-Raigeki and 1 copy of every meta card to shut them down!) . But you'll have to spend a lot of time, resource, and luck to get out your combo pieces without dying.

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