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Shadow on the Run [IRL Archfiend Deck]


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Monster x21:

3x Archfiend Emperor

1x Gilfer

2x Archfiend Giant

3x Archfiend Commander

3x Archfiend Cavalry

2x Archfiend General

2x Nefarious Archfiend

3x Archfiend Heiress

1x TGU

1x Scarm


Spell x8:

3x Pandemonium

2x Falling Down

2x Dark Hole

1x Foolish Burial


Trap x11:

3x Archfiend's Roar

2x Vanity's Emptiness

2x Wiretap

2x DDV

1x TT

1x Compulsory


Extra x15:

1x Gaia Dragon

1x Ptolemy

1x Gauntlet Soldier

1x Photon Strike Bounzer

1x Nyarla

1x Dark Rebellion

1x Lavalval Chain

1x Exciton

1x Rhapsody

1x Maestroke

1x ARK

1x Blackship

1x Fortune Tune

1x Alucard

1x Zenmaines


Archfiend are my favorite archetype since the beginning of the game, and they are my main IRL deck.


The basic idea is to abuse Nefarious + Calvary to thin the Deck with Pandemonium and getting Emperor/Commander/Giant out.

Scarm is a simple tech I'm testing, but Imma change TGU and Scarm for 2x Dark Grepher.

IRL I'm changing Nyarla for Atlandis.


I've got the main deck but Scarm and 2x Giants.



So... yeah, any advice would be appreciated.

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archfiend of gilfer needs to go.  No synergy other than its name, its effect is terrible and its a tribute.

second, archfiend giant. only need 1 or 2.  3 is overkill,  archfiend commander can be at 3.


some needed adds and take outs



snatch steal


eradication virus

2 call of the haunted

2 more tour guide

2 masked chameleon

allure of darkness

Vanitys fiend

majestys fiend

bottomless trap hole

sinister yorishino

achfiend commander


 2 archfiend oath


1 archfiend eater

1-2 giants


1falling down

1 dark hole



add king of feral imps to extra deck

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