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The strange three legged centaur also came over to the fairy, who Zorro now knew as Yuki. The introductions were over and Sharkman getting tossed around like rag dolls seemed to be the most interesting thing going on in the tavern. Was the Plants in Pants even playing music, who knows. "D-Does this happen often?" Yuki stammered out, while pointing over to the ruckus going on.

"Seems like all that happens, fights, brawls, plant-napping" All seemed to be going well for Zorro, who was happily chewing away at his chocolate. 'note to self, buy more chocolate.' Until the three Plants sauntered over to him, "So little pup," 'I'm not even going to correct him anymore.' "We forgot our instruments outside, mind carrying them in for us?"

A tick mark appeared on Zorro's forehead. "Sure, so what have you three been doing this entire time then!?" He said through gritted teeth.

"Waiting for you to grab our instruments from the carriage. It's still parked out front isn't it?" Zorro gave the three plants a dirty glare while muttering obscenities to them under his breath. turning and walking out of the Tavern. Stepping over a goblin who decided it was smart to lay in the middle of the road. Something big blocked out the sun, Zorro looked up only to see a giant falling right onto, what was left of, the rear of the carriage. Guitar strings and drum sticks poked out from underneath its foot. He swung his sword in an arc scattering the people behind him, he didn't care, he was angry that this giant decided to go all crazy fanboy and destroy the instruments he was sent to get. Whipping out his brush again he drew a small circle on the ground "Āto Magic, Ball!" a small black ball the size of a baseball shot up from where he drew said circle. Swinging his brush like a bat he smacked the ball into the giants leg, leaving a nice small splatter mark where the ball hit, bouncing off of it, the ball came rolling back to Zorro.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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"Hail, Travelers!" A new voice sounded,"I see that you are in a spot of trouble. I must apologize for this but I need to take you to the base. You are all under arrest for disturbing the peace." "Great the cops," Eren thought to himself. He was about to say something when the creature began to tell off the man. "Great, now he is going to be mad, well he is wearing nice armor. It would be nice to acquire a set." He thought to himself, while eyeing the cop speciously. Then to make things worse the man used magic to silence Eren's newly acquired friend, then he made chains and brought the two of them to jail.


Your crimes are not severe, thankfully, and in fact you only need to be in jail for three hours. Hopefully that will show you the error of your ways. Oh, and once you're out you will be led to my office where I will assign you a mission for community service. Thank you have a nice day." The man was telling them stories, for one Eren was attacked! He didn't deserve to be in jail, and he wasn't one to make things worse, but that armor was getting to him. He just wanted a piece, and the fool had forgotten to take his weapons and tools. As Bob  was walking out of the room, Eren quickly and silently released an arrow, praying his aim was true, and chipped off a piece of the fabled plot armor. Bob wouldn't be happy when found out, but for the time being he would remain unaware for some time.


Then Eren pulled out one of his tinkering tools and unlatched the jail door as silently as he could, freeing him and his friend. He knew that someone would know something if they saw him with a piece of the plot armor, so he cut a piece of concealed skin and slid the piece under his skin. Then to make matters worse, Eren couldn't let the others be locked in a jail cell, after all they might be in for a bogus reason, like self defense so Eren got to work on unlatching their cells.



Donovan felt the earth shack and saw a strange glow. Then there was a loud thump! The whole atmosphere felt different, did the build just grow? "Rawwwraraghargh." The bear said. Great, now Donovan would run the risk of being seen by more people. "Well, Mister Bear, do you have any suggestions. I don't really like talking to people or being seen by to many people. You see I have this problem." Donovan didn't want to say much more, hopefully the bear could help him more.

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Percy was indignant at the treatment he was being forced to undergo, but Cashew accepted it with grace. Eventually the snake stopped writhing and making noises that nobody heard, coiling up on himself with a sniff while contemplating taking his sunglasses off and stoning the lot of them. Ugh, Cashew would scold me something fierce later, so no thanks. Still, the thought was tempting. Perhaps he could borrow the bird's cactus instead and throw it at the stupid shiny man. With my luck, it'd bounce right off and then I'd still get a lecture later...


So instead the chickensnake walked along with complete docility, though Percy couldn't help his snicker (that nobody heard) when he watched the elf (still didn't know the guy's name) chip off a piece of plot armor. That could be useful.


When they reached the cells, Percy ignoring the plot armored man in high dudgeon, they were in there for all of one minute before his companion made his move. Swiftly unlocking the cell and then hiding the plot armor under his skin--How did he do that?--and then unlocking the rest of the cells, this elf was swiftly proving his resourcefulness.


Casper looked at all of the fellow now-freed prisoners. Some looked like they really had belonged in there, but most of them looked like Casper and his companion--hapless adventurers who had broken minor laws and gotten heavy penalties in exchange. Cashew waved a wing at them, "Peep!" while Percy was too busy ignoring everybody, still miffed at his treatment under the hands of Bob. Oh, he would pay...once the snake figured out how to get around the plot armor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

{near the bridge}


Prison escape had been relatively easy for Hunter - she'd had her fair share of imprisonment in her time, of course.  Seeing as how many of the guards were rather incompetent, getting rid of them on the way out had been a piece of cake.  So, what was she doing with her free time?  Returning to nature, the thing she longed for.  This stuffy city life wasn't for her - obviously so, as she had been imprisoned due to property destruction thanks to an accidental triggered transformation.


She found herself at the site of what appeared to be a tusk-measuring contest between two swine on a bridge - one pig versus another, each ramming each other.  There were others here - a small group of bandits and another person flying overhead.  She could tell they were all a bunch of misfits, and payed them no mind, walking past the groups and pushing her way through the bandits, not uttering a word, hand on her axe.  They all seemed fixated on the fight in front of them.


One of the group raised an axe and attempted to throw it in the air after spouting complete and utter nonsense, but Hunter caught it.


"Don't throw your damn weapon, you fool." she barked, and chucked the thrown axe into the river.


She attempted to push her way through the rest of the group to get to the other side of the bridge, expecting little to no resistance.  They seemed to be preoccupied anyways.

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The bandits all paused, as if they had been waiting for several weeks with nothing going on, as the strange woman passed them by. They didn't know how to react, even as she plucked the axe right from one of their number's hands.

The one that had lost his weapon was especially confused. He had a strange feeling he had thrown that axe days ago and yet just like that it was gone. The pace of this story was all out of wack and it affected the bandits greatly.

They decided to go on the offensive, mainly out of confusion. Of course these were low leveled bandits so their idea of offensive was a bit off. They started slinging insults at the woman who was walking past, calling her a troll and even smellier than them. Their chief seemed to be losing so the largest of the bandits interfered, despite knowing their chief would be angry, and attacked the enemy pig. He was aiming to stab his sword straight through the animal.


Meanwhile a rift in time and plot opened up and swallowed Luci up. Her passenger fell immediately and a sign popped up, hanging in midair. "Character temporarily suspended from plot, will return whenever a post involving them happens"



The Prison was in panic. Suddenly a horde of criminals stormed out of it, slaughtering the guards on their way out. Bob, who was just about to go aid the Introduction Tavern, was conveniently distracted by the prison break. He was mustering all his forces to try and return as many as possible but there were plenty of dangerous criminals that managed to slip past the blockage.

He summoned a pack of armored war weasels to attack any who tried to escape, as a last ditch effort to keep them from the city proper.



Archie whistled while he made his way back to the Tavern. He and his mysterious companion who is mysteriously absent had completed their quest with flying colors. And while the giver of the quest was at the Tavern he somehow manged to bring the puppy back to her without being at the Tavern. Don't question it or your character might also "Mysteriously" disappear.

In any case he was able to arrive to the Tavern just in time to see the giant knight attacking it.

"Well this is different." He muttered. Pulling out his trusty coin he declared. "Heads I join the fight, Tails I sit and watch." He flipped the coin and watched as...it landed on its side. "That's different too!" He sounded delighted in this new situation and took a minute to decide what it meant.


He came to the conclusion it meant he should both fight and sit and watch. He pulled out his slingshot and, after charging it with a bit of magic, let loose a stone at the knight. It slammed into his helmet and made a ringing noise. The knight stumbled from the force but seemed otherwise unharmed. His stomping got wild and anyone nearby was in danger of being squished.


Archie pulled up a lawn chair that had been knocked over by some citizen that ran off in a panic. He set it up in the middle of the road and took a seat, wishing he had some popcorn to go with it.

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Cedar continued chatting with her new friend for a while, they even bought some food and were having fun. Until a giant knight attacked the tavern. Cedar was actually prepared for once. "Jump on the broom!" she said to Melody. They then started taking off and Cedar was right in front of the knight. She took out her wand and decided to stun him, not many others were helping, so instead of flying away like she first planned, she decided to stay and battle the threat. She didn't have any time to do rituals so it was all up to her wand and the various spells that she could cast with it. She decided to go for a fire spell, but immediately regretted it when the roof was catching on fire! "Oh no, oh no, oh no, this is bad! Oh, hi little bird. No wait i need to fix this, quickly!" "Let's see..." she said as she tried to remember a spell to put out fires... "Ice should work!" she said as she casted the ice spell a few times to extinguish the fire. "Hey, do you know any magic or something like that? it would be very useful against this ugly knight." She said to Melody.

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