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[spoiler=Wanted-The Trial]

>Ruby, and probably some other gems including some of the crystal gems saw Rose shatter Pink.

>It was impossible for Rose to have shattered Pink.

>I'm pretty sure Ruby isn't someone who would lie.




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[spoiler= Response to ^]

Rubies can be easily deceived, as shown when they go to Neptune and back AND fell for Amythyst shape-shifting into jasper




[spoiler= TLDR Plot of The Trial] 

So, tl;dr, Steven is stuck in this white room for a bit, then he meets this blue gem aka his lawyer. The lawyer is looking for some evidence against the fact that Rose shattered PD. So soon after, trail's held, with the pearls and the prosecution already there. The diamonds sit down on these giant chairs. The case happens and eventually the lawyer figures out how a Rose Quartz shattering a diamond is far-fetched. She comes to the conclusion that a diamond may have shattered her, YD gets mad, BD tries to stop here and Steven and Lars start attempt to escape by stealing BD's palanquin. They get out of the building and YD tells them how they are one homeworld now and end.


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[spoiler= Response to ^]

Rubies can be easily deceived, as shown when they go to Neptune and back AND fell for Amythyst shape-shifting into jasper




[spoiler= TLDR Plot of The Trial] 

So, tl;dr, Steven is stuck in this white room for a bit, then he meets this blue gem aka his lawyer. The lawyer is looking for some evidence against the fact that Rose shattered PD. So soon after, trail's held, with the pearls and the prosecution already there. The diamonds sit down on these giant chairs. The case happens and eventually the lawyer figures out how a Rose Quartz shattering a diamond is far-fetched. She comes to the conclusion that a diamond may have shattered her, YD gets mad, BD tries to stop here and Steven and Lars start attempt to escape by stealing BD's palanquin. They get out of the building and YD tells them how they are one homeworld now and end.



Surely Eyeball wasn't the only gem who supposedly saw Rose shatter Pink.



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Surely Eyeball wasn't the only gem who supposedly saw Rose shatter Pink.



I don't think she saw anything. From the episode it seemed like she was called to prove Steven was actually his mom. Thats about it.


[spoiler=New Episode]


Part 1 leaked a while ago. Watching Topaz try to defect is a REALLY interesting way to start the block off since it shows how unhappy a lot of gems seem to be.


The thing I caught the most in the Trial itself was Blue saying she used her sword. I'm surprised Steven didn't catch that since we heard that her sword can't shatter gems and we know Rose was against using the weapon that could. Based on that episode it is strongly implied that she never even used it.

Other things of note in the trial were the absence of White Diamond and Yellow's overall attitude during it. I remember commenting to a friend that she seemed really off during the "Whats the Use in Feeling Blue" number so it seems safe to say she is the prime suspect in the mystery. Thought that feels to obvious and could just be a red herring.


Getting to see the misfit gems was interesting. Lars finally got some strong development here. Having him as a go between for the Earth and Homeworld opens up a lot of story opportunities going forward. Curious if Lion being the way he is means Rose brought him back to life too.



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[spoiler=My Reaction to the new episodes]







I personally love the new gems. There's a defect sapphire, a mystery fusion (Rhodonite) and a new world record for the most gems fused. I wish that these will become crystal gems and I cannot wait for the next episode comes out. I feel like this'll be the season that we get all dat info about PD and finally get a mention on WD.


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  • 3 weeks later...

[spoiler=Just saw Wanted]


Lar's dying and coming back with a pocket dimension tells a good bit about Lion. I wonder how this will play though. 


inb4 Yellow Diamond conspired to have Pink Diamond killed so she and Blue Diamond could be together. Some petty jealousy and Yellow wanting to smash Blue.


She wanted to crush Rose/Steven without hearing what he/she had to say. It's a little odd. If she had nothing to do with it, why wouldn't she want to hear a testimony? Even if she really didn't like Rose, wouldn't she be curious about why and how? I don't know, but this is getting really good.



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[spoiler=Just saw Wanted]


She wanted to crush Rose/Steven without hearing what he/she had to say. It's a little odd. If she had nothing to do with it, why wouldn't she want to hear a testimony? Even if she really didn't like Rose, wouldn't she be curious about why and how? I don't know, but this is getting really good.




While I agree that you would think she would be at least a little interested, it's... Not really out of character from what we know about Yellow Diamond.


Her first encounter on screen was when Peridot reported in about the Cluster, hoping to cancel the project. Yellow Diamond said she didn't care about the usefulness of Earth, she just wanted it destroyed. When Peridot insulted her, she got instantly angry. There was no delay. She's rash and quick to respond.


In "What's the Use of Feeling Blue", she's very clear about how she operates. "Start looking forward and stop looking back". Once something has happened, she doesn't want to dwell on it. While Blue heavily grieves and doesn't move on, Yellow Diamond represses her emotions related to Pink's shattering and chooses to remove anything related to her. Remove her from the Diamond Logo. Remove her Rose Quartz gems. Remove her human zoo. Remove Earth.


Her grief in "What's the Use of Feeling Blue" felt sincere. I don't want it turned into "Oh she was feeling guilty!"


While there's absolutely a case to be made for "Yellow was involved in the shattering" I... Really don't want it to go that route. Yellow Diamond is an interesting character as she is. I feel like making it a power struggle or a way to separate Pink and Blue by her would be a little... Boring. Predictable. It's the first thing people jumped to after Wanted, and honestly, I don't want that to be the answer.


I want this to be her way of trying to get over Pink's shattering. Just rush through it. It makes the character more relatable as I see it, cause... Well, a lot of us have had things we just tried to forget about. I don't want a Yellow Diamond redemption arc, I just... I want the character to be more than "I had the shattering arranged for power!"



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