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Pokémon GO


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  • 9 months later...

So, have you guys been following Pokémon Go news for the last few months? While I can't say I'm the most enthusiastic Pokéfan when it comes to this game, one detail caught my attention above all else: the Gym System. While I've read there's alaready something similar going on for Ingress, from the same company, I'm still amused at the possibilities brought by this new advent. Imagine the 3 factions competing over the Gyms' ownership growing into real street fights, and then escalating into World War III O_O It'd be a pretty intriguing to end the world, to say least. And most definitely the closest we'd ever get IRL to ARC-V's plot.

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As a field tester, I can confirm that go is just ingress: the pokemon way. However, it is different than what Nintendo has done in the past, and there are many planned features that aren't in the field test version. Still, this game is p fun if you like the concept of ingress but not the actual game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I successfully downloaded the app, made a character and walked around a bit. The servers pooped out before I could do much of anything, but it's still cool!


Also, I was dumb and caught Bulbasaur because I didn't realize all 3 starters were around. Oh well, I love my little bulb dino dude <3

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Started a little before it came out in the app store, but here's what I got so far:




I also transferred a couple extra copies of some of these 'mon for extra candy.



What's with the star by the Clefairy? It doesn't appear to be Shiny....



Also, I assume CP stands for Caputure Points?

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What's with the star by the Clefairy? It doesn't appear to be Shiny....



Also, I assume CP stands for Caputure Points?

Stars just happen to be my favorites so far. I also put one next to Charmander and Pidgeot as well.


CP... I don't actually know what it stands for, but as I can figure, it has something to do with their overall battle potential. Maybe you can ask Kitty?

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Caught 'mons:








Nidoran (M & F)





2 Mankey





3 Eevee (for 3 different evolutions)

+9 Eggs


I also established 3 gyms for Team Mystic. What teams are you peeps on?

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