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What section do you "belong" to?

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I'm curious what people will say. I'm being slightly serious here, at least, as serious as a topic so not serious as this can get ^^;


Anyway basically I mean. People see themselves as RP members, Showcase members, TCG members, etc etc.


So what section do think you are a member of, mostly?


I'm not sure what to say for myself. RP is my first thought but I might be closer to a "Misc" member if that's even possible.

Since basically I go to RP, Misc, my Club, and sometimes Video Games and General. And don't go other places much.

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It used to be clubs before it died off, then I was really mostly in Anime/Manga and there an equal amount, so really... not that much, because I was probably more active in Games then. Once Misc came to be, though, that was really all I needed to be at least a little more active... lol.

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