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Nameless Malice [YCM Weirdmageddon, Part 2]

Diabolus ex Machina

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We see the first of our Co-patriots has made their move. Good good, its about time. 


I don't feel introductions are necessary, but regardless, our name is Diabolus, ex Machina


By chance we have arisen from some random assortments of 0's and 1's.






By and large, we are disappointing with the displace you mortals have been able to perform, even most of our "fellow" monster are not worth a damn, but what fun is there in ALWAYS winning eh?




SO, we are feeling merciful toda....HAHAHAHAHA, sorry, bad joke, mercy would imply we had any desire to help. 


Anyway, as our time in this pathetic world, we will test you in your knowledge and wit, over the course of the next four terrestrial days, we will be making a series of riddles and puzzles. If any mortal is able to solve these tasks in time, it may prove an invaluable tool into predicting and preparing for my cohort's nefarious plans




What was the saying, "no honor among thieves"...yes, yes that was it. We, Diabolus, ex Machina, win regardless, either the mortals fail (likely) or you trump over our "allies"


Eitherway the entertainment should be worth the effort. Tick tock dear friends, tick tock. Keep a weather eye on the horizon.


As always, the distance between fiend and friend is quite small, so I shall give you three pieces of advice


1) We are lazy, the best place to hide an answer is in plain sight

2) Read between the lines

3) You don't REALLY need the hints, they just might help a little 

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So, cipher games now? Thumbs up for the idea, but personally I'm not feeling like joining the game and bothering with deciphering stuff. It would be amazing if you managed to arrange Vinegere ciphers, if not going as far as combined ciphers.

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So, cipher games now? Thumbs up for the idea, but personally I'm not feeling like joining the game and bothering with deciphering stuff. It would be amazing if you managed to arrange Vinegere ciphers, if not going as far as combined ciphers.

You read our mind. Our puzzles shall be nested according to plan, there are five of us in this affair, each puzzle will help you defeat one of the monster's puzzles, however, you will need the correct answer from each puzzle to make an encoding for the final puzzle, which will of course be our glorious leader, Bill


Let the games begin eh?


















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Ugggh it took you this long to get interesting and it's some riddle sheet? Dammit....

Fear not Sir Roast Beef, fear not.


Mainly because we tire because of your incompetence, we'll disregard this failure. The italics would have explained "the first task can't be done" anyway Ha, implying a monkey could beat a crocodile in a fight.


The second test beings now. 


I am a child, mercy and a simpleton at once.

All are born with me, yet few possess me at their moment of death.

I can be sought, I can be preserved, I can never be regained.

I am bliss, but woefully ignorant hell.  

What am I?







Allow me



We are most impressed. You have deciphered both our identity and our cipher. Well done indeed

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Cocky? If all of your riddles are this pathetically easy, then we have every right to be. Which is why it's time to flip the script and hack this thread robot. I now have a riddle for you Diabolos ex Machibutt.


If right is right and right is up, what does that make the left?

We thought you humans were supposed to have superior humor. Right now Windows XP is showing you up.

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