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HxH: 108 Stars of Destiny [OOC/S/A]


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Hunters. Whether they are scientists, warriors, or treasure hunters, Hunters can only be said to be the chosen ones. They stand at the pinnacle of human achievement, and are crucial to our survival in the dangerous and phantasmagorical world known as the Little Garden. Out of the millions of people who attempt the Hunter Exam each year, less than five people may make it, but these few men and women are sure to stand at the forefront of human destiny.


I'm here to ask you guys, who is ready to take on the thrilling path of a Hunter? Hunter × Hunter is arguably the best of all shonen anime with its extremely high tension as well as its brilliant imagination and execution. I'm here to give all that to you in a grand re-imagined setting. For those unfamiliar with the series, this RP will take place in an odd modern-esque world filled with strange and fascinating creatures and peoples. It is also a Charles Atlas setting, where characters can basically create their own supernatural powers to engage in battles that challenge their wits and abilities to the limits.

1. All YCM and RP Section Rules apply. No godmodding, powerplaying, or metagaming. No expying characters and all posts must be a minimum of 100 words in length.

2. This is a PG-16 RP, so like no sexy time for you.

3. Use common sense and make sure everyone has fun. Including you.

4. My word is law.


Link to Database: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fofz5uTFyPAgsvSOldLImpCjZX_TEMmGUDswgjiBAgI/edit?usp=docslist_api

Basically, Hunter x Hunter takes place in a high fantasy world that has mostly achieved modern technology. Most of the sentient population is human, however there are tribes of people with inhuman traits, such as animal ears and tails.

Feel free to adjust this template, as long as the following information is present.


Name: (Can be anything, also can be ridiculously, but don't be stupid.)

Age: (Feel free to stretch the suspension of disbelief. I won't object to a super buff geezer or a genius ten-year-old. However, don't utterly destroy the suspension of disbelief.)

Sex: (You can be a hermaphrodite idgaf.)

Appearance: (Use a spoiler please. Either a detailed description or a picture with details on height/build.)

Personality: (Use a spoiler please. I expect something of quality and am within my rights to ask you to rewrite something.)

Biography: (Use a spoiler please. This is an important part for me to get to know what made your character what they are today.)

Abilities: (Use a spoiler please; I'd also suggest including Nen in this spoiler. Also list any equipment/weapons you use. Note that you are basically part of the 99.9999 percentile of mankind, there's something special about you. You may have superhuman strength or are extremely skilled. However, you still need to be balanced.)

Nen: (Put here what type of Nen User your character is/will be. I'd hope most of you cannot use Nen at the start of the RP. You will be learning how to Nen soon, though. Also even if you can't use Nen yet, put here what Nen abilities your character will use)


Somewhere in your app, you must make it very clear what your character's motivations are and why they want to be a Hunter. If you wish to make a villain, please discuss with me before getting started; note that playing a villain will mean creating a subplot around them.

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  • Replies 73
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You bastard I was just telling someone three hours ago I didn't think this was getting a reboot anytime soon.


Interested again, and willing to co-host again if you'll have me.

Glad to have you on board as co-host.

Interested, definitely.

Will you be helping with host duties?

Hesitantly interested.


Er... Noting an interest, but I don't want to say for sure if I'll join. I'll have to do some research about Hunter x Hunter, cause I've not seen the series before now.

I'll be doing a summary of what's up soon. Plus this essentially takes place in another universe.
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The False Star


"Put on a good show for me, I wanna see who's the strongest~!"

Personal Information
Alias: Nanika
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Race: Human


160 cm, 53 kg. Deceptively strong and fast despite how lithe she appears.

[spoiler=Personality]A through and through killer, but not an indiscriminate one. A constant desire to fight the strong burns inside of Nanika, leading her to actively hunt down those she views as such. Challenging all those she pursues to death battles, the adrenaline rush of deadly combat and the concept that the victor holds life - or death - over the loser, is the unsurmountable, ultimate feeling. However, despite one may think after learning this side of Nanika, she does have her sense of morality - however twisted it may be - as well as a code of honor with which she carries herself by. Even if she feels nothing wrong with the concept of killing in of itself, Nanika abhors senseless slaughtering or indiscriminate killing, and is disgusted by it. In addition, with the code of honor, she fights honestly, and truly enjoys the sensation of battle, as one replaceable by nothing else. Rejecting cheap tactics such as poison, throwing sand into their eyes, psychological warfare, and the like, in battle, Nanika is as open as a book, honest, naïve almost to a fault. Battle is the truest form of communication to her, laying open one's real feelings.

Throughout the years though, obviously not all enemies went down with dignity or in calm. Some cried, some begged, and others wailed and rained hatred and abuse upon her for doing this. Unfortunately for them, out of all of Nanika's possible triggers, this would probably be one of the worst. To see an enemy lose all dignity and turn into a sobbing, wailing wreck in the face of death, it was a slap in the face and a shock, and a show of nothing more than how weak they were. In a case like this, Nanika would lose all respect for her opponent, and cut them down callously.

Outside of her battlelust however, she is a girl, normal as any other. Easy-going, kind, and extroverted, she makes friends and allies alike, and they are as true as her love for battle. Along with her own personal goals she sets for herself every now and then, these are what Nanika values the most, above all else. If something was to threaten the safety or stability of Nanika's happiness though, she wouldn't hesitate to kill to protect what she believes in. However, Nanika isn't ignorant. She does understand that her behaviors and feelings - or lack thereof - towards killing are reviled by society and considered as depraved, and thus makes an effort to hide that side of herself from those she considers a friend. If they were to figure out, it'd change how they view her and surely destroy any such friendship, which would crush her.

All in all, despite her true love for battle, the love she holds for her friends often leads to dangerous clashes within herself. One may ask, it's as simple as not killing any more, and enjoying only battle till submission, is it not? But to Nanika, it's not that simple. For her, having grown so used to taking lives, in combination with the concept she holds that it's not wrong, it means exactly the same as not killing. However, with how she has fought for years, she truly believes it's a dishonor and a slight to her opponent to hold back, and not honestly fight as strong as she can. The natural rule of the world is that the weak perish and the strong survive, but for strong opponents, she still holds a deep-seated respect for them, even if she wins. Even so, she still aspires in herself somewhere, to change, if not for herself, then for her friends.

[spoiler=Backstory]Before there was Nanika, there was a girl, like any other school-age girl within Gyro City. She was an amiable fellow who was stubborn as a mule on some things and as lax as a stream's flow on others. Overall, there wasn't anything particular that made her stand out from any other girl in the school she went to, except her hellish self-determination within a martial arts dojo nearby as well as the school's well-known swordsmastery club. Managing to juggle both of those extracurriculars along with her academic and social life wasn't an easy feat, but her iron resolve usually helped her pull through - somehow. Her parents lived in the rural countryside, and supported her by sending her small income checks every month. As a result, she lived by herself in a small apartment complex.

On one particular day as she headed home late, after getting stuck behind with supplementary lessons after bombing a history test, she heard the sounds of jeering and sobbing alike from an alleyway off to the side. Poking her head in, she took in the scene. It was a typical bullying scene, straight out of some school anti-bullying ad campaign. Three or four larger guys with an air of arrogance as if they were used to getting what they want, surrounding a smaller, bookish fellow. Wondering if she should help out, one of the bullies made the decision for her when he noticed her staring around. "Whatcha lookin' at, dumb jabroni? Try'na get your ass beat?" She sighed. For some reason, this small motion irritated the bully further, and by now, the rest of them had turned to look at their uninvited guest. "Whatchu sighin' for? Ya think I'm not serious? I'll bust your pretty lil' face up so bad no guy will want 'cha no more."

Walking around to face the bullies squarely, the girl cracked her neck. "That's a double negative. And you really should stop pickin' on this kid here, what's he to you?" At this point, the troublemaker who started all the commotion ended up flicking out a knife before charging at her and attempting to slash at her face. Countering instantly and without conscious thought, she killed him by accident. She stared at the body. Despite the huge ramifications that would result from what she just did, it felt normal. Mundane as simply flicking some lint off her clothes. As the realization fully set in though, her mouth contorted into a wide grin involuntarily. In that singular moment of her final strike, she held the power of life and death over another person, and the euphoric rush twisted her face into a dangerous expression. It was so wrong, everything about this was wrong, feeling this way should be wrong, but it didn't feel wrong. It felt amazing, it felt liberating! She felt the urge to break out into laughter, but realizing that she would be held to testimony later, and that security cameras were likely around, she bit her tongue, forcing it back. Wouldn't do to make her seem like the villain, would it? It was already fortune enough that she had been facing away from the cameras as she grinned madly.

Everyone else, however, was frozen in shock for what seemed like minutes, their gazes glancing back and forth between the girl and the now prone body rapid-fire. This certainly wasn't something the bullies were counting on, and in seconds, they ran off as fast as they could. Dusting off her clothes from some imaginary, infinitesimal small lint, the girl moved to leave when there was a tugging sensation on her jacket. Turning around, she was met with the tear-stained face of the kid. As he stammered out an awkward thanks, she moved to ruffle his hair, but he flinched back in fright. Looking back at the body, the girl sighed. Of course anyone would be scared after watching someone being killed. This would lead to questioning from police and authorities, no doubt. Oh well.

As expected, the police did soon come to question her. After bringing in eye-witnesses though as well as the CCTV reports of the street cameras, it was fairly obvious that it was self-defense. In addition, the girl was underage. The final sentence was simply community service hours plus therapist meetings, despite the desperate attempts of the bullies' parents to get her arrested or put to a death sentence or the like. With inconclusive evidence to her having done anything more than fought back in self-defense, they all failed. Completing the mind-bogglingly boring service hours at various parks and retirement centers, in contrast, the therapist meetings were almost nice. Almost. The person she was assigned to was nice enough, but it all felt hollow. They didn't actually care, and if anything, they'd probably be frightened of her. Not that she blamed them. They continued to ramble on and on about how she must not kill and how she must strive to become a better member of society and all the other stuff.

Luckily, due to her age, her name and face were hidden from the press, which made it easy to start anew. The whole case felt surprisingly meaningless, but realizing that rumors and such would probably spread around like some annoyance, she dropped out under the pretense of switching schools. Not like her parents would ever hear. They had no electronic devices, and she had never given out their real address. Forging signatures went a long way.

Disappearing into the city's underworld, the girl that once was died, and from her, a new person was born. Considering what to take as a new name, she settled on 'Nanika'. 'Something'. Fit for someone like her who discarded her past. After wandering around however, she realized nothing seemed to appeal to her anymore, like the killing had. Somewhere deep inside of her though, she still felt an inescapable sensation of revulsion at what she had done, and how the rest of her felt so little over those literally life-changing actions. Shutting away those feelings, she searched for something to occupy herself with when she realized she could justify it to herself while still being able to kill in search of that rush once more. By hunting after criminals, ending their lives would be morally justifiable, right? And if she fought the strongest of those she found, she would get stronger too!

Filching a credit card from some loose pocket, she went and bought a sword she had found in some beautiful looking store that had probably gotten its supplies from raiding a legitimate vendor's shipment. It was simple, but well-crafted and strong. Paying and leaving, she strapped it to her back, donning her hood and strolled into the nearest bar. Walking up to the nearest man she thought looked strong, with scars and tattoos across his muscled back, she yanked on his shirt to get his attention. When he whirled about angrily, she motioned to the door, telling him, "I've got some information from your boss." A lie, of course, but she figured someone like him probably belonged to some sort of criminal organization at least, judging by his collection of golden ornaments around his persona.

When they stepped outside, she motioned him to follow her into an alleyway. By now, he was getting suspicious, and demanded her to spit out whatever the message was. Pulling back her hood, she brandished her sword, pointing it at him. "I want to fight you. Loser is whoever dies first." As expected, the man started laughing, mocking her and her sword. When she made a thin slice across his chest though, his temper snapped. Pulling out a hefty looking gun, he pointed it straight at her, and moved to pull the trigger, but heard nothing, and the girl had vanished. Looking down, his firing arm had been chopped off at the wrist cleanly, but before he could even scream in pain, he saw a shadow over himself. Looking up, he died wordlessly as the girl slammed her sword downwards, nearly cleaving his front half in two.

Within a few months, a hushed rumor of a mysterious girl who would strike down all criminals alike began to pass through the town, being exaggerated with every new drink and tavern retelling. This didn't interest her. People would always find something to yammer about, and they'd always exaggerate it. What interested her though, was finding a billboard sign on a trip she took to the main city that mentioned a "Hunter Exam". It was supposedly a chance to test for the strongest of the strongest, who would pass and get something out of it. This interested her more than killing any number of petty criminals or gangsters could ever do. Leaving the dark side of the city behind, she ventured once more, for the first time in years. This would be her new destiny. And if she could finally meet someone strong from it, all the better.

[spoiler=Abilities]• Enhanced physical abilities: Despite her lithe build, Nanika is deceptively strong and fast, her speed especially so, even amongst fellow Stars. Even without using Nen to boost herself, s he is able to burst-step into tremendously fast leaps, and a solid punch from her can smash through several concrete blocks with ease.
• Acrobatics/Aerodynamic motion: Nanika is capable of doing various acrobatic feats such as flips, spins, wall-jumps, and more, and can incorporate them into her fighting.
• Physical endurance: Nanika is capable of tanking the levels of force behind somewhat strong hits without too much difficulty initially. This doesn't mean she could take a sword strike, as obviously the blade would cut, but it would be equivalent to tanking the force behind a blunt weapon strike of similar nature. Also, over time and with enough strikes, obviously the damage would build up.
• Nen application: Nanika - will become - skilled in the Four Major Principles, and is able to apply those techniques into Gyo, In, Shu, and Ryu. By actively using Ryu, she can reinforce parts of her body to tank blows, concentrate it in her legs for even faster speed bursts and acrobatic maneuvers, or into her arms for more powerful hits. Through this, she essentially makes usage of Gyo and Ken in battle obsolete by applying Ryu instead in real time. Being an Enhancer, her self reinforcements and boosting are far stronger than a non-Enhancer's.

[spoiler=Nen]Type: Enhancer

「 Golden Time 」

"Cheer up and feel all better~♥"

Nanika's - future - Hatsu revolves around healing, to put it simply. It can be used to help others, by healing them of injuries and restoring wounds at a fast pace, and passively would restore her own body of small injuries at a much slower rate. At first glance, it's a perfect support ability, and fits Nanika's kind side.

However, the darker side to this ability is what happens when she takes it one step past that. Essentially overloading the body by making it heal extremely fast and continue to replicate and grow or overwork, Nanika can brutalize parts of the body. For instance, she can make someone's heart explode, or organs rupture from cancerous growths that flood through the body, or more.

Of course, such a powerful ability isn't without its drawbacks. Nanika must retain direct contact with the person to be able to subject them to her ability, and if contact is broken, it'll more or less end there. However, with the latter case, if something such as cancer had already started, it would stop accelerating at such an insane rate, however, it would not cause said growths to disappear. Similarly, with healing, what has healed would remain healed. Additionally, for the most optimal results, the subject should remain generally still, as continuous movement would disrupt the process.

• Can only be used on others if they are almost dead.
• Can only be used if Nanika respects them.

• If a Vow is broken, Nanika will die.

[spoiler=Trivia]★ Favorite food: Peaches
★ Yes, that is her natural hair color.
★ Likes pets a lot.
★ Theme Song: [TBD]
★ Battle Theme Song: [TBD]

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If anyone wants to get started making an app, you can get started; just pull any app format from any RP. I've got the important info in the database, the world building is still open so you may make up whatever you want so long you don't contradict what I have.



I still have to finish the Nen section, by basically any sort of power is possible.

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[spoiler=The Man Writhing in Nature]



"Much like my axe, the truth is harsh.  Cold.  But like me, it is for your benefit.  Don't take it personally."




Name:  Warden James


Age:  31


Sex:   Male


[spoiler=Appearance]  1MO03Nn.jpg

Warden stands--from his head to the soles of his feet--at six feet and three and one quarter inches in height.  He's quite a large guy, but he is by no means fat.  For a long time, Warden has been a lumberjack.  Because of the occupation he chose, he has accumulated a fair tone of muscle, with the physique of a mid weight bodybuilder.  His chest, legs, arms, and torso are well toned, and they aren't just for show.




Warden is very forward.  He doesn't like to butter things up or make things easy.  If he's got something that needs to be said, he will be honest with you.  Some say he's often a bit brutal about it.  But, "sometimes, the truth hurts".  It is worth noting that Warden has come to soften his blows when it comes to the truth, in that he has decided to use less swears and fewer insults, but the sting still remains when you're dealing with people.  This does not mean Warden cannot be kind.  He has a weak spot for children, and has come to admitting that he has underestimated the young time and time again.  He's a lady's man, and when dealing with a woman he's interested in, is about the only time you'll find his words sweet or flattering.


Warden is also a bit of an intellectual.  He carries his words with pride, putting meaning behind every movement of his tongue.  He is well spoken, and actually enjoys speaking to crowds.  Naturally, he also enjoys the outdoors.  In his free time, he loves to fish and hunt for sport.  He has a steadily increasing interest in hunting big game, but doesn't have the resources to currently pursue his passion.


Warden is not a perfect man.  He has his own flaws.  He is very critical of himself and others, sometimes bordering on perfectionism, and it can drive you crazy.  Warden is also very stubborn.  Most of the time, if he makes up his mind about something, there's no changing that.  




First name, Warden.  Last name, James.  Son to Tristan and Trinity James.  Effectively known as the 'lumberjack Trinity', the James family currently resides a lengthy boat ride north of Gyro City, where they live on and operate the James Woods Organization.  There, they work with, ship, and create products from more than twenty types of trees and woods, annually.  The foundation of the organization sits on 1.5 million acres of timberland trees.  


The foreman, Warden, is the primary overseer of J.W.O., and manages the company in his parents stead.  While Tristan James does spend a lot of time on the property and in the business, Warden's concerns for his age and health tend to have him running home to his lovely wife.  At the young age of 63 and 61 respectively, Tristan and Trinity are still in their prime, often sneaking off to explore and hike when Warden rushes them away.


Warden was raised around lumber ever since he was a little boy.  Since he was roughly four years old, he spent lots of time camping, hiking, and being in nature with his father, Tristan.  They would sometimes spend days at a time at the peak of the Timberland forest, tuning their senses to nature's own.  They would carefully identify plants of different types.  They knew how to find their way home in the dark by using markings of trees, and different patterns of stars.  They knew which animals were fair game, and which were foes to be respected and reckoned with.  But above all, Tristan and Warden knew to respect nature, for its many ways, beauties, and horrors.  "Nature has many moods.  She can be a kind mistress, but no being on earth is more fragile, and ever changing than she is."  


Around the time Warden was fifteen years old, his father purchased a large piece of land in secret.  It was a surprise for Trinity's forty-fifth birthday; it was initially intended to be turned into a landscape for a massive private garden, for all of their herbal wants and needs.  However, upon revealing the surprise, Trinity already had an idea with what she wanted to do with it.  


"A lumber yard!" she said, with an excited gasp.


"A lumber yard?" Tristan and Warden mimicked.  


"Mmhmm!  And then, we can use nature for our needs, while maintaining our own.  We'll make good money, and we'll replant every tree we cut down."


Of course, Tristan and Warden were understandably skeptical, but Trinity's plan seems to have worked out in the end.  Approximately one year later, James Woods Organization was booming, with Trinity and Tristan at the helm, and their sixteen year old Warden working hard along side them.  Throughout the years, Warden remained faithful to his family company, as it continued to grow and expand into the 'empire' of wood working that it is today.  


Recently, however, Warden has been longing for something more.  His passion for hunting continues to grow, as he yearns to explore the world.  "I love it here.  But I just--I want to spread my wings a bit."  He expressed this to his father, only to find a big supporting hug from his parents as they then pat him on the back.  "This company is big enough to run itself, son.  If you want to free yourself for a while, we're behind you.  And even if you decide not to return to the company--as long as you stop by and say hello--that's enough for us."


With his parents behind him, Warden set off to Gyro City, his first in a long line of stops he had planned to visit on his journey.  However, his journey was cut short, as his eyes caught the edges of a blue and white poster, plastered onto a light pole on a busy street.


"Hunter Exam?" he read aloud, in curiosity.  Reading carefully, this was Warden's opportunity to really procure funding to become a big time, big game hunter.  And this was the perfect test to help him discover his capabilities as a tracker, a watcher, a hunter.  Warden gripped the flyer tightly, as a smirk crossed his smug face.  There was no reason for him not to take the Hunter Exam.  In fact, he would be required to, if he truly wanted to hunt the biggest, baddest creatures mother nature had to offer.  And so, Warden set out to take the Hunter Exam, with bravado and determination.





Enhanced Strength:  While he is not a super human, Warden's rigorous work out on the lumber yard has trained him well.  He is much stronger than the average human, able to push his foes if they don't take him seriously.


Master Tracker:  With years of dedicated work in nature, spending time among the wild, Warden has reached a level of tracking proficiency better than most.  Able to track targets for upwards of six months at a time, he has heightened senses, which contribute to this skill.


Animal Instinct:  They say animals know when something is wrong, able to sense danger with a sixth sense.  Warden's time hunting and being in the wild has given him this sixth sense.  His mental alertness is very sharp, giving him an advantage in natural disasters and even in combat.  He is able to sense danger roughly five minutes before it occurs.  However, this does not imply he will be skillful / resourceful enough to avoid it.  He's part Spider-man!  Like, one quarter tho fam.


Herbal Expertise:  Warden is very familiar with plants, trees, weeds, mushrooms, types of fungi, molds, and spores.  His time in nature has made this a second nature to understanding which plants are safe, edible, or can be used for medicines, or which plants can kill you.





Warden has not yet had the proper training to open his Nen nodes.  However, his affinity for nature and his hard, hands-on work have assured that he will be both a Conjurer and an Enhancer in the future, with one Specialist technique.


Summon:  Birthing Axe (future Conjuring Nen ability):  Naturally, as a Conjurer, Warden's choice of weapon summoning to master was a lumber jack axe.  However, in combat, it was required to be much stronger.  And so he perfected the axe to be double bladed, and twice the size of anything he had ever wielded before.  He is very proficient with it, as its size and weight do not hinder his strikes.  Rather, they are fluid and precise, with deadly results.


Timber! (future Enhancer Nen ability):  Warden enhances the strength of his Birthing Axe, increasing its sharpness, weight, cutting power, and reach by 100% (double).


Earthen Might (future Specialist Nen ability):  In forest, rain forest, and field or plain settings, Warden receives increased healing regeneration, and 25% more movement speed.





Warden has always wanted a pet, but never got one.  As such, being around dogs and cats, or other tiny adorable furry little animals, makes him extremely excited.


Chosen Theme:  


That's not an error.



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[spoiler=Stray Cat]


The Solitary Star




“To err is human, to purr is feline.”



"It's nice to see a sliver of confidence coming from my foe. As baseless as yours is, at least you make my time here worth it."


Personal Information

Name: Selardi Mayari

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Race: Human, identifies as a cat usually




171 cm, 65 kg. Leanly built, but has a strong and somewhat muscular frame beneath those clothing, due to her training.



“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”


Proud, and at the top of her own personal world. A no-nonsense, completely serious person. Sela is the type of person that does almost anything with utmost seriousness. Noticeably lacking in the sense of humor and the ability to detect it, this would usually lead her to awkward positions during interaction with others. She's not really apathetic, but she somewhat lacked the capability to empathize with other - something that at times made her look like an insensitive jerk. Though, even then she had an almost complete "whatever" state of mind when it comes to a lot of things, and didn't see interacting with others as something she should improve on. In a way, she's too thick to actually be annoyed by people for the most part, whether when she's critiqued, insulted, or just being messed around. She CAN be ticked off, but it usually require people to thread on some personal issues.


Even then, as dense and lacking in social ability that she is, she's not antisocial or avoiding interaction actively. While she has a default lone wolf-like mentality usually, she sees interaction as a necessary thing to do and welcomed it. It's not something she liked or disliked, just something that she does. The fact that she's not good socially doesn't really deter her, and usually she doesn't care about whether she screws things up or not. She has a functioning sense of morality and does have the capability to judge things or actions as good or bad, which does help her in interactions. But she views the concept purely in a material sense, and how it actually get applied by her can be quite...twisted, especially with her barely functioning capability to feel empathy.


Her idea of fun is mainly to push herself to the very limits - to feel the rush of adrenaline as she's standing on the border of life and death. While she's not an idiot, she at times is willing to rush into dangerous situations head on due to this - or just to show off her skill and prove her capabilities to others. She values confidence, resolve, and bravery as virtues, and usually respects people that shows that kind of thing to her - as much as a person like her respect others, anyway. However, even then she doesn't really act dismissive of others for the most part - or well, intends to act dismissive to others. She still comes off as sounding like that, even if she usually just feels neutral on most people.


She has several obsessions that can very well be seen as childish, one of them is about cats. She is raised in a place where cats do not exist, but heard enough stories about them to the point of making her obsessed with them, even if she later found out that she's allergic to cats. She takes her obsessions completely seriously, and mocking her for it is usually is a surefire way to actually tick her off. She does have a sense of priority though, so her obsessions are usually not single-minded in nature. If she sees something as actually urgent or important, she's willing enough to cast those obsessions aside temporarily.


Even as she has wandered for years, she still hasn't found something that she would be willing enough to fight for. A motivation or direction to keep moving is something she lacked, and at this point she does seem like she has stopped caring about it too, only thinking about the thrills she can find on her journey instead. This does actually mean that she has barely any sense of self-preservation. As her life only seems to be important for her just so she can find thrills and do things that she likes, she's perfectly accepting the prospect of dying anytime she steps into a challenge.


After all, a fulfilling death is a lot better than an empty life.



"One cat just leads to another."


Born in a secluded island chain as a result of a one night fling of a traveling martial arts master and a young woman of her village, she was immediately taken by her father as they moved to an even more remote place to avoid drama and controversies from screwing them over. She was raised alone by her father, and even as he took more and more disciples to their remote island, he insisted to raise her alone without help. Her father, used to drift like the wind from one place to another, saw her as someone important enough for him to finally settle in - as if little Sela filled a gaping hole inside of him. However, as much as he loved her daughter and wished to do his best for her sake, her father had no actual knowledge on how to raise a child properly - definitely not a replacement to a mother that she really needed. Her father was very harsh on her even since she's little, since being who he was, he viewed it as the only way to help her be strong to survive in this world. Tough love, in a way, as he viewed all the intense training and constant periodical deprivation of affection as the proof that he cared a lot about her. Additionally, her father was also incredibly protective to her - not letting her to go outside of the immediate area of the dojo her father built, and definitely not to civilization, because he feared that she would be tainted by it before she was able to actually defend herself. She even couldn't interact with any of her father's other disciples - not even being allowed to see them for long. For those boys and young men training there, Sela's existence was pretty much like a myth, and seeing a glimpse of her was treated as quite a feat.


Her father does do something fatherly occasionally, and for the mentally exhausted young Sela, it probably felt like salvation from suffering. During weekends, if she performed well enough during her training, her father usually spent some time reading her books, mostly fables and stories about animals. One day, she listened to a story about cats, and for a reason, it clicked on her a lot. Perhaps it was due to how they were so different from any other animals she had seen or heard before, or perhaps it's due to their general mannerism. She grew an obsession on these furry creatures at this point, and demanded to her father to keep reading to her about cats, even convincing him at one point to teach her to read just so she could read these books on her own. As a form of escapism, she even internalized what she was read to about cats to herself, and adopted some of their proud mannerism. Though, at that point she was pretty detached from the world, and pretty much had started to live on her own world.


Her father passed away when she was 17 due to an illness. He had appointed someone else to lead the dojo when he's gone, and also, he finally allowed Sela to leave the dojo for the world, finally was confident enough that she would be able to handle it. She, who didn't feel anything when he passed away, was quite thrilled by what she could do now, and left on a boat from the tropical island chain several days later. Not caring about where she would go and for what, she simply do what her father used to do, and drift from places to places like the wind. She of course met with a lot of difficulties in adjusting in with society, but it only took her a year to be functional enough for it.


She finally heard about the Hunter exam several years after she started traveling, and feeling that it would be the biggest thrill she would be able to find so far, she decided to try joining it. With that in her mind, the stray cat embarked on a journey to Gyro City.

  • Enhanced Physical Capability: Extreme training will result to something, after all. At her full capability right now, she can bring down a building with one well placed punch, and have a quite a lot above average agility and endurance. However, she can't be bothered to use most of her capability most of the time. The only thing that can make her push for an effort is actual, physical pain. Being on the edge is what her entire life is for.
  • Clarity of Mind: She can clear her mind from any unnecessary thoughts with ease. This allows her to focus on her objective with such zeal and determination that is simply unnatural.
  • Survival Skills: Often left on the wilderness while young to fend for herself, Sela has developed a good understanding of nature to survive. And her almost a decade-long travel also honed her survival skill for most environments.
  • Yarn-based combat mastery: She mainly uses yarn to fight, usually because she doesn't feel like physically assaulting her opponent directly. She can throw the ball of yarn with half the speed of a bullet if she wanted to, but usually she's content to throw it in a quarter of that speed, then rapidly spinning the ball back. She can entangle people using the yarn, if she didn't get entangled on it herself. She's also skilled in knitting and tying the yarns, and can do it at a great speed. With it, she can comb the ball of yarn into a whip in a matter of seconds (roughly 15 seconds) and spin it back into a ball of yarn in just a minute, in the middle of a combat.


Type: Specialist (Originally Conjurer)

Her Nen nodes had been opened since she was young with the training from her father. However, the harsh training and the mentality she kept up and continued to have even later on in her life end up developed a potential Specialist ability. Right now, she doesn't really have access to her Nen despite having been opened, mainly due to a lack of proper advanced training on how to use them.

「Cat Emperor Time - The Forever Distant Dream」


"The cat's out of the bag now."


Her (future) Hatsu, based on her absurd obsession on becoming and embracing cats while always being unable to attain it due to cruelty of circumstances. Starts off as a Conjuration-based ability focusing on enveloping her Nen into an object to remake its composition into a cat. Originally it's a weak (but versatile) ability mainly notable for its novelty, especially since she couldn't even control the cats she made, and how she couldn't actually touch them or be close to them due to her allergy. However, as Sela awakened her Specialist-type Nen, this ability would evolve into something more bizarre.


As a Specialist ability, this ability allows her to tap into all other five types without any penalties. Aside from a more potent form of her conjuration ability, she will physically transform into a humanoid-like cat creature physically using her Nen, and is now able to subjugate anything having feline features around her to her whims, even inanimate objects such as drawings, though it's limited by how much her attention span would allow. She can also expand her Nen into a wide area using En and transmutate it to form feline body parts like limbs, heads, or tails, at nearby positions and anywhere on her yarn, and shoot cat-shaped nen projectiles.


This ability is limited by several factors however. First of all, she's allergic to herself, and prolonged use will ruin her health. Second, she could not see any actual creatures that could count as a cat for at least the last 6 hours, to build up her thirst for cats. And lastly, she must be in a mindset of fully believing herself to be a cat to use it, and must pose like one while meowing as clearly as she could to enter this state.



-Really likes reading books, and telling or listening to stories. Probably the easiest way to make her stick around in a place.

-She knows cats and catfolk exists. She has seen them. She still treats them as a legend.

-Often wears a cat-ear accessory and tails when she go around, though usually not when she's going to do something important since they would only be a hindrance.

-Her expression is usually flat as pancake, even when she's showing her obsessions on cats or doing something awkward.

-Can be seen playing with balls of yarn at times.

-Not actually a masochist, only in battles. Most of the time she just doesn't care about pain.

-Actually good at cooking, and while she's not picky about food in general, she really appreciates good one.

-Can imitate a cat's sound really well.

-If she's not fighting using her yarn, she fights using a rubber ball. Can use her Nen as temporary surfaces to bounce the ball around at a really high speed.

-Despite her scary level of power, her train of thought and her self-imposed inability to access her full capability from the start of a battle means most of the time she only fights at full level when she's half-dead.

-Theme Song: Lunatic Locus - cat's eye


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The Sugar-Coated Star




"You have to at least try to have fun!"


Personal Information:
Alias: Izzy
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Race: Human

FsbuOcZ.pngHeight: 4' 11" (150 cm)
Weight: 87 lbs (39 kg)

Have you ever tasted something so sweet that it actually caused pain to your tongue? Like, cotton candy, or something like that? It tastes good, it is sweet, but it is so overwhelmingly so that your tongue is like "what the hell man how do I even?"Well, that wouldn't really be a bad analogy. Izzy is extremely extroverted, pushing her way into the lives of those around her, wanting to know everything about everything. No matter what she sees, her mind instantly jumps to however she can have the most fun with it. In this, her behavior occasionally can become manic, as she works harder and harder to gain as much enjoyment from her existence as possible.


And really, this is how it has always been for her. As a self-proclaimed Fun Hunter her single, absolute goal in life is to have as much fun as she finds possible. The Hunter program gives her exemption from many of the world's laws, allowing this passion to be fulfilled... uninhibited. When it comes down to it, she really just wants to have fun, to bring a smile to her face, and if that aim should lead her to cooperate with others, she will jump at the chance. After all, the more the merrier. That said, she isn't uncomfortable being on her own. Considering her past, she has spent quite a lot of time without the company of others, so she has become incredibly adept at entertaining herself. This can take many forms, from talking to herself with silly voices, to fashioning games out of random objects around her.


Izzy is obsessed with sweetness, to the point where she hates the sensation of any other flavor. To combat this, she takes in sugar at ever single given opportunity, may that be through bubblegumchocolate, or, her own personal favorite, lollipops. Similarly, she abhors anything in life that she perceives as boring, immediately purging it away with whatever exciting and entertaining idea pops into her head.


If asked about her life before her decision to become a hunter, Izzy will always respond with a variation (often greatly romanticized or exaggerated) of the same story. This is a refined and simplified version.


Izzy grew up in a large city, and her family owned a sweets shop. It was a pretty great gig for Izzy, her job was just to stock the shelves of candy. If a piece or two went missing in the process... Well, she was allowed for a certain margin of error in inventory. Due to a slightly rocky economy, and the family's decision to partake in a less-than-profitable business, Izzy ended up forgoing a formal education, instead working the shop for her early life. This really was no issue because, as mentioned before, candy everywhere is a pretty great thing! 


Unfortunately, such a life only was able to last for so long. In a disaster that Izzy refuses to explain ("Sad memories aren't fun at all!") the sweets shop was destroyed, and her parents died. Deciding to distance herself from such painful memories, she moved on, training to be a Fun Hunter so that she would never experience a negative emotion again!


oqhPGwy.jpg[spoiler=Abilities/Weaponry]Explosives Expertise: Not much can be more fun than a fireworks show! Amateur explosives have been a hobby of Izzy's since she was very young, firing rockets out of empty soda bottles through the windows of the shop. She has excelled this talent to the point where she can quickly and effectively improvise explosives and explosive tools or weapons, provided she has whatever materials she may need.

Lizzy and Tizzy: Her primary weapons are a pair of handheld firework launchers named Lizzy and TizzyLizzy fires bottle rockets at an extremely high rate, about 5 per second, and can load 50 at a time. Tizzy fires mortar fireworks, with a maximum capacity of 3 rounds at a time. It takes a few seconds for her to refill either.



When her Nen is unlocked, Izzy will be an Enhancer, greatly increasing the explosive power of her weapons.





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[spoiler=The Rising Star]




"I can't help it if you can't handle how adorable I am!"


Personal Information

Name: Cameron "Cammie" Northskye
Age: 13
Race: Humanoid Avian
Sex: Physically Male, but identifies and presents himself as female.

Cammie stands at 145 cm, or 4 feet 9 inches and weighs in at about 94 pounds. Although his body appears very lithe and small, if his arms are felt, it becomes obvious that he isn't weak. A fair bit of unseen muscle is present on the boy's body, making his unusual weapon choice make a fair bit more sense. His clothing always tends to be more on the feminine side, usually having some form a skirt being worn along with clothing that is generally tighter to his body.
Not seen the picture are a pair of red wings that fold neatly against his back. While they don't allow him perfect flight, he can use them to maneuver in the air for a short period of time. It takes a lot of effort to stay airborne, but it's easy for him to use this to give himself some extra maneuverability in a fight.


Cammie is bubbly and talkative, and is generally more than happy to meet new people. He loves to try to please people, and is eager to show off his musical ability with his cello. He's hyperactive, easily distracted, and very, very easy to befriend. At the same time, he understands that his personality can be abrasive to some people, and when he seems to think that starts to be an issue, he tries to subdue himself, appearing far more meek and thoughtful instead of his normal, hyper self.
Deep down, Cammie has a streak of showmanship in himself. One of his driving factors in life is that he wants to make a real name for himself, and he wants to transition that name from one career to the next. His main goal is to be someone who's name is known through the land. Whatever it might be for, combat prowess, his musical inclination, or his pursuit of acting. Because of his dream of being more than just a fading light, he makes it his personal goal to be able to act in as many different ways as he can. He wants to be a true star, someone that brings inspiration to those who need it. In his mind, the best way to go about that is to get started at as young an age as possible.
This leads to what his fatal flaw is, being a child and wanting to be flashy. He often doesn't know when it's best to just attack and instead opts to give some form of flare to his fighting style. 

Cameron Northskye, son of an affluent village leader. His father, Solarus Northskye, was the mayor of the town of Windburn, a decently sized village nestled in the Tirc Highlands. As a result of this, his life has been spent in relative comfort. No one in the village was truly in rough shape, it was a small community where everyone aided one another, resulting in mostly comfortable lives. Of course, Cameron and his father were in better shape then most.
Born to Solarus and Cyla Northskye, Cammie was able to live well for his entire life. They never went hungry, nothing bad ever seemed to happen to them. Life was boring and plain. The village was mostly populated by Avians like himself, but there were a decent mix of normal humans as well. Around the time that Cammie was six years old, his mother had grown tired of their life in the village. She didn't want adventure, she wanted to become an actor. From an early age, she attempted to instill a sense of flair in her son. She wanted him to succeed in an area that she didn't think she was going to get to. She had no interest in real adventure, she simply wanted to star in movies and shows, she wanted to be a star.
Sadly, she never got a chance to pursue that dream. An accident left her injured and unable to travel for long distances, and the village they lived in never seemed to grow large enough to bring in the needed facilities for her dream. So instead, she began to train her son in various different entertainment arts. She had him learn a number of instruments, though he seemed to stick mostly to string ones. His own interests always seemed to come second hand to the ones that his mother had started to push on him, but he eventually began to pick up an interest in acting as well.
He stared in a few local plays, and while they were never anything extremely exceptional, they showed promise. It wasn't until his father came into contact with a producer in Gyro City. There were a number of roles that were open for audition for children, there was a surprising shortage of child actors. His mother, with her obsession with acting, pushed his father to have Cameron escorted to Gyro City to audition at the age of ten. He got a few, small roles, but that was all he needed to get his career rolling. He began to audition for larger roles, and while he still isn't the most well-known actor, he's just a kid. He has plenty of time to get that rolling.
Now, at the age of 13, he caught wind about the Hunter Exam. Being the attention seeking kid that he is, he felt that if he managed to become a Hunter, he could certainly make a name for himself in that regard. Actors might fade, but Hunters? That's a career that can potentially make a name for oneself.
And so he grabbed his custom made cello, and began to search for where the Hunter Exam would take place.





His motivation is to become a true star. He wants his name to be known everywhere, by as many people as possible. He wants to be more than just a blip on the world, more than just a forgotten name. The idea of being forgotten scares him.




His main piece of equipment is his customized Crossbow Cello with a Sword Bow. The cello is a 3/4 size, standing at 45 inches tall, or 3 feet 9 inches. The bow is 27 inches long, and functions as a sword perfectly capable for fighting in close range combat. He's fully capable of using both weapons despite his small size, showing that there's more to the young boy than there appears at first. 
Increased Physical Capabilities: A result of his mother's obsession with him becoming a proficient musician, he's become very adept at wielding objects that are a much larger size than him. He translates this into an ability to fight, as he often snuck out to practice various combat techniques. Now that he lives on his own for the most part, he spends a lot of time learning to use his custom weapon.
Voice Control and Alteration: Cameron is very capable of altering his own voice's pitch. He has a very real control of his tone, and can use it to mimic others or just flat out create a new voice as he needs. 


I think this falls under Manipulator, someone said.
Alluring Solo: Cammie's main form of Nen, it will channel through the playing of his Cello. The longer that people listen to him play, the more attached to the young boy that they become. During a short playing during combat, it might cause their attacking to slow down, or their hits to not be as hard. During non-combat, it can cause people to become enamored with the child, leaving them open to suggestion. This ability can theoretically apply to other instruments, but his Cello is the only one he has on hand commonly.

Theme Song! - Haven't You Noticed?
-A song that represents what he sees himself as... And what he knows he isn't yet. He has every intent on becoming this famous, and he has no plans on slowing down.
-He usually keeps his voice more feminine, but he takes pleasure in lowering his voice to confuse people. He's extremely adept at mimicking other people's voices, which he abuses when he sings. He also has a habit of doing that to mock others when they make him mad.
-He absolutely adores music of all kinds. He often carries his phone with a pair of headphones, and it keeps a large amount of music on it that he can occasionally be heard singing along to.

[spoiler=The Split Star]




"I am their fury, I am their patience, I am conversation."


Personal Information

Name: Ivory Kaelan
Age: 30
Race: Humanoid Shark
Sex: Female


Ivory stands at about 5'11. The above outfit is her special dance outfit, and she rarely wears that outside of performances. She normally wears a simple set of leather armor, enough to protect her from most attacks while not inhibiting her movement for her dances. The leather armor is embedded with two gems, much like her dance outfit is.

Ivory is the amalgamation of two distinct personalities. Spinal and Amber are two distinct people who share the same body. They've learned to cooperate in ways that gives her a distinct advantage over others when they work together, and a very real disadvantage when they cannot cooperate. When they can work together, Ivory is a calm, collected individual with a very real skill in combat dancing. Her movements are calculated and fast to strike. As a people person, she loves to meet new people and make friends, but at the same time, she's afraid to get close to people because of her condition. She's very much a real person, with her own set of ideas and memories from the other two, but when they began to argue, she takes a backseat to one of the two personalities.
Spinal is the more laid back of the two personalities, and chooses to spend her time perfecting her dancing. Ever since she became a dancer, she's had the dream of performing on the most prestigious of stages, and has lived her dream. She's calm, her movements are methodical and planned, and she doesn't rush herself when she's working. She's sociable, though careful about who she chooses to associate herself with. As a result, her interactions with people tend to be more subdued than either of the other personalities.
Amber on the other hand, is the more zealous of the two personalities. When she's on control, Ivory is more likely to be hyper, more likely to initiate fights. Her personality is more heated and prone to arguments, but at the same time as more extent to be kind then Spinal does. People tend to either love or hate Amber, as she makes a good first impression, or a horrid one. For this reason, Spinal tends to handle the primary interactions with people, while Amber takes over later, when a good relationship is established. She's the primary factor for Ivory's wish to become a Hunter.

Ivory hails from the far west, from a harbor village that had extensive contact with the sea-based race she came from. They worked well together, her people were proficient with a variety of tasks on the water, along with excelling at combat. Of course, her people were mostly reclusive, and her extended contact with the humans of the harbor village was seen as odd, an undesirable trait for her people. They were on good terms with humans, but to the majority of them, it was nothing more than a business relationship.


The half of Ivory that is Spinal, however, took a liking to the human's dancing. The village near her people would often encourage dancing, and it wasn't too odd to see people getting together and enjoying the company with dances. She often watched these festivities from the sidelines, her eyes wide with wonder from the expressions that could be shared through this. She wanted to experience it herself.


So, the half of her that was Amber pushed her to do it. Together, they began to socialize with the humans of the village more during the evening, while working with her people during the mornings. She often went out on expeditions to local underwater ruins of her people and others, and the groups she was in would find as many valuables as they could. They would often clean out this past civilizations, getting as many valuable objects, gems, anything really that they could get their hands on. Amber often took the lead during these missions, she loved getting to see the ruins of her people and those of others, even if she did find the raiding aspect of it fairly... Distasteful.


As she spent more time in the village, Ivory felt as though she was getting comfortable around people to start learning their dances. She began to attend the night festivals, getting a better look at the entire dance culture. It was here that she first began to learn, and she did her best to become as proficient as she could. She spent a year in the village, learning how to dance. After the year, she stayed longer, helping the people and performing in their festivals. During her time there, she could have sworn she saw another aquatic being living there, but she brushed it off as she was leaving the village soon at the age of twenty-four.


Ivory began to travel around the world, performing on stages, where her dancing would be able to captivate new audiences. While she never became someone extremely well known among the general populace, she was more than proud of what she did achieve. After dancing for years, she moved back to her small village, where she settled down for a brief period of time. She only lived there for a year, and she occasionally saw another tiny aquatic creature living among the people there, before she heard about the Hunter exams. During her travels, she had picked up combat dancing, and like Amber wanted to give it a shot.


And like she had done for Spinal, Spinal encouraged Amber to pursue that desire.




Her motivation is that she wants to experience something new. Spinal got to live her dream of dancing on prestigious stages, now Amber wants to do something related to combat, she wants to help people. She never knew what direction she wanted to take in life, and this is the first time she's felt as though she has her own goal.




Extremely Agile: 
Being a dancer, Ivory is able to move in ways that others would be unable to mimic, especially in the heat of combat.
Hand-to-Hand Combat Experience:
 As with her agility, being a dancer has led Ivory to being able to fight adeptly without weaponry.

Gem Weaponry: The two gems embedded in her dance outfit and her leather armor allow her to draw forth three different weapons based on how she uses them. One weapon is a whip that she's skilled at using from a distance as she avoids combat, another is a pair of gauntlets that allow her strikes to have a much greater impact, while the last is a spear that she mostly uses as a way to keep spacing in combat. She found these gems during one of her raids of an underwater city.



Flowing Stance: Using Nen, she can enhance her dancing capabilities. While this active, her stance becomes extremely hard to hit, making it hard to uproot her as she focuses on avoiding damage to herself over dealing it. Her movements become even more fluid as she avoids as much combat as possible, only hitting them occasionally with her dance movements, instead trying to wear down the opponent. This skill is only active when both personalities are in sync, otherwise she can't focus enough to use it.



- Theme Song -


- She may or may not be in a relationship with herself. She has rejected all advances made towards her up until this point, not having been in a single relationship or on any dates.





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