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Card of the Week!: Blue Eyes White Dragon

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In all honesty, this is probably my second least favorite Normal Monster. I mean, let me explain.


I typically don't use Normal Monsters based on stats. Usually it's based on how much I like the flavor text, name, design, etc.




They could've just called it Dragon and I still wouldn't like it.


Way too much love for this thing, and should only be used if you're a budget player or using its respective deck.

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The one gripe I had with this over the years was the amount of times the tablet art got reprinted.


Yeah, that and Dark Magician's.

Tablet art is overused. 


OP one is cool (as are the Anniversary art and that new one)



But it's iconic and pretty much set the bar for Normal Monsters since the beginning. 

Still need to try out its full support arsenal once they get released.


I would probably say BEWD is somewhere in my top 20-30 cards (I made a top 10 earlier).


Then again, I think I have 3 BEWD, but most of them are likely those tablet ones. 


(Remember Zex posting a status showing off his 50+ ones)

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