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Deck List:

[spoiler=Main Deck]3x Metalphosis Volflame
2x PSY-Frame Driver
2x Labradorite Dragon
3x Metalphosis Goldriver
3x Metalphosis Silvbird
3x Metalphosis Steeleren
2x Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
1x Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer
1x Rescue Rabbit
2x Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
1x Psychic Jumper
1x Re-Cover
3x Box of Friends

2x Metalphosis Fusion

2x Painful Decision
1x One for One

1x Summoner's Art
1x Dark Factory of Mass Production
1x Emergency Teleport*


1x Metalphosis Counter
3x Metalphosis Combination
1x Solemn Warning

*Use 2 E-Tele if using the TCG banlist



[spoiler=Extra Deck]1x Metalphosis Cardinal
2x Metalphosis Orihulk
1x Metalphosis Adamante
1x Ultimaya Tzolkin

1x Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon
1x Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer
1x Stardust Spark Dragon
1x Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
1x Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
1x Great Old One Hastur
1x Number 11: Big Eye
1x Number 39: Utopia Beyond
1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1x Sky Cavalry Centaurea



     Last year, Kogarasho made a video where Sky Iris was used to pop Box of Friends and use its effect to summon Ultimaya. When Metalphosis were revealed, I had the idea to combine them with Box of Friends, as each of the pendulum monsters serve as their own Sky Iris in a way.


     The main play with this deck is to summon Box and pop it with any of the Metalphosis monsters. Then, using Box's effect, Labradorite and Driver are summoned for Tzolkin. All of the Dragon-type synchro monsters can also be summoned using the tuners in the deck; E-Tele can summon any of them along with 2 of the Metalphosis. The deck can also go into any of the Metalphosis fusion monsters easily.

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I honestly have to say I'm a bigger fan of Emissary of the Afterlife. It may not grant as big of a gain in terms of number of monsters, but what it gives it puts in your hand between the scales, and this really helps in consistency. Plus its level is easier to Pendulum Summon and work with overall.


In terms of the deck; I'm not a fan of Risebell or Krebons. I would strongly consider Emissary if you can, and also I would STRONGLY recommend you trade those Odd-Eyes in for Painful Decision. You could also run Summoner's Art if you want.

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Why u no Beelze?

The real question is why is there no Crystal Wing

I considered running Crystal Wing and Beelze, but the thing about them is that they aren't easy to make outside of going into Ultimaya; The synchros I put in the deck can all be summoned through regular Synchro Summons and in more than one way. I can make Beelze with Labradorite + Steeleren, but I prefer Spark's utility more in this deck.


The idea is quite Interesting.

Have you tried Zombowwow?

May be useful to get Box of friends more easily.

Zombowwwow helps get Box out more often, but I find I can get the Box combo most of the time (the bigger problem is it getting Solemn Striked :/). I'll test -1 Metalphosis Fusion and +1 Zombowwow and see if I end up needing that 3rd fusion more or not.

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