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Custom Cards w/ Dova


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This was just a random idea I had. I dunno, I've been writing down as I make cards, and I felt I should start posting it somewhere. As to what to expect here, if you don't understand the title at all for some reason: I'm Dova. I make Custom Cards. This is me making Custom Cards. Hope at least one of you enjoys reading this!
Feel free to comment if you think I did something wrong, or looked over something big.
[spoiler=Archetypes][spoiler=Brethren of the Scythe:]Part 1: Concept
Part 2: Tenkis!
Part 3: Brainwave
Part 4: Monsters
Part 5: Extra Deck



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[spoiler=Brethren of the Scythe - Part 1: Concept] Well, this archetype begins with an AGM Prompt:


[spoiler=Brethren of the Scythe]Brethren of the Scythe is an archetype like Brotherhood of the Fire Fist. Each one of the five continuous spells search out a member, but instead of searching a beast-warrior, they search dark warriors. The Warriors themselves can be counted as 2 materials in the Xyz summon of their member monsters. Convenient seeing as how the only require 2 materials. The boss monster however requires 10 materials, or 5 Scythes and acts like an extreme Master of Blades, negating activations of card effects, then randomly destroying a card your opponent controls.



Well, the best place to start is the beginning, and so, how nerfed would a Level 4 or lower Tenki have to be? Let's ask our friend YGOPro whether any DARK Warriors exist which might make a problem with generic searching.


Obviously it's not biggy, as we only have that Ninjitsu Art searcher, that DARK Foolish Burial, Evilswarm Castor, M-Hero's generic Searcher, Phant- Yeah, the list goes on. There's obviously going to have to be restricted in some form or the other. Limiting by name is never a good idea, so perhaps we try to limit it further to this Archetype? Perhaps a good way to do that would be to Limit your Special Summoning, or maybe even limit searching! That would certainly cut down on splashing.


But what sort of effects might they have? I mean, we can't have 5 identical Tenkis, can we? Well, since the searching is going to be there for all of them, we might as well spread out a bit with secondary effects. Small thing's like...minor ATK boost! Hm, I wonder where I got that from. Perhaps rewards when they are destroyed? That sounds fun, especially since the prompt did give a lot of free reign. So, a minor theme is coming up: Destroying your own S/T! Maybe not the most unique thing in the history of YGO, but it's a minor theme, so I think I could get away with it.


The 1 Mat for an Xyz makes for some interesting plays, as it essentially just allows for a free Xyz Summon if you get out one of their members. That definitely needs some restrictions, so, the best thing to start nerfing would be the Xyz Monster's Summoning Condition, or, perhaps make it so that they are slightly better if Summoned with 2 Mats? Would definitely be interesting to see them being splashed in other decks if that was the case, so I'm going to go with that.


Final thing to deal with: The Boss. Wonderful.Really wish it had been a Magnus-type thing, but I can easily work with this. Since Master of Blades only works with card effects that target it, let's go with Something a little more "Extreme" as the prompt says: Cydrafinity.boss , with an extra destruction on negation! Simple enough, but two other things to plan out: Whether to make it mandatory, in which case poor it if its the only card on the fie- but actually really great if we combine it with that destroying you own S/T mechanic we had. The second thing is this "random" thing mentioned. Destroying a random card on the field is not easy to do, we could let your opponent choose, but I mean, what if you own thing ge- Simple, protect the boss from its own effect, and allow the opponent to give us pluses off our card effects. 


Well, I hope I'll have some cards tomorrow. And hey, because the name/prompt is so vague about it, maybe I'll get some good art to make actual non-written cards with!



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[spoiler=Brethren of the Scythe - Part 2: Tenkis!]Time for the actual Cards themselves! Since I decided I was gonna try cards with art first, let's see what kind of art we can find. I was hoping for something along the lines of Dark/Evil Warriors with...you guessed it.... Scythes.
[spoiler=Not bad]6197a03e31.jpg



I think it might cool if the Tenkis themselves are Scythes, then we can Summon the warrior by gifting them with the Scythe! Sounds cool. We can also give the callers a different name, because "Brethren of the Scythe" is already a mouthful, and also, Tenki. Perhaps something like...Scythe Caller? Might as well use it as a Placeholder,  but enough planning. Let's see what we end up with!


[spoiler=Scythe Caller - Vikat (Ver. 1)]0df7589f87.jpg




Well, first off, the name. Again, placeholder, so might as well take off with the Fire Formation theme of "X - X". Why Vikat? Well, it's obvious of course It means Scythe in Estonian. Taking stuff off other languages is funnnnnnnnnnnn, and requires little imagination! Hooray! Anyway, being the first card, it was intended to just have the generic effect mentioned, and the destruction effect was again, simple. I felt it could be allowed to never miss timing, and the SSing limitation would prevent fast Generic Xyzs in other decks if you had one of these monsters in the grave. I'm rather happy with it, considering you get 4 other Spells. No OPT on the last effect? I think it's fine...for now...


Well, onto the next spell. I'm suddenly starting to feel a little apprehensive of making 4 other spells with the exact same first effect. Let me change things up slightly with the excuse that this is my second Tenki.


[spoiler=Scythe Caller - Kosa (Ver. 1)]29fe801e4f.jpg




Kosa is Bulgarian for sickle Scythe! Great! Let's continue with the Europe thing, I think they fit. The effect is only slightly changed, to make it slightly more generic but slightly weaker for the archetype. Can't have you activating that Armageddon Knight when you can Xyz with a Scythe monster! I feel I'm gonna have to put in a lot more effort for the other cards, to make them stand out more than...this card. ALL THE TENKIS at some point or other



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[spoiler=Brethren of the Scythe - Part 3: Brainwave]As I was thinking about the Tenkis, and thanks to a lot of help from our very own user Yami Muddy, I realized that the prompt did not actually require the monsters to be level 4. In fact, they didn't have to be the same Level! And from that, I came to a reworking of the archetype. Now, the monsters are all levels varying from 1 to 4, and each Tenki will search a different Level(s). So, let's go back to our old friends.
[spoiler=Vikat (Ver. 2)]6fb8b9cf3e.jpg

[spoiler=Kosa (Ver. 2)]6e8855a01a.jpg



So, as you can see, I made each of them search for different Levels. And now I will use that idea for the rest of the Tenkis, with different Level combinations.


[spoiler=Gerandi (Ver. 1)]8705b6a3ee.jpg




[spoiler=Chalg'i (Ver. 1)]be936a5d07.jpg




[spoiler=Sabit (Ver. 1)]1a6961705b.jpg




Thanks again Google Translate! I see that limitation is a large theme with these archetypes effect, but I think that many of them won't be a problem. Chalg'i's Normal Summon limitation could limit your plays a lot, but I think, since it's only on destruction, that it'll be fine for now.


So, we have every combination of 2 levels, and 1 limited searcher for all levels. What fun! Next up will be the Main Deck monsters, then the Extra Deck monsters. Making a an Xyz Deck for 4 different levels should be really interesting, but, for now, I bid you farewell.



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[spoiler=Brethren of the Scythe - Part 4: Monsters]Now we are onto the good stuff. As we talked about earlier, art is an important part of cards, unless you want to do written, which I try to avoid. A theme idea I had for my monsters was that all the main deckers would just be your good ol' warriors with Scythes, but your Xyzs be who else but DEATH/THE GRIM REAAAAAPER. I think I'll make 4 Main Decks, one for each Level, so that no one Tenki is more useful than another. Back with out a theme of 1-mat Xyz, I think I'll have to make 1 Xyz for each Level as well, and a 5th for the big boss, but we might change that for later.


So, let's get started on the first one! The prompt was really unspecific on the properties of the monster, so what for an effect...well, I think some spamming would be neat, but it raises an issue. First off, the only reason to spam would be the mega boss, so you would have to pull off a Satellaknight combo flawlessly, and second off, if you only partially spam, you have to get out 4 Xyzs to survive the next turn, but then the boss is delayed even further. Maybe it would be best to leave swarming to the Xyzs as well as the monsters. Let's see what I can come up for monster 1!


[spoiler=Bha'u (Ver. 1)]934d596293.jpg




The name is Marathi for Brother, a little nod towards the archetype this prompt was based off. Although the prompt said it could be used as 2 mats for their bosses, I decided to widen it a little. Of course, while there are only 2 normal DARK Warrior Xyzs, which I prevented their spamming by limiting attacking on the turn it was Summoned, there's still the naughty little problem of Number 86. I think the best way to go with that is make it so that the archetype modulates its Levels to Level 3 and 4, which allows me to keep the Extra Deck more limited, and prevent Rhongobongo. So I added that to the effect, and gave it OPT so that you couldn't just Xyz with 3 of them. Moving on!


[spoiler=Saudara (Ver. 1)]021c789c67.jpg



[spoiler=Arreba (Ver. 1)]3338ee8eac.jpg



[spoiler=M'bale (Ver. 1)]38bb4e9f48.jpg




If you are interested, while M'bale and Saudara both mean brother, Arreba means Sister (cuz its a girl). The first one is meant to take Satellaknight's SSer from hand, and we don't need the searchers, because...you guess it, Tenkis. The second is one meant to work if you got breakthroughed, and wouldn't combo with others or combo by itself. Perhaps a Special Summoning Limitation should be put on it akin to the one on M'bale, but I don't want to limit the combos too much, and besides, polishing will be done later.


Tune in next time for the Xyzs!





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[spoiler=Brethren of the Scythe - Part 5: Extra Deck]Great, now we are at the really fun bit! I think a good monster to start off with is one with an effect reminiscent of Number 74 with a sub effect that can kill your Spell/Traps. Why? Because a nice combination of effects never hurt anyone.


[spoiler=Brethren of the Scythe - Usta (Ver. 1)]f4b7af1521.jpg




Finally, we changed the name from brother/sister to "master". That's Uzbek for anyone who's interested. Also, although protection from targeting is rather weak as your opponent can work around it, but protecting all your monsters makes it actually usable. I prefer to make my cards as generic as I can, as it can lead to far more interesting plays.


Alright, so what kind of effect for the next one? Well, let's stray a bit away from 74 this time, and just go for some Special Summoning support. In fact, let's do that on destruction, and give us a main effect which does something related to recycling the spells, and possibly the monsters as well!


[spoiler=Brethren of the Scythe - Ali'i (Ver. 1)]5beb74dbbc.jpg


2 Level 4 DARK monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Spell Card and monster in your Graveyard; Shuffle them into your Deck, then draw 1 card. Once per turn, if this card is targeted for an attack: You can change this card's battle position; Negate that attack, and, if you the only monsters you control are Warrior-Type monsters (min. 2), end the Battle Phase. If this card is destroyed: You can target 1 Warrior-Type monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it to your side of the field, also it cannot be as Material for a Summon, except the Xyz Summon of a Warrior-Type monster.




The second effect wasn't originally in the card, but I realized keeping this card out would be rather tedious, due to its low stats, and decided to give it some, if not too powerful, protection. The first effect might be a bit too Generic, but we'll have a look at that later when we get to power checking.


Now, to make the final boss, or do another mid-boss Xyz beforehand. I think I'll just leave this archetype at 3 Xyzs for now, as I can always add to it later. ONWARDS!


So, we have our basic Number 74 effect, combined with your opponent choosing which card to kill. Now, I could say "other than this card", but I would like our Bretheren of the Scythe monsters to stay intact, so let's say other than them, instead. We could also just limit it to face-up cards as well, but...nah. That effect on its own might be a little underwhelming, so something would need to be added. Why not an effect on destruction, and some form of protection.


[spoiler=Brethren of the Scythe - Chau-Te (Ver. 1)]4d9d2c7b44.jpg




Phew! That was satisfying! I still get the feeling that it might be a little weak, but for now, it's fine.


Tune in next time for the final part: Balancing!



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