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What are you scared of?


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Abrahamic Religion. Christianity and Islam in particular. Judaism is equally funked up but it's much less prevalent. Pretty much worship of the world's most famous sociopathic dictator. All 3 tend to have absolutely zero respect for anything other than themselves, consuming any and all minor ideologies with their pit of ignorance and hatred. 

Seeing others injured. Like, I don't care about personal pain but seeing others upsets me.

Silence. I just get on edge in silence, idk why.

Time and/or Clocks.

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Heights, but only ones I can't control. I'm fine with being on a high cliff or whatever because I know I ain't falling off but I'm really uneasy on stuff like ladders, tall buildings and, above all, planes. Also crabs (the big ones that live in the sea).

Oh yeah; I've felt uneasy at times when I was on ladders. But what about the feeling you get from a high ledge or something where you think "I could just fall from here"; but the same thing has occurred with stuff I was holding, like my phone or handheld.
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Also birds. I can walk around pigeons in New York just fine, but if a bird flies towards me, I'll freak out.

Kind of like me with insects and insect-related creatures. Ants are fine, spiders usually remain in one area, moths (at least the small ones) don't really bother, bees usually keep their distance anyways and vice versa, flies are annoying, but nothing else. But wasps? Just no.

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Snakes. I hate snakes.


1. Heights. Without a doubt. I get dizzy. Hell. I hardly climb stairs without getting freaked the funk out.

2. Bugs. All of them. Anything small, hard to keep a track of, buzzing, potential to poison me, climb me for no reason...I hate all bugs, basically.

3. A lot of the time, it's trying new things. I'm very rooted in my ways and have a hard time just jumping into something blind. Not to mention, even when I "research" in advance, my opinion or stance often shifts to the negative for essentially no reason other than apprehension to new stuff.

4. Water areas in video games. funk those. Probably in real life, too, but I can swim pretty well, so...

5. To a smaller extent than the rest, driving. I don't particularly enjoy it, and American's driving is pretty damn scary. Not to mention, the responsibility of driving is something I'm a bit...fearful? Of.

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I am a bit germaphobic, not due to a fear of getting a disease of sorts but out of a habit of doing things. So I'm worried about getting other peoples "cooties" for a lack of a better term. I am starting to get a grip of myself when it comes to that matter but I will still partake in the habit of avoiding as much of other people's germs as possible.

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Mostly common ones that are cliché af: The unknown, the thought of dying, blood -not as much any more but it used to really freak me out- , spiders -just...no- , being up high and looking down -climbing things and walking on tall things while looking at the view is fine, but looking directly down just messes with me- , the thought of pain in general, the thought of being killed -kind of ties back to dying, but I feel like it's worse- , failure -really just disappointing anyone, it's even worse because I'm a BIG perfectionist >.> - , playing in front of people I don't know -this is one I'll just have to work at though since I'm planning on going to college for music-, and the most obvious of all the uncertainty and the unknown -pretty much the same thing but I'll say both anyways-. I also have an irrational fear of guns and driving for some reason. Not sure about guns, they just freak me out and I don't know why. As for driving, it's probably the whole "huge chunks of metal zooming around" thing along with the fact that my being safe while getting from point A to point B is partially in the hands of other humans -I don't have much faith left in humanity-.

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[spoiler=some really cliche sheet]My greatest fear is of giving up.


I have other fears, of course. Things make me uneasy, I can be frightened, hell, I can hardly stand if I see anyone's blood but my own. But what really chills me to the bone whenever it comes to mind is giving up. See, all the other sheet, I can overcome it. Given enough effort, and enough stubbornness, I can get past pretty much any foreseeable obstacle. But if I were to give up, to let that little fire in me get snuffed out...


Then it's over.

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You guys are really generic. I love the dark, especially in the morning or on stormy days.


I have a fear of being buried alive, my parents dying in an accident, and living by myself.


[spoiler=Attention] Being buried alive is irrational but should be obvious why


Death of my parents is equally obvious why but amplified by my entire reliance on my parents for everything


Living by myself because I have no talent or admirable social traits and the aforementioned.


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I am scared of dogs. I have been all my life, but I was just getting used to them when I was about 7 when my mum got bitten by a dog while she was walking me home from school. Been scared of them since.


I am scared of spiders. I used not to be, but over the past few years I have become increasingly scared of them, even as my interest in them has also increased.


I occasionally get germophobic panics where I feel the need to retreat from all biology, including my own.


If I claimed to be scared of anything else, I'd probably be trying to be edgy.

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I am scared of dogs. I have been all my life, but I was just getting used to them when I was about 7 when my mum got bitten by a dog while she was walking me home from school. Been scared of them since.


I am scared of spiders. I used not to be, but over the past few years I have become increasingly scared of them, even as my interest in them has also increased.


I occasionally get germophobic panics where I feel the need to retreat from all biology, including my own.


If I claimed to be scared of anything else, I'd probably be trying to be edgy.

You are scared of the two cutest and most humanly friendly animals alive. If we didn't have spiders, you would have a whole lot of other bugs to worry about. If a dog bites you, it either has a bad owner or no owner, or it's teething.

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You are scared of the two cutest and most humanly friendly animals alive. If we didn't have spiders, you would have a whole lot of other bugs to worry about. If a dog bites you, it either has a bad owner or no owner, or it's teething.

Or perhaps just its natural wolf part coming through.

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Or perhaps just its natural wolf part coming through.



No dog will bite you unless it's young or there's something wrong with it (malicious owner, no owner, hungry, rabid, etc.), so ideally any properly trained dog should be very docile. I've never met a sinister dog in my life, and I've been to dog parks and friends' houses and have had dogs myself.


But oh well, I assume no one will bury me alive, but it's still a fear.

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No dog will bite you unless it's young or there's something wrong with it (malicious owner, no owner, hungry, rabid, etc.), so ideally any properly trained dog should be very docile. I've never met a sinister dog in my life, and I've been to dog parks and friends' houses and have had dogs myself.


But oh well, I assume no one will bury me alive, but it's still a fear.

Dude "properly trained" is so dependant upon context. The dog that bit my mum was properly trained to be a guard dog, and to bite anyone who walked across that stretch of pavement.

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death via: suffocation(including drowning), blood loss, and burning. those are my death fears.


torture is one of my main fears, i think i could handle torture, but i consider it to be my greatest fear, irrational and intentionally inflicted suffering just gets to me.


not quite a fear of heights, but i'm afraid of unstable things up high, like old ladders and weak shingles, i can deal with new ladders and tall buildings, but old ladders, old roofs, ect, i will not touch.


other than that, i fear running out of interesting things to look into. it's not as much of a phobia, but it feels like a fear to me.


lastly, public ceremony (basically taking center stage at events and such.) it's the strangest fear i have, i feel stage fright severely, but i can't help but get onstage anyways, and while i can't stop shaking while onstage, i enjoy every minute of it. i think i might be an exhibitionist, but that particular interest would best be left to sleep until it's completely legal.

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The fear of nothing beyond death is one that eats at me. Swimming in the ocean too, i don't like the thought of having so much space around me that i can't observe. Ties in with Fear of the unknown, because what you don't know, can hurt you xD

Hard for me to think of things i'm really scared of, like there's loads of things i'd find uncomfortable or displeasing, but there's not a whole lot that actually puts fear into me




As soon as i hit post i think of the one thing i'm truly afraid of. I'm truly afraid that Metal and Classical music will die and people will forget that music actually had some sort of meaning before the 1990s

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