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oh okay throwback to DnD//Pathfinder eh


agreed that Marin the Fox could be a fun card


one of the treasure however (Tolin's Goblet) seems crazy being cheaper and better Thistle Tea. especially if we get a cheap chest generator.


hmmm if its works in the same manner as the Tavern Brawl did... Suicidal Warlock build could have its field days maybe?


Crushing Wall seems a bit overmana i guess?


Dragon Soul could be strong in Lyra decks 


honestly though Recruit doesn't really excite me much unless there a follow up with "If this Minion is Recruited"


Dungeon system eh? at least a fresh format for single player for a long while. basically being self-play arena or sort and beginner and cheap players could taste the cards they yet/never try before




another self transforming spell



Spellstones Upgrade Mechanic is interesting its similar to quest card that i requre certain objective to transform that card to a better versions of it


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So the Legendary weapons don't go down in durability whenever their effects proc. Also, once the expansion launches, everyone who logs in gets a free Legendary weapon.


Plus, everyone gets a copy of Marin this Monday. He's like this expansion's Volcanosaur.

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I really hope they give us more good weapon removal. One of the biggest issues with weapons is outside of a small handful of cards you can't interact with them and making 9 super powerful ones means we'll need answers. Also, I don't like the boarder system for weapons. So hard to tell which class' weapon is which a lot of the time.

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You just need to put them in a museum, that's all.


Much like KFT brought the rise of Black Knight, so will K&C bring the rise of Harrison Jones. Also, I wonder if Mal'korok will be any good. With the new Legendary weapons there'll be ~25% chance of getting one, not counting other good pickups like Gorehowl or Doomhammer.


EDIT: Ok so the classes that traditionally have weapons will have more standard Legendary weapons, with attack stats and go down in durability when used and stuff. http://www.hearthhead.com/news/blizzcon-2017-hearthstone-interview-with-ben-brode-and-eric-del-priore

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They REALLY want control Hunter to be a thing. It is just so hard when doing so basically makes it so you don't have a Hero Power. Still, N'Zoth is around for a little while longer still. It might eventually get there.


The Getaway Step seems like it could be really good. Though I don't think thats something you'll want to play.


The Shaman weapon is more likely going to be bad than good. It just doesn't have enough charges and costs too much to get a lot of value.


Warrior spell stone looks pretty good though. Not at all hard to get this to make 3 5/5s. Sadly that walks high into the Priest DK.


Dragon Priest

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I wonder if Mithril Spellstone will see play in Dead Man's Hand Warrior. Once it's fully upgraded and you start shuffling them in, it grants a win condition beyond just fatigue, because eventually your opponent will run out of answers for the 3 5/5s.


EDIT: Druid Legendary weapon revealed.


Note that these are not empty mana crystals, but full mana crystals. So you play this the turn before Medivh and suddenly Medivh doubles as Kun the Forgotten King, ready to play Ultimate Infestation.


And some neutral cards.


I love the Gorgonzola pun, and it seems like it will be a pretty decent card. Not sure about Rummaging Kobold, but it could get some nice value for certain control decks.

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I brought up that exact Twig interaction to my friend when I saw the card. Despite that I don't think the card is good. It does cool things certainly, but I don't think its worth the space.


Zola made me laugh.


Grumble does seem legit good. Don't think its very good in the evolve Shaman decks, but in a more evolve centric one it should be good.


Temporus seems really interesting. Don't think its going to be good, but its cool.

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Hella cool card, I could see a lot of potential use for it. It could do well in Jade Rogue, has hilarious value if you play two of them using Valeera the Hollow's Hero Power, and it could even make Quest Rogue come back with Stonetusk Boar spam.


EDIT: My god Priest's getting another board clear?


And this one can ignore all Deathrattles and any sort text while also potentially diluting your opponents deck. This card's insane. Crushing Walls is getting them Silverback Patriarch feels right now.




Now that's a discard card. Perfect setup for the Warlock Quest (can't believe that's getting mentioned) on turn 5, especially if you discard a Silverware Golem or two, plus there's stuff like Clutchmother Zavas. I assume it works like Deathwing's effect as well so it should work with Malchezaar's Imp.

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