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Here it is:



That's pretty damn good. Seems really good in Elemental, Jade, and Evolve Shaman. Solid class to get a card like this.


I'm also really excited about stuff like Bladed Gauntlet and that AoE that Warrior is getting. There've always been ways to gain armor, but aside from Shield Slam not really any way to make use of it. I'm really hoping that Control Warrior can become a thing again. We can't all be like Fibonacci (he's the guy who had over 22k Control Warrior wins when the patch came out a few months ago that showed wins past 500), who's just insane with Control Warrior regardless of the meta: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/7h1hor/fibonacci_pulled_a_639_winrate_with_nzoth_warrior/


Also, this is pretty funny:

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I want The Darkness so bad. There's one legendary I want to craft golden every couple of expansions or so, and I think that's the one this time. My reaction and that of Day9's on the stream when it got played was intense.


And honestly I kinda want to try and make Lone Wolf (it's a WoW passive spell that Marksmanship Hunters use, it ups their damage but they can't call pets) Hunter work. To My Side's a poor example (and I hope to god they cut it from Hunter's Arena card pool along with the legendary weapon), but I think if they support the archtype more in the future it could work, but they're gonna need to up the power level of the cards involved. Having no minions in the deck seems like a harsher restriction than only having one of each card in the deck, so I feel like they should be at least stronger than Reno-style cards (appropriate to their rarity and cost of course). Like, Flanking Strike is quite a good card, and a nice example of the sort of things the deck could stand to use. Candleshot is also really nice, since Hunter doesn't have a ping Hero Power.

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I want The Darkness so bad. There's one legendary I want to craft golden every couple of expansions or so, and I think that's the one this time. My reaction and that of Day9's on the stream when it got played was intense.


And honestly I kinda want to try and make Lone Wolf (it's a WoW passive spell that Marksmanship Hunters use, it ups their damage but they can't call pets) Hunter work. To My Side's a poor example (and I hope to god they cut it from Hunter's Arena card pool along with the legendary weapon), but I think if they support the archtype more in the future it could work, but they're gonna need to up the power level of the cards involved. Having no minions in the deck seems like a harsher restriction than only having one of each card in the deck, so I feel like they should be at least stronger than Reno-style cards (appropriate to their rarity and cost of course). Like, Flanking Strike is quite a good card, and a nice example of the sort of things the deck could stand to use.

Question, does The Darkness need all 3 candles drawn? If so it seems REALLY bad. I get that it seems like a ton of fun, but doesn't seem worth the gold craft. But, your dust and all.


I think Lone Wolf could work too. I just think the pay off of the 2 cards is nowhere NEAR worth not having minions. Hell, one of the biggest pays off is Yogg and in this deck playing it and at the risk of turning off the payoff cards. Not to mention Yogg is just a better payoff.

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It's only 4 mana so I think it's fine since you can get those candles in really early, it's not some late game thing that has much less of a chance of going off. At the very least it fucks over Razakus Priest.

I don't think when the candles go in really matters. Like if you play this turn 4 the last candle is just as likely to be at the very bottom of the opponents deck as it is if you played it turn 12. Screwing over singletons is certainly a use I suppose. I'd rather try and dirty rat them though.

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I guess that's a good point. In which case it's fine playing two of them after the Rogue DK for 6 candles.


Also it's a funny buff to Devolve and nerf to Evolve since it just puts out a dormant 20/20 you can never awaken, taking up a board slot.

Would you need to draw 6, or do they turn on at 3? I'd assume 3, but that is an interesting interaction. Also, what happens if we double the battle cry for them both. HAHAHA you now have TWELVE Candles.


I now want to see that happen.


Honestly, that is one of the cooler aspects of the evolve/devolve mechanic since it makes every creature they print relevant in some way for competitive play.

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Yeah, they'd only need 3, it specifically has a Quest-like counter showing how many out of 3 candles have been drawn. So the other 3 candles would be pointless once they're both up. And in Wild there's Brann and Thaurissan, so there's always those sorts of shenanigans.


Could be fun in Mill decks and Dead Man's Hand Warrior, too.

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Yeah, they'd only need 3, it specifically has a Quest-like counter showing how many out of 3 candles have been drawn. So the other 3 candles would be pointless once they're both up. And in Wild there's Brann and Thaurissan, so there's always those sorts of shenanigans.


Could be fun in Mill decks and Dead Man's Hand Warrior, too.

I was thinking specifically of Barns when I brought up 12 candles.


You haven't convinced me this is good. You have convinced me of the memes though and I now want to see this get used.

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Ben Brode and Day9 are absolute treasures. I also loved Day9's tangent about the salmon population.


EDIT: Ooh, going back to The Darkness in Rogue, it'd be a great pickup with Mimic Pod. If you run it in Shaman there's also Murmuring Elemental. At this point I'm just trying to think of all the fun ways to utilize the card, and at the end of the day, sometimes you just don't mind a 4 mana card eating up an important removal from the opponent.

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I'm excited to try out Elemental Shaman again in this expansion. Murmur and Grumble seem insanely fun in that kind of deck, especially the latter. Unstable Evolution also seems fun, although all the low stated high cost minions in this expansion make Evolve effects worse. The Darkness in particular strikes me as a terrible thing to roll. On the other hand, the thought of pulling a Radiant Elemental while having at least one other thing when I'm evolving things with Unstable is incredible.


I'm not too impressed by the legendary weapons, although Kingsbane is definitely my favorite one of the bunch. 

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I'm going to have like 700 gold when the expansion hits. Knights was a bit later in the month so I had a bit more gold saved up. Hoping Mage Weapon is the one I get. If I'd rank them












I'm happy enough to Paladin, OK with Rouge and Warlock, then I'm sad. Honestly, the weapons are WAY weaker then the DKs. 6 of them ended up being good.

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I could've had more gold but I was intent on reaching my legendary pity timer with WotOG packs. I ended up getting Nat the Dark Fisher, so in hindsight I regret the decision (though he could be funny in my Mill Rogue deck so that's something). But it should be fine, I'll just play abunch of Arena for this expansion, there are occasional periods where I can manage to go infinite.

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I've got 1105 gold, 2535 dust, and a few bad legendary / epics to dust if I need it (like Sargest Sally and Ozruk)


The only weapons I really care about getting is Kingslayer or Aluneth (definitely want Kingslayer more than Aluneth even if I do think the latter is probably better). The other ones are either not really my style or just seem bad. The Hunter one specifically is one I really don't want to see - this To My Side hunter seems like a really bad idea. That said, I do want to try the mythical "Big Hunter" with Kathrena even if it's probably pretty bad.

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Got about 2400 dust right now, probably gonna save up a bit more to craft a golden The Darkness.


Also, I don't know if you guys have been following this, but some guys on the HS team's been talking about some interesting lore.


The Darkness: "This is a scary deck, let me tell you a bit of kobold lore you might not know.... The reason they wear candles on their heads is because they fear this thing they refer to as The Darkness. They believe it will get them if they lose the candles."


Grumble, Worldshaker: "He is the Catacombs - he's a giant Earth Elemental born from the ambient magic soaking into the walls.  He wakes every few millennia, sending tremors and terror throughout the kobold empire."


And then there's the flavor text of the 9 spellstones, which mention Azari, the Devourer and Rin, the First Disciple:


Pearl Spellstone:
In ages old, when Ancients broke
Azari of the Legion spoke
To tempt the mortals: gems of power
The weak succumbed, their souls devoured.
Mithril Spellstone:
To dwarves of stone the demon called
With promises of might, enthralled
In grasping greed they found their doom
Forever bound in mithril tombs.
Jasper Spellstone:
In ancient woods, elves fought the curse
The demon’s shadow to disperse
But hatred raged and frail souls turned
Now horned and hooved their forests burned.
Onyx Spellstone:
The trolls of old embraced the gift
A jewel of black for daggers swift
No party lasts who finds the stone
Those wielding it soon stand alone.
Sapphire Spellstone:
A stone of blue, embraced with glee
By murloc lords beneath the sea
Soon numberless they swarmed the shore
First two, then four, then more...and more...
Amethyst Spellstone:
A purple stone Azari carved
For dark hearts, craving, power-starved.
The first to bow, the warlock Rin,
Embraced the darkness, slew her kin.
Emerald Spellstone:
An emerald stone for Tauren hands
Who sought its strength to save their lands
Their tribes now lost, their rage released
Who’s hunting now? And who’s the beast?
Diamond Spellstone:
A diamond, white, this stone the eighth
A precious jewel for those of faith
A whispered prayer restores the lost
But none among them know the cost.
Ruby Spellstone:
The final stone undid its master
Spun into wards by nameless caster
Azari wailed a savage roar
Now sealed in nether, evermore.
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