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and now im slightly regretting spending gold for some random WTOG packs.... but for now its clocking at 1390


that reddit link...is it the card leak thread? my local browser unable to open it for certain ridiculous-national-security-related issue (if you asking its indonesian). so i get my leak from here:



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2.7k gold, gonna try and go for 3.5-4k by next month, all dependent on if the arena gods are favoring me.

Also got 8k dust and a dupe golden ysera on standby.


I've been around for every single hs expansion to date and so far this one seems to be the most promising one.


I was watching the reveal live with my girlfriend and I literally squealed like a jabroni when they showed off the tri-class concept. Genuinely did not see blizzard taking such a massive leap and introducing something that potentially game changing, it also shows a bit of growth and hopefully more comfortably on the devs part. The only downside being that there are only 9 funking cards. Thing is, everyone and their mom is jabroniing that 9 cards for a new mechanic is way too low, and although I get why they needed to do it this way for balance reasons I still find myself agreeing with the kids jabroniing. They essentially introduced this mechanic in the best possible way I feel, with a genuinely cool theme and back-story yet it only makes up for 7% of the actual set. 


Overall though I'm just glad they're even introducing tri-class cards and if my only complaint about something is that I wish there was more of it, then clearly they're doing something right. 

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Not as flashy as Kazakus, but damn if that's not a powerful-looking card. Imagine getting its effect on something like Dopplegangster, or using it with Brann. Even without a super synergistic interaction, 10/11 worth of stats for 7 is pretty darn good.

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Use Kabal Courier to get a Coldarra Drake and you've just won the game if you have Shadowform active, or maybe have Finley turn your hero power into something like Mage's or Hunter's. Infinite Armor would be hilarious, too.

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