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Their rationale behind replacing Adventures was that they didn't release enough cards to change the state of the game enough, which I agree with.


When it does come out, make sure to do the prologue mission first before opening any packs, since you'll get a free Legendary Death Knight Hero card. That way you won't get a duplicate if you happen to pull one from the packs first then get the same one from the Prologue, since stuff like that (such as the free class Legendary in the Welcome Bundle) won't be affected by the no duplicate Legendaries thing that's coming with the next expansion.


Scratch that, Blizzard has confirmed that non-pack Legendaries such as the Welcome Bundle will also be affected by the no dupes rule coming with the next expansion.


And in case anyone doesn't know how the Build-A-Beast works, you discover two beasts that are limited to Hunter or neutral beasts. You combine their stats, mana costs, and effects. The first beast can be vanilla or have any text. The second beast can be vanilla or have any keyword with no extra text. Both must be 5 mana or less, since if you combined two things and it went over 10 mana it'd be impossible to play.


So for example, the first beast could be Vicious Fledgeling and the second beast could be Stonestusk Boar, making a 4 mana 4/4 beast with charge that adapts each time it attacks the enemy hero. Or the first beast could be Dispatch Kodo and the second beast could be Stubborn Gastropod, making a 6 mana 3/6 beast that deals damage to a target equal to its attack and has taunt and poisonous, so any minion it hit with its battlecry would instantly be destroyed because of poisonous (unless it hit a divine shield).


I like the Rexxar Hero Card because it's nicely costed. It's almost like 3 cards in one. 4 mana deal damage to all enemy minions which is like Consecration without the face damage + 1 mana gain 5 armor which is Iron Hide + 1 mana make your Hero Power Build-A-Beast. It doesn't have the problems Jaraxxus has of being very expensive and almost a complete loss of tempo when played.

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Here to hoping Lifesteal means we get good, neutral healing. Probably not, though.

At the very least, it could well mean that the classes that have needed healing to be able to play control styles might get some, namely Rogue and Hunter. I could easily see Rogue getting a spell that gives their weapon lifesteal, or even just a damaging spell with it, and Hunter could get some vampire bats or something. This could give Blizz a good opportunity to finally make Control Hunter/Rogue finally work.

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I've been wanting Control Hunter since forever. I already run Medivh + CotW, but having a Hunter deck that's not just standard midrange with some cheeky late game techs on my part would be great. Deathstalker Rexxar seems like it could be good Control Hunter card if the deck happens, and they've already got other good value cards like Knuckles (who I'm excited to potentially make some fun combos with Build-A-Beast) and Swamp King Dred.

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The Quest Rogue nerf is finally live! Hallelujah! Also they finally fixed the game crashing on close, so that's nice.


Full patch notes: https://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20904301/hearthstone-update-july-10-7-10-2017


Also some more freebies have been datamined. It seems Blizz is finally learning that this sort of stuff is great for consumer happiness and general spice of life for the game: http://www.hearthpwn.com/news/2985-free-arena-run-knights-of-the-frozen-throne-card

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I think you get free boosters of older standard sets.


Those have all been from the Choose Your Champion events dealing with tournaments, not related to any specific expansion I believe.


I did forget about the Day of Volanosaur, though. That Volcanosaur is pretty good with cannot be targeted adapt.

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Those have all been from the Choose Your Champion events dealing with tournaments, not related to any specific expansion I believe.


I did forget about the Day of Volanosaur, though. That Volcanosaur is pretty good with cannot be targeted adapt.

They did a little more than that. From March 29 to April 5 they also gave out 200 dust, 2 Un'Goro packs, a Whispers pack, and a Mean Streets pack.

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Something interesting with the new patch is that both Jade Spirit and Hallazeal are Elementals now, which is pretty cool for anyone playing Elemental Shaman. The former seems much more impactful - the first thing that came to mind is that Servant can now pick up an extra Jade Spirit, which is pretty cool. 

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Oh cool, now Rogues can run Wild Pyromancer for a full board clear by giving it Poisonous.


Though that Jaina card is probably fake. Nothing's been confirmed for it, that image has been hanging around for a few days. The art is different from what Jaina looks like in the promos we've seen so far, and if it were to be officially shown we'd also have the Hero Power for it which we don't. It's also not the only leak for Jaina's Hero Card that we've seen so far, the other one from a Chinese ad having a different effect involving a freeze Hero Power.

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If you play MTG, you know that mythic spoiler is the go to for set spoilers. They now have a Hearthstone version.



Other new cards



Why are you trying to make discard Warlock a thing. It isn't going to be a thing.




Death's Bite was one of Warriors better weapons from what I can tell so curious how a weaker version will fair.




TRASH!!! Meaning I'm going to open 1.




A new Loatheb.

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Discolock will forever be trash unless it gets blatantly OP cards like how Midrange Shaman got good, or they change the discard mechanic to where it's no longer random and you can choose what to discard, like in games like YGO.

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There's also this boyo




Card seems alright, pretty good for Arena at the very least. I could see it being used in N'Zoth Warrior if they release a couple more good deathrattle cards.

This actually might be good in a N'Zoth Warrior deck. The card is weird in that it wants to be aggressive since that will be why the opponent kills it, but the affect it gives you is defensive. N'Zoth decks seem like the kind of play that type of thing will work.


Discolock will forever be trash unless it gets blatantly OP cards like how Midrange Shaman got good, or they change the discard mechanic to where it's no longer random and you can choose what to discard, like in games like YGO.

I've been thinking about the card more and it does seem like it has a shot. Lifesteal is VERY powerful in Warlock and you already want to play some number of discard cards anyway. If this can hit 4 or more (which shouldn't be that hard) it might have legs yet.


Anyway, new card



GOGO Control Hunter.

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I think Lana is a bit too slow for a healing effect, not even counting the doomsday scenario where you discard it because for some reason Blizzard thought discarding was a good mechanic when the discarding is completely random. It's going to take a lot more than inconsistent healing to make control discardlock a thing.


As for Putricide, I really like the card, and hopefully this means we're getting a good secret in the expansion alongside it. Now if only we could get some good healing for Hunter or just good neutral healing in general #bringbackhealbot2017

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