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The Infinate Skyscraper game

DEStroyer of worlds!

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Floor 27 (28): Walls on this floor are covered with cherry blossom motifs and essentially a gigantic flower garden indoors. There's artificial lighting in here, so don't worry about the sun not shining through the window. 



For those new to this game, convention is number of floors above ground and the parenthesized numbers are the American model (G = 1 and moving up). 


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Floor 28 (29): Very large. Smooth mahogany floors with small tiles of granite scattered across it, dark green velvet walls and an oak roof, and a locked paduak box. The only way to open it is to have all 3 balls fall into the correct scales. 1 can be dropped by solving a math question, 1 by throwing some of the tiles into a box, and 1 by doing a slider puzzle. inside the box is a small golden statue of a tree.

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Floor 31 (32): Here's the floor where you can hear the YCM mods constantly arguing about stuff in the building. Luckily the walls are soundproofed so no other floors can hear things. 


But yeah, don't come here unless you want to hear us having debates every night about certain things. 



(P.S. Outside of general forum stuff, there isn't too much for right now)

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