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Flag Burning

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Tried? I'd say I've lead the field for several years now.

Ah, I should have expected that. Tell me, what's your opinion on mixing some of the flag's ashes in with your hotdog? It can mess up the flavor if you do it badly, but the payoff of being able to sheet out a little big of America makes it worth it in my experience.

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Ah, I should have expected that. Tell me, what's your opinion on mixing some of the flag's ashes in with your hotdog? It can mess up the flavor if you do it badly, but the payoff of being able to s*** out a little big of America makes it worth it in my experience.

I tried this, but the ashes made me puke. Thankfully, I had the US Flag on hand to catch the vomit with.

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What the picture doesn't tell you, is that it fell to the ground during that war, when the person carrying it got stabbed.


So, being good soldiers, they burned the flag because it touched the ground. 


funk Winter man, you guys deserve medals for upholding what should be common sense regarding a very important flag.

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