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Fire Emblem Heroes

Astro Dude

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The Ylissean Summer banner has been datamined: http://imgur.com/a/PkWRW


And the rest of the info: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/6jpc35/feh_datamine_v15_june_26_2017/


The Summer skills look neat, but nothing I absolutely need, thankfully. When the update comes out next month I'll probably do a full summon session and that'll be it for me. Frederick is probably my favorite, though. Him going around the beach picking up seashells totally fits with his character.

Why (F) Robin and Adult Tiki? Why not Cordelia and Tharja? Granted we had Bride Cordelia but still... Also, I have a feeling it's Clairenne that'll be the GHB.

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The C skills for (presumably) Tiki and female Robin look quite neat; skill points are somewhat cumbersome to farm. It is nice that these skills make it easier. "Seal atk/spd 2" alongside "Clarisse's bow" or "dark breath" can debuff the entire enemy team… though given the oneshot nature of the game, it might not be as good. I have the feeling "close def" won't be as good as "distant def", given a lot of the threatening units are ranged or can counter attack at range. The weapons don't seem all that great with their one time "fury 2".


Anyhow, the voting gaunlet is currently live. Go team "Loving Priestess: Sakura".

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I'll just start with Mist since I imagine she'll lose to Lissa and I'm a feather opportunist. Though since the multiplier for being behind can reach up to 7.5x, who knows what might happen.


EDIT: Holy sheet it went from Mist being behind ~8mil to ~13mil and now she's ahead ~107mil to ~34mil, that multiplier was more signifcant than I thought it'd be, and it was only up to 3.2x. And the multiplier will only increase for the losing team as time goes on, so I guess it's better to save feathers until the end of the round is close.


Also, Clarisse's GHB is tomorrow: https://twitter.com/FE_Heroes_JP/status/879627761844748288

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So I was looking at reference photos I had today for a character, and I came across Lilith and Arete and realized how badly I wanted those two in the game as playable characters... They're both top tier waifus and idk I just like them...


Anyway, that Clarisse GHB though! Not too rough, but Lunatic took me a bit to clear and I'm still working on Infernal. Anybody else a little surprised we didn't get a battling Legion or Clarisse banner though, I wonder why...

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I've only done Hard Clarisse so far, I don't have any stamina right now since I finished training Anna and all my Legions to 40. Speaking of which, the other day I finally got my first defense win in weeks after switching to this team for this Arena season.



I'll probably just wait for Mkv's videos for Lunatic and Infernal because I'm lazy and I can save stamina by not doing the trial and error myself.


Also, Clarisse is a total tsundere.




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Btw, there's an official score tracker for the gauntlet votes: https://support.fire-emblem-heroes.com/voting_gauntlet/tournaments/4


But it only keeps track of the current score. If you want to see score history and data trends with useful charts and stuff, use this google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qPm_kenHCEnycLJTt26hOKCH4CLOLPwVEdIpqNdPR9g/

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I'm starting with Sakura, because I have to support Hoshido. Unfortunately, she's losing to Elise, because I guess most people just love Nohr.

Elise is faring better because, outside of a few OMG GOTHIC LOLI people, Elise is generally accepted as one of the best written characters in fates, and people genuinely enjoy her.


The average fan likes Hoshido more than nohr because:



  1. Hoshido is Asian.
  2. Hoshido is portrayed as a perfect utopia in the stories, Nohr interference aside.
  3. Hoshido's cast is an overall "eh" with the occasional spike or dip in character quality, with a few really bad ones thrown in.
  4. Hoshido's plot is basic Fire Emblem with more angry revenge thrown in. This appeals to a surprisingly wide audience.


  1. Nohr is more classic, not new and exciting as a venue, unlike Asian Hoshido.
  2. Nohr is portrayed as a sheet place where people are starving and have a lunatic for a king.
  3. Nohr is portrayed as the absolute villain for invading Hoshido. Supports show otherwise, greatly damaging the claims about the two nations in the stories with more hands-on truths.
  4. Nohr's cast is either REALLY good or REALLY poor, for the most part, with a few middle grounds thrown in.
  5. Nohr's plot is really weak, despite being ambitious.

Elise manages to overcome this, still, due to just how strong a character she is. Xander fits this, too, though the story makes him act really OOC for what his supports show.


It's only recently that most people seem to be realizing the flaws of Hoshido, and that's still a minority that is slowly gaining traction.


Also, I want Summer Frederick because of the fact that he has his sack of "pebbles", just filled with seashells and such instead. Nice nod.

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I just like her design a lot and she seems really nice, I haven't played Fates. Though I do know what happens to her in Birthright and I'm just like, "No, protect the precious cinnamon roll!" So once she reaches the final round I'll go to her side, unless the multiplier causes an upset and I end up stuck on a team I thought would lose.


Also, Mkv infernal. The only 4* is Donnel, the rest are 3*.



Now that I've gotten Swordbreaker for my Sophia, she is so satisfying to use. Face tanks basically any and all green/colorless units (for example, neutral Hector does only 6 damage to her and she's still only 4*) and sword users just get destroyed.


EDIT: Beat Infernal with my team of Ike, Sharena, Sophia, and Olivia. Ike and Sophia were perfect bait units since Ike could sustain with Aether and Sophia took very little damage as a whole.

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Yeah if I recall Clarisse is actually supposed to be younger than Katarina.


So, I was talking with a friend of mine about ways we'd like to improve the game, and after talking for a while these were the two things we came up with


1. Some sort of IV training mode where you could +3 one stat per character. We were thinking that it could be added to the Training Tower area and splitting the level training and stat training like Main Story and Paralogues are split. We were talking about how huge of a disappointment it is when you blow all your orbs and finally get the character you want, but it turns out they're a bad IV. This way even if you got a bad character like -Atk Rein or something you could at least improve it to a neutral IV. Plus we figured it could help out characters like the Askr Trio and Masked Lucina who suffer from only being able to be neutral. We also tossed around maybe having another set of maps that would let you decrease the stat of a character to -3 but in exchange, you'd be allowed to +3 another stat on that character. We figured that by limiting it so that a stat could only be at max +3 from it's original value, and you could only improve at most 2 stats (and in exchange for the second you'd have to reduce another stat) it would keep it from being too OP of a mode.


2. Some sort of event or shop for skill farming. In the first case, you'd have an event where the event points you earn can be exchanged for skill lines or running it the way events usually run in the game where you earn X skill line at certain score level. In the second idea there would be some sort of in game shop where you use some sort of currency like feathers and exchange them for skill lines. Once you'd earned the skill lines you'd be able to go to a menu like the Sacred Seals menu where you could give the skill line to any of your characters (provided they could use the skill normally through inheritance). Either way having to constantly try to summon more characters to use as skill fodder is a pain, and we figured this could at least help lighten the load on people.


Honestly I don't expect any of these to happen anytime soon because both cut down on the amount people spend on gacha, but it'd definitely be nice to see IS implement something like these.

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This season I haven't had any defense wins (yet), though I managed to get one previous season. Some feedback on what your team is doing would be nice, if only the composition of a team that beat you; now you don't even know whether they have seen battle.


Anyway, it seems that the scores are quite close in the high ranks; I'm only 10 points behind Shradow which is more than 650 places lower…Armored units should be able to help getting higher scores, but I'm no good at piloting them. I'm getting 4 orbs either way, so I'm not too bothered.




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What skills do you have on your units? Arena score also takes into account SI, based on the amount of SP needed (which is why Aether and Galeforce are prime targets due to costing 500 SP). My score would've been even better if I had a C skill on my Ike and my Blucina and Sharena had better B skills than WoM1. I'm looking to eventually get Hone Spd, Desperation, and finish filling out WoM on Ike, Blucina, and Sharena, respectively.

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For arena offense:

  • Ryoma (+hp, -def)
    • Raijinto
    • Swap
    • Night sky (needs to be changed)
      • Defiant atk 3
      • Vantage 2
      • Hone speed 3
  • Spring Lucina (+atk, -def)
    • Blarblade
    • Ardent sacrifice
    • Dragonic Aura
      • Quick sparrow 2
      • Desperation 3
      • Hone attack 3
      • Speed +1
  • Anna (neutral)
    • Nóatún
    • Reciprocal aid
    • Iceberg
      • Fury 3
      • Desperation 3
      • Spur res 3
      • Spur def 1
  • Klein (+atk, -res), has over 5000 skill points thanks to the Tempest trials
    • Brave bow+
    • Rally attack
    • Glacies
      • Deathblow 3
      • Quick riposte 3
      • Hone speed 3
      • Attack +1

Most improvements can be made at Ryoma I suppose. Though another thing I could try is to replace one of my ranged units with a melee unit; they suppoedly score better.

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Yeah, ranged units have an average BST of ~147 while melee units are ~157. There are other factors that slightly affect things whether they're melee or ranged, such as cavalry and dancers having less BST, armor having more BST, and the "Trainee" characters (Donnel, Faye, Nowi, Y!Tiki, Fae) having more BST than other units of the same type.

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Those ten points difference could be the result of Klein, as opposed to a unit like Sharena. I might try replacing one of my units with Fae (+res, -def). She has "Lightning breath", "Iceberg" and "Triangle adept 3" in addition to her normal skills. She should make short work of Reinhardts. Only issue is deciding who to replace.


Also there are slight fluctuations in your score based on the enemy you are pitted against. If you forfeit before selecting an enemy, your winning streak is maintained; this way you could only fight teams that have high scores. It probably requires a lot of dueling crests, so it is wasteful. (Lets not go into merging units, since that is out of my reach as a free to play player).

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