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Fire Emblem Heroes

Astro Dude

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So I was thinking about it at work and I might try and roll some more to see if I can get a better one

But interestingly I realized -Spd might be the way to go.

Cause I kind of want to try and get a second Hector eventually to give her Distant Counter and make her into a range killer.

Which might be best with +Res -Spd (maybe Def?)

Since with +Res she has

40 HP

33 Def

30 Res

Which seems like a good base to work with.

Might be able to do it with +HP but unsure.


Edit: Tried to roll again and ended up with +Res -HP Fallen Robin (M) which I think should be usable?

Also got another Kana but +HP -Res so I really don't know what to do about her

And cause ended up rolling a blue got a Shigure which was +Spd -HP

Aside from speed, "Robin: Fell reincarnation"  uses all of stats; he is primarily a tank after all. I currently use one with that same nature, and he works quite well for me… but I have given him some premium skills for arena scoring ("Warding breath" and "Aether"; planning on giving him "Bold fighter" when I get another Hardin). Even if he doesn't have a bane in speed, he will probably get doubled; most non-armored units easily reach the required 30 speed, whereas armored units can use "Bold fighter"; boosting defensive stats might not even be that bd of an idea.


Your Shigure looks quite amazing. With a boon in speed, he reaches 40 by default. Add a "Firesweep L+" and a speed boosting skill, and he has a good chance of doubling the enemy without the fear of retaliation. Got one myself as well, but mine has (+res, -def); not as amazing, but not unusble.

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So I was thinking about it at work and I might try and roll some more to see if I can get a better one

But interestingly I realized -Spd might be the way to go.

Cause I kind of want to try and get a second Hector eventually to give her Distant Counter and make her into a range killer.

Which might be best with +Res -Spd (maybe Def?)

Since with +Res she has

40 HP

33 Def

30 Res

Which seems like a good base to work with.

Might be able to do it with +HP but unsure.


Edit: Tried to roll again and ended up with +Res -HP Fallen Robin (M) which I think should be usable?

Also got another Kana but +HP -Res so I really don't know what to do about her

And cause ended up rolling a blue got a Shigure which was +Spd -HP

The Shigure is great.

IMO the +HP/-Spd Kana looks still useable. HP is also a bulk stat, after all. I would pick it over the +HP/-Res if you are going for a mixed tank.

The +Res/-HP Grima should be useful as well. As a tank it likes both defenses, and while Spd is ideal, HP is still a good bane to have.

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Appreciate the thoughts guys :D



The Shigure is great.

IMO the +HP/-Spd Kana looks still useable. HP is also a bulk stat, after all. I would pick it over the +HP/-Res if you are going for a mixed tank.

The +Res/-HP Grima should be useful as well. As a tank it likes both defenses, and while Spd is ideal, HP is still a good bane to have.

I was debating it still because I thought about it and
I have Fae, Grima, and Myrrh. The one thing Kana has over them stat-wise is speed.

tbh I COULD try and level them both and have one be more tanky but still unsure.

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I'm kinda surprised about who voices male Kana, Sandy Fox, Disgaea's Flonne. Then again, female va's voicing male roles is nothing new. I mean look at Phil from Rugrats, Max pre Goofy Movie, Bonz from classic Yu-Gi-Oh!, Leo from 5d's, and Vivi from Kingdom Hearts 2.


It's a shame they couldn't get David Stanbra to reprise his role of Kaze, but the three ninjas are together again.


and in all honesty, I can't wait to take Surtr DOWN!


[spoiler Hopefully]

Veronica will spare our lives after we save hers.



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jfc why a 5th Lyn. At least her art and attack animation is pretty sick. But holy sheet a potential +9 Atk/Spd and +4 Def/Res in combat if close to enough allies is insane.


Colorless is looking pretty good for me, though, since I don't have H!Jakob or F!Grima, and my only Genny is a bad nature.

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I wonder if "Lyn: Brave lady" will eventually get an upgrade to "Mulgir", in the same way Seliph, Julia, Merric, Linde, Ephraim and Hector got one. She probably doesn't want it though, as I feel a built-in "Dull ranged" and "speed +3" are slightly more useful for her… or a "Firesweep bow+"/"Brave bow+", if you have that.


Jakob, Robin, Miciah and Ephraim are the main units I want from this banner. But I don't think I will mange to summon them with the number of orbs I currently have.


The way Kaze will get distributed has also be announced; there will be another "Grand conquest", where you will get him as a 3 and 4 star by clearing quests. The prizes that are based on the number offor conquered areas will be closer to eachother; so you won't be screwed as nuch by RNG. There will also be five more ranks to go through for you to get prizes.

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Probably going to summon for Lyn on the Legendary banner, cause if I do get a bad bane she can be used as Speed Tactics fodder for Eirika. Being able to get Ingio and H!Henry would also be good, as one would give me a green dancer and the other is a ranged armour unit. Other than that H!Jakob and Legendary Robin are the other unirs I want so probably only going to summon green and colourless.

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Not too thrilled about Legendary Lyn. She may be unique as the first green bow, but... it's like a Brave Lyn on foot. The rest of the banner doesn't have me impressed either, but I too lean for Green and Colorless, for the novel Llyn, also Female Grima and Halloween Henry since I have this idea of building an Grimleal Emblem eventually xD

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So I figured I'd do a bit of summoning of any greens/colorless on the Wings of Fate banner since I hadn't pulled on it aside from the free pull, and with one green orb I got a +Res -Spd Amelia... Figured that was a good stopping point. I've already got a +Def -HP one so I need to decide if I want to merge her or use her for Armor March or Slaying Axe+ fodder.

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So I decided to summon some colorless and green on the "Wings of Fate" banner, as I haven't managed to summon Hinoka and/or Kana yet. One of the green stones gave me "Amelia: Rose of the War" (+def, -atk). Not ideal, but I liked using her as a unit in Sacred stones; I will probably merge her when I manage to summon more copies.

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Depends on a couple of factors, Regular Armads has a way worse player phase, and with Vantage, Berserk Armads is still a threat after 70%. Berserk Armads damage output is also higher.


Honestly Distant Counter is so rare though, I would have fed someone Hector instead of merging.

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I personally prefer the survivability that the Omnibreaker build grants, the ability for no one to double you while you guarantee double anyone in return (barring something like Axebreaker) is too valuable. It not working once you drop below the HP threshold is mostly irrelevant outside of multi-map modes like TT, since otherwise battles don't last long enough for tanky tanky Hector who can't be doubled to actually take enough damage (assuming you don't just throw him into Armorsmashers or red mages/dragons or something).


I agree that merging was the wrong choice, though. DC doesn't just grow on trees.

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I personally prefer the survivability that the Omnibreaker build grants, the ability for no one to double you while you guarantee double anyone in return (barring something like Axebreaker) is too valuable. It not working once you drop below the HP threshold is mostly irrelevant outside of multi-map modes like TT, since otherwise battles don't last long enough for tanky tanky Hector who can't be doubled to actually take enough damage (assuming you don't just throw him into Armorsmashers or red mages/dragons or something).


I agree that merging was the wrong choice, though. DC doesn't just grow on trees.

D'oh! You're right.


Btw, Form Legendary, I got a Shigure and two Gennys. And once her weapon becomes more powerful, I'll give her the no counterattack skill.

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I've had extremely poor luck this banner, after ~140 orbs of mostly sniping colorless (and pulling on a single green when there were none), the only 5* I've gotten is H!Jakob, though he is +Atk -HP which is pretty good though still not an ideal -Spd.


I did get some nice fodder, though, a Sothe to feed LnD to Raven and the healers I needed to kit out my Lissa some more.

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Managed to get a +Res/-Def Genny and a +Atk/-Def L!Lyn, which is great. Might use the Genny as Wrathful Staff fodder for either Sakura (+Atk/-Res) or Elise (+Atk/-Spd) allowing me to also run the Dazzling enhancement as well. So I'm now finished with the Legendary banner.


Might actually 5* my Corrin now and give him Swift Sparrow as the Yato refinement is coming out. Update to Rival Domains is nice as the enemy attacking after warp made it annoying to capture forts. Tap Battle giving Hero Merit will probably make me do it more to get HM for units I'm not currently building. Close Counter fodder is nice, though not sure which archer/mage I have which it could be useful on.

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I wonder whether Takumi will get "Close counter" at 4 stars. I'm expecting it to be at 5 stars so you will need a lot of feathers, but we will be getting a lot at the same time (13,200). Would this one also unlock his summoning animation (which will no longer play automatically)? It is nice that they are releasing an otherwise rare unit for free without any apparent reason; maybe they want to promote usage of Takumi, which his refinement failed to do?


Camilla and Clair both get a legendary weapon that is refinable. I wonder what type of effect they will have. All Clairs I have summoned (just 3 and 4 stars) so far have ended up as "Hit-and-run" fodder; maybe her new weapon will give her another purose. Already have a 5 star Camilla, who has a "Slaying axe+". I'm expecting her personal weapon to be similar, but with a cool effect instead… thus making that "Slaying axe" kind of wasted. On the other hand, I will need to get enough divine dew first, and there are enough other units whose wrapon Inwnt to refine first.


The memo also notes "new option for weapon refinery". I am expecting this to be seals from tempest trials some players might have missed. But I'm hoping it will add a few interesting new ones.


While not in this topic, I have seen various people complain about the music during the enemy phase; this can finally be turned of, so your music plays during both phases… I just hope that it continues playing and doesn't just restart each turn.

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Not to brag but I got Legendary Lyn on the free orb, but with +Res/-Def, not the best boon but at least it's a good bane, and Ploys may be an option for her, I guess. Still, I see Cow gets the better boon/banes >.>

I rolled for 2 more session on the banner, but didn't get anything noteworthy.


I realized I'm deficient on Blue Units since lately I have not liked any new Blue characters, and thus I avoid the color. As a result, I'm short on Skill Inheritance units like Shanna and Clair, meh.


Of course one of the fanservice queens gets a personal weapon :v

Tharja will be next for sure.

Corrin's Yato finally gets a much requested upgrade, neat.

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I've probably had my best luck on this legendary banner. About 2 summons in, I got a neutral IV Legendary Lyn. A few summons later I got a +atk -hp Halloween Henry. Since I got 2 out of the three green units I wanted, I went for blue and colorless and got a +hp -res Legendary Ephraim and a -res +def Micaiah. Probably the worst IV for Micaiah, and since I already have a Micaiah with a better IV, I plan on using her as either distant defense or guard fodder.

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