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Fire Emblem Heroes

Astro Dude

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Friendship ended with Laegjarn, now Helbindi is my best friend. He's almost certainly not dead, either. He's got his own Prf, and full art and voice acting. It'd be a waste of resources if he was gone after one chapter.


Also, Ylgr at the end is totally susp. She just happened to be able to escape despite being a seemingly powerless little girl, and she knew our character's name even though we didn't get to that part of the introduction? This is totally a "pancakes" situation from Persona 5. The easiest answer is that she's Loki in disguise.

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I'm sticking with Laegjarn. Helbindi is cool and all, but reminds me of other characters/tropes, while Laegjarn stands out a bit more, unless she also falls in a trope I'm not familiar with.


They have revealed that the Nifl royalty consist of 3 sisters and 1 brother, and even their order. Any guesses on the Muspell royalty? Personally I hope Laegjarn stays as the eldest. But if she cared about all her siblings, she would have mentioned them already...

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I have played Blazing Blade, Binding Blade, Radiant Dawn, Awakening, and know about Path of Radiance and Sacred Stones. The only one that Laegjarn reminded me of was Gale/Galle. Had to look at a list of Camus archetype characters to remember the rest. Still, they were rather forgettable to me.


Meanwhile, Helbendi not only reminds me of characters from the series like Gonzalez and Gregor, but even across other games, like Guzma from Pokemon. Hence why I find him more trope-ish than Laegjarn.

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[spoiler=New event calendar]img_20180511.png


I wonder whether the "New heroes" summoning focus will be brides (and/or grooms), as that was the theme for june last year; it runs for quite some time that month. Assuming the voting gauntlet is related, we might get another chance to summon those from last year.

With the changes to arena (bonus heroes getting +10 hp and +4 atk/speed/def/res), I expected that it would be harder to get defense wins, but the opposite happened; the amoint is the highest I've had in a long time. There might be little value in getting multiple wins, as your reward is based on the highest score; it at least shows the team is somewhat coherent… or the maps are in their favor. Anyone else having a similar experience?

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With the changes to arena (bonus heroes getting +10 hp and +4 atk/speed/def/res), I expected that it would be harder to get defense wins, but the opposite happened; the amoint is the highest I've had in a long time. There might be little value in getting multiple wins, as your reward is based on the highest score; it at least shows the team is somewhat coherent… or the maps are in their favor. Anyone else having a similar experience?


Not for me. Still no defense victories. Although I don't have a fully optimized team to send.

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I for one would prefer a Groom banner. It is only fair.

That randomly made me think of a Butler-Maid banner. That would be cool, too xD

Can already imagine, aside the obvious Jakob and Felicia, Frederick, maybe Lissa. Heck, it would be a good opportunity to introduce Merlinus.

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Man, I really hope we eventually get Helbindi as a unit. His weapon Býleistr is kickass:

At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
It is obviously limited in that it only works half of the time, and isn't the full +6 like the standalone Wave skills (right now we only have Odd Attack with Ishtar but there will obviously be more, and for Even as well), but not only is that a really powerful effect for himself, but it's great for Bladetomes (or maybe Bladesword, if we ever get Laevatein) and just buffing in general. It's not limited by movement type and makes him an AoE quad buffer while leaving his Assist, C skill, and sacred seal open to whatever he could want. Plus, I just like that it's already utilizing the new effect that's been introduced with Odd Attack Wave, it's a pretty unique weapon right now.
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[spoiler=5* +10 Project]ScX00SC.png?1


Current progress on a 5* +10 Catria (+Spd/-HP). Was debating between Fury and Brazen Atk/Def but since Fury nets more kills on both the Enemy and Player Phase I'll probably stick with it. Desperation is used as I don't have access to any better B skill, Chill Def would be good for team support, but otherwise doesn't impact kills all that much. Threaten Def will probably be switched out for arena weight for Drive/Dual Spur or a spare Smoke skill I get.


Bonfire nets more kills than Aether (2 cooldown vs 4) and Luna (more consistent damage). Draw Back is mainly used for getting units out of the way, though Reposition/Dual Rally would be preferred. Slaying Lance+ has both the Spd and Def refines done, though both net the same number of kills. Seal is currently Guidance, mainly as I use it to help move Eirika/L!Lyn around in Arena, though will probably be using Close Defence at a later date.

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So the other day I pulled a perfect +Atk -Def Lilina, so now I've just about fully built her, just haven't decided a C skill yet:




Gotta love that 66 Atk on initiation. Maybe one day we'll get a Death Blow seal so I can have triple Death Blow.

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Funnily enough, I also had a +Atk/-Def Lilina around and decided to rank her up recently.

Also, finally I got Lene today, the one I wanted from this banner and a character I can use for this Arena season. It's +Res/-HP, at least it's a good bane so I will take her.



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Pretty sure that's her PoR form, her hair is shorter like in her PoR art:




While she has longer hair and a different outfit in RD and her original FEH art (which is done by the same artist as this new seasonal alt so it's not just a difference in style):



Regardless, it's just a costume for the event. No one actually is getting married, they're just beating each other up over flowers. I don't see anything gross about it. Sanaki lampshades it herself.

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What Shradow said lol


Also Sanaki is the only one I'm super interested in of these. I really liked her character. Tharja was expected but I hoped it wouldn't be but oh well.

Ninian is alright, just 7 wasn't super important for me so not as attached.


ngl I was hyping myself up with who it might be and this was a let down but am happy about Sanaki.

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I called Bridal Tharja, but wasn't armored, nor with either bow nor staff :v

Sanaki was such a surprise. I noticed characters like Tharja or Ninian were popular candidates among fans, at least in the reddit site, but I don't think many saw Sanaki coming. She is the one I like the most of this banner, cuteness to the max, and the second being Ninian. I find funny how she kept her red headband xD Wouldn't be surprised if she was a flower girl for Bride Micaiah.

Not exactly a big fan of Ninian, but I have wanted her for a while as the only Dragon with a Dance/Sing skill, but maybe I will get her bride form first. Flier dancer is good, and in a way unique since she is ranged unlike Airzura, and I find her skill kit appealing. How about stacking that Chill Atk with Soren's tome? :v

I'm excited towards the introduced Link skills, as well. Sanaki's is defensive, and may be great with Swap or Reposition, but I can already imagine more offensive variants, which could be funny when paired with Shove/Smite. The Feint skills, on the other hand, look more tricky to use. I guess that it would have been too strong if it was a boosting skill instead that stacked with the Rally.

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