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Hyde's Cave of Characters

Mr. Hyde

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Figured I'd give this a try, seeing as how I've got nothing else to do at the moment!



Just to let you know, I probably won't be putting allllllllllllll of my character sheets in here.  That would be a lot of effort going through all the things that I was in before I merged my accounts.  




Too lazy to link anything here right now, seeing as I haven't even made a post yet






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[spoiler=My first Female Character, and my feistiest]


"Hey get back here!  I wanna see what you taste like!"

Name: Taiga 

Species: Sharpeedo
Gender: Female

Age: 24

Favored Legend: Kyogre


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 120 lbs

Taiga's teeth are razor sharp and can cut through steel.  If one of them snaps off, she is able to automatically regrow it.  Taiga's stomach is capable of turning itself inside out if she ever ingests something toxic, or bad for her insides.  She also sports a dorsal fin on her back that helps her swim through water.  




Feisty and rambunctious to her core, Taiga loves getting into trouble wherever she can find it.  She loves getting into scraps with other pokemon, even those that might have a type advantage.  Pokemon with a type advantage always seemed to taste better anyway.  Taiga also loves anything with monetary value placed on it, and loves to horde things she finds that may be of worth to others.  Taiga also hates losing, and tries her hardest to win any competition she finds herself in, although she usually loses competitions involving the use of her brain.  


Being a water-type, Taiga obviously likes to stick it close to water and hates hotter climates.  Her dark-typing also gives her sort of a knack for wrong doing, she can't help it, it's only in her nature to be bad to the bone. 



Taiga was born and raised in the city of North Shore, and was subsequently the first of all her Carvanha siblings to emerge from their eggs.  Naturally she ate the rest of them, but such is the circle of life.  While growing up in Northshore, Taiga grew a knack for treasure hunting, and made a living by diving deep into the ocean to find rare items that had long been forgotten in time.  Once she had evolved into the Sharpedo she is now, and heard about the legends of a mysterious creature dwelling in the deepest crevasses of the ocean, Taiga couldn't resist the temptations that came with the mysterious nature of a legend.  Did they sit on a pile of forgotten treasure?  She would find out what she defeated them!   


Level: 32

Ability: Speed Boost - During any competition that gets her blood boiling, Taiga's speed can go above and beyond other pokemon, even when she's not in water.  The speed maxes out at a point, but at that point she is merely a blur to pokemon who can't keep up.  


Crasher Wave: Taiga Summons a pillar of water that she stands above and uses it to crash into her opponent. (Waterfall)

NOM!:  An attack that uses her Teeth to the fullest extent of their power, infusing them with dark energy to clamp down onto an opponent. (Crunch)

FrostNom!:  Using the same powers as NOM! but instead chilling her teeth to negative temperatures, Taiga chomps down hard enough to shatter steel. (Ice Fang)

Let's Finish this How We Started, Together!:  Taiga links her dark Life Force to her opponents.  If she were to be knocked out at a time shortly after this attack was used, her opponent would receive the same fate. (Destiny Bond)


Special Attack

Blue Blur Blitz!: An attack that can only be performed by Taiga while she is performing at top speed.  A series of lightning fast chomps occurs and ends with a waterfall crashing down onto the opponent.  



720 Poke, 2 Water Gem(s), 2 Dark Gem(s), 1 Itemfinder






Made for one of the very first RP's that I became a part of since my return to YCM, and surprisingly she's still ongoing.  I wanted to play a female soooooooo much, to expand my horizons as a writer and what not.  As a gijinka, I think I gave her many more animalistic accessories compared to my other fellows, including her dorsal fin.  She's a little bland when it comes to her Personality and Biography, but it is to be expected from a writer getting back into the swing of things.  I love rambunctious characters, and I love having the tough exterior mixed with a tough interior as well.  I don't like to cliche, so I've tried to stick to her being kind of mean.  It's to be expected from a female shark.  


P.S., that Thigh Gap tho

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