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(Youtube) Lawnmowing Next Door


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I experimented with actually editing this time.



2 Gem-Knight Garnet

3 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast

3 Fairy Tail -- Snow

3 Mezuki

3 Preformage Trick Clown

3 Shiranui Solitare 

1 Mathematician 

3 Unizombie

3 Lumia, Lightsworn Summoner

2 Ghost Charion, the Underworld Boatman

3 Plaguespreader Zombie



2 Instant Fusion

3 That Grass Looks Greener

1 Raigeki

1 Soul Charge

2 Gold Sarcophagus 

3 Left Arm Offering

2 Charge of the Light Brigade 

2 Twin Twisters

3 Brilliant Fusion



3 Floodgate Trap Hole

2 Dimensional Barrier

3 Solemn Strike 



1 Gem-Knight Seraphinite

1 Elder Entity Norden

1 Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend

1 Psy-Framelord Omega

1 Stardust Spark Dragon

1 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon

1 Black Rose Moonlight Dragon

1 Ancient Fairy Dragon

1 Red Wyvern

1 Coral Dragon

1 Number S39: Utopia the Lightning

1 Number 39: Utopia

1 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK

1 Daigusto Emeral

1 Traptrix Rafflesia

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No Raidens? With mill decks like these, it seems absolutely imperative to have 2-3 to get a Minerva/Omega or other Xyz/Synchro especially if you run Luminas and Wolves. Triclown looks a bit risky @3, and it seems a bit redundant since you have Lawnmower, Lightsworns, and BS. You should probably add a Spiritmaster to combo well with Gold Sarc for bait, or with Snow for more powerful disruption.


I would probably bump up to 3 Instant Fusions. Again, getting an instant Minerva/Omega play will help you a lot, and having 3 increases your odds of drawing one and not milling out all. Theseus might be nice to use with Math or Lumina but that's optional.

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No Raidens? With mill decks like these, it seems absolutely imperative to have 2-3 to get a Minerva/Omega or other Xyz/Synchro especially if you run Luminas and Wolves. Triclown looks a bit risky @3, and it seems a bit redundant since you have Lawnmower, Lightsworns, and BS. You should probably add a Spiritmaster to combo well with Gold Sarc for bait, or with Snow for more powerful disruption.


I would probably bump up to 3 Instant Fusions. Again, getting an instant Minerva/Omega play will help you a lot, and having 3 increases your odds of drawing one and not milling out all. Theseus might be nice to use with Math or Lumina but that's optional.

Whoops! Forgot to include them in the decklist -- I do indeed play the full 3. I intentionally am not playing Minerva because that card is like $1,200 or something absurd IRL, but other than that, all those suggestions seem sweet. I have noticed Clown to be not as high-impact as I would like. Bumping up to 3 instant fusion is probably a good idea, and I would most likely taking out the second Seraphinite for the machine tank that pops things when it dies, simply because you're usually empty-handed by the time you get your second Brilliant Fusion so Seraph's effect isn't that valuable the second time around, and you can only play 1 Norden for a very good reason so I wouldn't mind having some utility in that spot.


Thanks for the suggestions. I'm always looking to improve this deck, and I'll probably try them out on Yugioh Pro.

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