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We already had a thread for this (you knew about it, right?), but at this time, it's dead due to lack of updates, so...
But yeah, let's see how this series goes (and also the amount of changes this is going to make to the game). Hopefully they at least give the other summon mechanics enough coverage so they don't get forgotten, but knowing the past couple generations, they really push whatever new summon method. 
Things to hope for (in summary):

  • Yusaku's tolerable as a protagonist (tbf, I don't hate Yuya as a whole, but his tendency to start circus acts at the wrong times was a turnoff [i did enjoy his rage moments though]; Yuma was fine [least for me], Yusei and Jaden/Judai were good enough and only cared about Yami Yugi [well, he's the one who did most of the work])
  • Female main doesn't suck (Yuzu lost development after episode 83, Kotori sucked in ZEXAL, Aki started off good, but slowly tapered off, Asuka was fine and I can't speak for Tea/Anzu because I didn't finish watching DM)
  • New summon mechanic (if any) doesn't break the game, and the existing summon methods at least get a respectable showing. That, and the concept of VR Duels. 

As for name, probably not too surprised considering VR Duels are a thing, so makes sense. 


(Oh right, and Yusaku looks like he came out of TRON or something in the poster)

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The Duel disk is where it's at. I mean, where could you put the cards?


I would assume there's at least a virtual blade that one could place the cards on, similar to what ZEXAL/ARC-V decided to do for their characters, but the poster here neglects to show it.


Or I suppose this is just an image of Yusaku in the virtual world as a projection, and he does have a regular disk as usual (assuming they are using helmets and stuff). 



Probably overthinking it at this stage, but there should exist an area where cards can be played. 

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