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Blasting the Ruins FTK


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Been out of the game for a long time and starting to reacquiant myself via YGO Pro. The deck has lots of consistency issues as you can imagine, and I have little knowledge of cards that have come out in the past ~5 years, so all suggestions are appreciated.


3 Destiny HERO - Dogma

3 Destiny HERO - Plasma

3 Destiny HERO - Dreadmaster

3 Archlord Kristya

3 Broww, Huntsman of Dark World

1 Royal Magical Library



3 Allure of Darkness

3 Trade-In

3 Destiny Draw

3 Dark World Dealings

3 Into the Void

3 Cards from the Sky

1 Card of Demise

1 Upstart Goblin

1 Pot of Duality



1 Life Equalizer

1 Blasting the Ruins

1 Wall of Revealing Light




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