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Field Nukes

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Rather than continually referencing field nukes in other topics, I thought it would be a good idea to make it its own topic to flesh it out better.


I believe that this card, along with Dark Hole and Slumber (and even that Link Trap Hole perhaps), will have a resurgence based on the Link monsters we currently know about/the changes to the game as a whole.


Decks that need to dip into the extra deck have to rely on the currently weak Links to get anywhere. The Links, meanwhile have little to no protection and are fairly hefty in cost (2-3 monsters for the ability to open possibilities).


That's where field nukes come in. They destroy Links, forcing a player to start from square one, plus they may rid the field of other cards at a relatively small cost. The idea is to run these kinds of cards simultaneously to be able to get them in a relatively timely manner.



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Well, last time I checked in current OCG they are actually commonly used because of Zoodiacs and stuff; I see players maining Dark Hole, which is still at 1 in OCG by the way, but because Raigeki is still banned there, so most likely TCG will go for Raigeki and maybe even 1 Dark Hole for an extra nuke when not maining nor siding Kaijus.

So yeah, IMO we can expect these nukes to remain good with the advent of Link Monsters.

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Main reason they'd be good vs Links is because Links wouldn't be good for a while, TBH, not necessarily that they'd become useful again

I think is reasonable expectation that competitive decks in future will come with their own Link 2s which would likely be cheap enough that field wiping them would only serve temporary purpose


Also, of course, worth noting that it depends on what Links themselves get (if they get the floating/protection/quick effect packages that Extra Deck had before, can expect field wipes to fall out of favor again)

As far as it goes interacting with opp's advantage typically weaker than focusing on your own but a field wipe can prob be expected to be p useful against them in short-term, anyways

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From what I understand, Linking to a MMZ grants you the right to summon an ED monster to that zone, that's it. If the Link monster dies, nothing happens unless its effect says otherwise. Like, if it said "When this card leaves the field: Destroy all monsters in zones linked to this card".

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