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Post and I'll tell you what I like about you

Simping For Hina

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You aren't afraid to be told off. Good trait to have, especially when you are actually civil and aren't biased with how you speak. I appreciate talking to you when you're not trying to act headstrong and are just interested about something, not trying to be right or just need something to say. Should try to act like that more often. Better and more suitable person.



You're fun and you don't actually get too into things, just enough to have them matter and hear people's inputs. You're down to earth.



I literally know nothing about you and can't say I know anything that I can appreciate. You're ballsy. I'll give you that.



If I'm going to be an active participant in this community again, I may as well post in this thread.  Dearest God save me.

Tbf, there isn't much I can say. I seem to have more of an impact on your life than you have had on mine. You're at least always open about your life when I ask about it. I am glad you're doing well with things and are continuing on with what you've been doing.



Black's ass.

You're fun to talk to when I get pissy and frustrated because you don't push me one way or another, you just make me rationalize the situation. Plus, you're fun to tease.



Surprise time.

I don't even know you.



I don't know you either.




You're just fun to funk around with and be complete imbeciles. I don't know you more than that.


Take your time

You're not afraid to be sexual or anything like that. You're a younger version of me when it comes to that. I hope you take on the mantle of "sexualize everything". I want to pass it on.

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