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[Hearthstone] Crystalline Oracle


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Aw it's a wittle babby Shifting Shade. A nice early drop for Priest, in a similar vein to Rogue's Swashburglar and Mage's Paveling Babbling Book, and it'll also help out with their Deathrattle quest. It's also got the Elemental tag, so it could be part of some synergy if Priest gets any support for that tribe. It's a neat little card and I like it.

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If ele support is good, this + tar ele will definitely be welcome in priest variations.

Idk how good it is on its own.


After mulling it over for a minute I've realized that this is actually never dropped on turn 1 due to the quest occupying that slot, so the merit that 1 drops get for being early tempo is completely lost on this little dude. Hmm. Yeah idk how this is gonna fare tbh. 

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It's not like Priest is known for its wealth of 2 drops, I figured this would just be played on turn 2, maybe with a PW:Shield or something. It's not the strongest turn 2 play but it's better than heal for nothing + emote. Or used to even out a curve on later turns. Or maybe just coined out after the quest, if you're going second. That's assuming you're running this with the Quest, of course.

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Some complain about HS reprinting the same effects over and over again. However, given that things like Kazakus and Raza are promoting highlander deckbuilding, some redundancy would be needed for consistency in getting cards that serve the same role.


Also it gives Priest something else to do T1.

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