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Today is Earth Day!


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  • I don't eat meat or use most animal products, and as such consider myself vegan. The billions of animals kept alive for the meat and dairy industries contribute to climate change with their methane burps. I do actually eat honey, since bees are extremely important to the environment, and they aren't exactly the most abundant animal, to put it lightly.
  • I don't fly. Nitrogen oxides are a potent group of greenhouse gases, released by planes when they fly. 
  • I don't drive. Cars emit carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.

While I'm here, I may as well state that I think the attitude of ridiculing anyone who cares about the environment is a silly one. Any hotel owner would tell you that it's vital to the hotel's success that it be kept in good shape. Someone who kept trashing their room and refused to stop would be kicked out, since someone's going to have to live in that room. Because that's what our planet is: a place where people live, and it would be bad business sense to exploit our hotel by removing all the washers from the plumbing and selling them for scrap.

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