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Another Card Maker Problem...



2 answers to this question

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He already mentioned in an earlier thread (idk where) that he doesn't like the formatting on TCGEditor (even though that one gets updates and actually has Pendulums); not sure on the templates. (Going to assume he at least has some knowledge of image editing software because a couple of his cards do have holofoil effects).


We know about the cardmaker's issues (this one being from October, so it's nothing new), but like Giga/Parenthesis mentioned, it's not something we can fix. Yes, the Super Mods (at least evilfusion) have access to the coding, but unless it's for minor changes that aren't going to mess things up, cardmaker won't be altered. (Unless you want the cardmaker to be fried even more than it is now if he tries; implication being that he might edit the wrong thing.)

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