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[CIBR] Altergeists

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dude hammerkong lasted literally 1 frame + the back of ratpier and u writing essays about it being anime archetype rofl nice bait


Jurracs and Flamvell confirmed anime archetypes


OT: Is it possible that Marionetter + Protocol could become a negation engine for decks that don't give a funk about their Normal Summon?

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it might be an anime deck... remember the girl in the motorcycle that Zaizen speak with in the anime (forgot the name)? this might fit well to be her deck!


You mean Ema Bessho / Ghost Girl? Black made a note of it last page. 



Jurracs and Flamvell confirmed anime archetypes


OT: Is it possible that Marionetter + Protocol could become a negation engine for decks that don't give a funk about their Normal Summon?


Perhaps, but one would need to test them to see if it works. IDK if YGOPro will have the scripts for them by the end of the day (if they aren't already done). 

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so close to a fu-rin-ka-zan meme. just one element away. i kind of wonder how well this archetype'll work with something like spellbooks, or invokers too. definitey loving the artwork and monster theme though. hopefully the user doesn't get shafted midway through the anime like so many often are, so we can see some serious support for them. (have yet to start the anime, so no idea if the deck user is a mainstay or not)


off/t, but considering your rules for inclusion polaris, spellbooks would also count as anime archetypes. and you forgot to mention prediction princesses, who while worthless on their own, have had some mild success when adapting the ritual monster into  decks like shaddolls.

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Yes, this is confirmed to be an anime archetype, used by "Ghost Girl." My question is "where's the FIRE one?" There's already one for every other attribute, so it doesn't make sense that they'd just leave out FIRE.


I like the idea of this Archetype as a small engine with Windwitch and Invoked, and maybe elsewhere too. The only problems are that you'd want to Normal Summon both Marionetter and Aleister, and while Altergeists have a Link Monster, it doesn't really help you to have both Crystal Wing and Raidjin/Mechaba quickly and at once because it takes time to summon it. In this hybrid, and even pure builds, you could toss in a basic Spellbook engine for draw support, deck thinning, and utility (Fate). Secret Village of the Spellcasters is also a solid pick, given most decks' reliability on Spells right now.

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To be fair, I initially found out that Ema would be using them from Starlight/Maxut; probably should've made a note of it earlier. But yeah, we were right about these being anime (though there wasn't much choice anyway in terms of current characters). Moving on...


Yes, this is confirmed to be an anime archetype, used by "Ghost Girl." My question is "where's the FIRE one?" There's already one for every other attribute, so it doesn't make sense that they'd just leave out FIRE.


They don't have space in the Main Deck, so only way they're getting a FIRE member is a Link monster (or you'd have to wait until the next set if it isn't). IDK why they left it out; either lack of ideas/design sources or not enough space considering they want to cram in stuff for the other main characters, Crawlers / Starrelic, Metaphys and some other generic stuff.


I mentioned the point of another Link earlier; hopefully it's a Link 2 or lower that helps them start plays, because they need that to function on their own effectively.

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