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For those of you who don't know, BGMEME is a man from the country of Filipino who creates mainly D/D and cyber cards that are ridiculously over the top broken.  Despite the fact that BGmeme try to say they are not broken, i say they are. He however say they are not, to which I say, yes they are. We could argue over this but it will never be complete, so therefore I challenge bgmeme to a CAC contest.


This CAC contest purpose is to:

  • Decide who is the better CAC master
  • Resolve all conflicts/debates which BGmeme created 

There will be 5 battle/rounds and each of these rounds will determine the skills of the players.

  • Round 1: Both designers design a card on the theme: Ascension
  • Round 2: Both designers choose a card from an archetype which they commonly played, and designs a card which can support and improve the archetype substantially.
  • Round 3: Both designers will design a new set of archetype, create a system and method of play-style
  • Round 4: Both designers come up with an unique and innovative idea that is completely new and experimental to the game
  • Round 5: Both designers will reflect on Round 2, take the archetype that their opponent chose for their designs, and create a card for that archetype which can improve and support the archetype substantially. 


The cards will be voted by the community, in terms of three different values:

  • Card Artwork: Is it good artwork or is it shitty low jpeg pictures stolen off of google. Does the art reflect the card itself. Is the art beautiful and coherent.
  • Card Design: Is the card balanced in terms of restriction and design. Is it good but not too broken. Underlying the surface, is there a way in which its existence in the game can create a change in the system but not a complete breakage of the game?
  • Card Connection: The connection between the cards means that is there a system in which the cards and their effects of the archetype correleate and connect with each other in some way.


I challenge @bgmeme u have 72 hours to respond

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