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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker Awards 2017

BoJack Horseman

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Ultimate Male Member - Shradow

Ultimate Female Member - Magical Girl Miracle★Usami

Ultimate Card Maker - BGMaxie

Ultimate Role Player - Draconus297

Ultimate Writer

Ultimate Debater

Ultimate Comedian - Cyber Stein

Ultimate Rising Star - KuriOmniGod

Ultimate Influential Member - Berkut

Ultimate Drama Queen (or King!) -  Knight Artorias

Ultimate Moderator - Hi I'm Dad

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  • Replies 102
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Ultimate Male Member:Black

Ultimate Female Member: I dunno, lol

Ultimate Card Maker: Beats the hell outta me

Ultimate Role Player: Cowcow

Ultimate Writer: Hi, I'm Dad

Ultimate Debater: vla1ne

Ultimate Comedian: Yui

Ultimate Rising Star: KuriOmniGod

Ultimate Influential Member; Giga/Parenthesis

Ultimate Drama Queen (or King!): Polaris. 

Ultimate Moderator: Evilfusion.

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Ultimate Male Member: Holy Cow

Cow is cool.


Ultimate Female Member: Lambdadelta

Hina is really sweet and she's come a long ways too.


Ultimate Card Maker: VCR_CAT

I think VCR_CAT is the only person I've really seen that talks about making cards so yeah.


Ultimate Role Player: Skaia

This was hard because I also feel that Skaia is best comedian. Skaia's the best at a lot of things, despite being the "normal" one.


Ultimate Writer: Hi I'm Dad

Dad's pretty good at spinning a story. I did think Thar was pretty good too but he's gone.


Ultimate Debater: N/A

I wouldn't touch debates with a ten-foot pole.


Ultimate Comedian: Yui

He's pretty funny and always has a meme handy.


Ultimate Rising Star: N/A

I need to talk to more new people.


Ultimate Influential Member: (Φ)

I think that (parenthesis) brings up really good points and whether they agree or disagree, people take what he says seriously.

Ultimate Drama Ruler: N/A

I tend to stay away from drama llama stuff so I have no idea for this one and I'm glad of it.


Ultimate Moderator: Flash Flyer - Sakura

Sakura is probably the most dependable moderator on this site, and the most accessible. He puts a lot of work into this site on top of his real life priorities and I respect him for that.

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U-uwaah! So many replies and...



Complaints for your teacher... I-I um...





Monomi, such a dumb child.



You made the rules, so enforce them!



Wh-wha!? Why are you here?!



Leave my students alo-



Shut up and let your big brother show you how it's done, stufatly!



-senseless crying and whimpering-



That's better!



Monomi was going to give awards to more Ultimates...



... But you guys don't do anything!



GFX? More like Gravephics!

Gamer? That talent is taken!

Weeaboo? You mean everyone?

Reviewers? Well, they say those who can't do teach, right, Monomi?






On to the Ultimate Tasty Bovine!



Do you want lilolme to claim all the awards? ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧



Aahn... Your love makes me so...! ʕథ౪థʔ






You cannot possess more than 1 Ultimate Talent.



However I accept legitimate business to achieve more!



No cheating!



Rrrr fine!



You don't want the results to be inconclusive due to too few votes do you? The vote minimum is important in achieving a fair trial! I mean experience.



And I'm sure Monomi would allow private votes.



Usami will listen in private if you're shy!



What a world where even mascots of teachers are having secret meetings with students phuhuhu!





A-Ahh! Usami only wants the best for her students!



Ignore that wicked Monokuma! I protect all my students!

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That was an absolute pain to read through and wholly incorrect. Forcing votes when some may not care about the actual topic or not know for sure does not make things more conclusive in the slightest. It only puts votes for people who are just "Well since I have to fine here".

As for one person winning multiple...why not? If they legitimately are thought to be the best for the category and someone else gets it because "Oh no only one" that's silly.

I do not appreciate having to read through all that just to maybe gleam some of what your reasoning is and I am sorry but whoever this is I am honestly disappointed in how you're running this.

If this is your decision that is fine, I will accept that, but know that I will be sure to try and point out flaws for the next time. Just please don't try and "explain" yourself in this manner. If you think you're right then explaining only leads to more discussion and if you're open to changing things than please PM me so we can talk this out.

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Ultimate Male Member: MITCH

Ultimate Female Member Kok

Ultimate Card Maker ---

Ultimate Role Player RICARDO

Ultimate Writer ---

Ultimate Debater Vlaine, I guess

Ultimate Comedian Mido

Ultimate Rising Star ---

Ultimate Influential Member Broseph cause I know he wants it

Ultimate Drama Queen (or King!) Black during leaving threads

Ultimate Moderator Sakura (would have been Dad though)

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I can't take any of this sheet serious.


Ultimate Male Member: E Hero Kyle
Ultimate Female: Member Kok
Ultimate Card Maker: Ragnarok1945
Ultimate Role Player: Kakashi Hatake
Ultimate Writer: Bahamut
Ultimate Debater: White
Ultimate Comedian: Magical Girl Miracle★Usami

Ultimate Rising Star: Krein
Ultimate Influential Member: Desu
Ultimate Drama Queen (or King!): Thar
Ultimate Moderator: Phantom Roxas

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GFX? More like Gravephics!

Gamer? That talent is taken!

Weeaboo? You mean everyone?

Reviewers? Well, they say those who can't do teach, right, Monomi?


- Hey, there are cool artists that are still active, even if they aren't that productive lately.

- The gamer award is taken by...?

- Well, certainly there are levels of weeabooness here. AFAIK some even go as far as cosplaying and stuff.

- I actually agree with that one xD      sucks because I would nominate Black for that.



Anyway, my nominations:


Ultimate Male Member: Machismo

Ultimate Female Member: Toyo

Ultimate Card Maker: Sleepy

Ultimate Role Player: Nai

Ultimate Writer: Catterjune

Ultimate Debater: N/A

Ultimate Comedian: N/A

Ultimate Rising Star: Dragobonita

Ultimate Influential Member: Koko

Ultimate Drama Queen (or King!): N/A

Ultimate Moderator: evilfusion

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I don't see what the fuss is about. I'm getting a kick out of the bear, reminds me of Nexev.

We did the same process years ago and it worked out fine. I think this is going better so far than by that one idiot years ago who promised actual awards, assembled a GFX team, and then didn't help direct the process in the slightest.

I like these more than the YMB too because it's not resulting in putting any one person down for a popularity contest, it's just about acknowledging your friends or acquaintances for their actions and contributions for the community. 

Good idea with smaller set of awards too...40 was way too much. And a lot of members won multiple awards, I think it's more interesting to stick with one member per category. 


Ultimate Male Member-Black
Ultimate Female Member-Caeda/Kazooie
Ultimate Card Maker
Ultimate Role Player
Ultimate Writer-Catterjune/Pika
Ultimate Debater-vla1ne
Ultimate Comedian-Dae
Ultimate Rising Star-KuriGod
Ultimate Influential Member-Parenthesis
Ultimate Drama Queen (or King!)
Ultimate Moderator-Sakura

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Please find it in you to make 1 more vote.



Or Usami can't count any.

I can't take any of this sheet serious.


Ultimate Male Member: E Hero Kyle

Ultimate Female: Member Kok

Ultimate Card Maker: Ragnarok1945

Ultimate Role Player: Kakashi Hatake

Ultimate Writer: Bahamut

Ultimate Debater: White

Ultimate Comedian: Magical Girl Miracle★Usami

Ultimate Rising Star: Krein

Ultimate Influential Member: Desu

Ultimate Drama Queen (or King!): Thar

Ultimate Moderator: Phantom Roxas


You cannot vote for dead people or people not currently in the position.

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Apparently running a club where we make and analyze cards isn't enough to put most AGM members up for Ultimate Card Maker. Guess I need to step up my game.


As for an eighth vote . . . Meh, Polaris wants to be Drama King, let him have it.


To be fair, only you, me, Tinkerer and Nyx are the ones who consistently contribute to the section from AGM, but even the activity level in there among us needs to go up [though some of us do have lives outside YCM]. There are other factors as well; part of it also deals with how we've addressed critique on our work and actually fixed / improved stuff on our own accord as necessary.


Not saying this to be hard on you (because I'm AGM too), but yeah, small club and somewhat limited presence in there from maybe 3-4 of us on a regular basis (mostly constrained to the general card areas).

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You cannot vote for dead people or people not currently in the position.


Are you saying that my friends are dead...? I didn't know this. You ruined my day just now.


What do you mean "not currently in the position"? I think that all of these people are currently in the position. Their legacies will never die.

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Well, I'll put aside my feelings of resentment towards DanganRonpa for this...


Ultimate Male Member: Hi I'm Dad

Ultimate Female Member: Tesability Black

Ultimate Card Maker: (Abstaining if possible)

Ultimate Role Player: Merciful Idiot

Ultimate Writer: Ninanai Nanashi

Ultimate Debater: Aerion Brightflame

Ultimate Comedian: Kingdom Xathers

Ultimate Rising Star: (Abstaining if possible)

Ultimate Influential Member: (Φ) (I appreciate his suggestions that led to the Animation & Graphic Novels and Film & Literature sections)

Ultimate Drama Queen: Berkut

Ultimate Moderator: Flame Dragon

Ultimate Despair: Winter





What do you mean "not currently in the position"? I think that all of these people are currently in the position. Their legacies will never die.

I'm no longer a moderator, so I am not currently in the position that you nominated me for.

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Ironically, I thought of a Rising Star.


Ultimate Male Member Fusion (be more active you funker)

Ultimate Female Member Kazooie

Ultimate Writer I have to hand it to Pika, they keep at it.

Ultimate Debater Aerion Brightflame

Ultimate Comedian Enguin

Ultimate Rising Star Kayden North

Ultimate Influential Member Giga/Parenthesis

Ultimate Drama King Polaris

Ultimate Moderator Sakura

Ultimate Despair: Winter

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Ultimate Male Member: Dae

Ultimate Female Member: Koko

Ultimate Card Maker: n/a

Ultimate Role Player: Chaos Sonic

Ultimate Writer: Fusion

Ultimate Debater: n/a

Ultimate Comedian: Cow

Ultimate Rising Star: n/a

Ultimate Influential Member: Nyx

Ultimate Drama King: Black

Ultimate Moderator: Flame Dragon

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Ultimate Male Member Torasaki. Holder of the strongest known rep:post ratio, and evidence that you don't have to achieve anything significant to become an icon.

Ultimate Female Member Rewas. Some may protest "Rewas isn't female!" but those are racists who are jealous of the success he has had from such humble beginnings.

Ultimate Card Maker http://whyyugicocardcreator.tumblr.com

Ultimate Role Player XOXO. I have no idea about the RP section but there's plenty of cancerous in-character conversations on skype wasting valuable space in my brain.

Ultimate Writer Aria... Such mastery of the ellipsis... truly a literary powerhouse...

Ultimate Debater Speedroid. Never before has anyone been so consistently abysmal at a task as Speedroid is at debating. Terrible points delivered condescendingly, just what everyone loves to see.

Ultimate Comedian Tough. Aix has a strong claim with just how hilarious his being a mod was, similarly Zai. However I'll have to give it to YCMaker; his incredible commitment to the absentee admin persona in not breaking character for almost 10 years deserves recognition.

Ultimate Rising Star Lambdadelta. You may argue that someone who joined in 2010 is hardly a rising star, but we need minority representation and no other Canadians have a chance anywhere else.

Ultimate Influential Member SwagCompton98. Never before has an artist so embodied the spirit of his people as SwagCompton98 has with his fellow niggas on YCM. Truly the voice of a generation, and yet he has not allowed fame to change him - he even still lives with his mother! An inspiration.

Ultimate Drama Queen (or King!) Armz. Shame he's gone and whoever the funk the weeb doing this is won't accept the vote, because nobody deserves it more than old meltdown-kun himself.

Ultimate Moderator Dad. You can take his title, you can take his power, but you can never take his place in all our hearts. <3 #DADMIN2017


Please stop replying to posts in disgusting trash RP format you degenerate scum.

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Ultimate Debater Speedroid. Never before has anyone been so consistently abysmal at a task as Speedroid is at debating. Terrible points delivered condescendingly, just what everyone loves to see.

Thing is, I'm actually semi-alright face-to-face, if I keep my chill. Online though I'm bad at communicating my point

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Well, I'll put aside my feelings of resentment towards DanganRonpa for this...Ultimate Male Member: Hi I'm DadUltimate Female Member: Tesability BlackUltimate Card Maker: (Abstaining if possible)Ultimate Role Player: Merciful IdiotUltimate Writer: Ninanai NanashiUltimate Debater: Aerion BrightflameUltimate Comedian: Kingdom XathersUltimate Rising Star: (Abstaining if possible)Ultimate Influential Member: (Φ) (I appreciate his suggestions that led to the Animation & Graphic Novels and Film & Literature sections)Ultimate Drama Queen: BerkutUltimate Moderator: Flame DragonI'm no longer a moderator, so I am not currently in the position that you nominated me for.

funk, man.

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Ultimate Male Member: Hi I'm Dad

Ultimate Female Member: Kazooie


Ultimate Roleplayer: Rinne


Ultimate Debater: Aerion Brightflame

Ultimate Comedian: Kaiji

Ultimate Rising Star: Reptilian

Ultimate Influential Member: Kazoo- dang, can't do 2. Giga.

Ultimate Drama King: Black

Ultimate Moderator: evilfusion

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