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Link Format ABCs

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A-Assault Core x3

B-Buster Drake x3

C-Crush Wyvern x3

Blackwing-Gofu the Vague Shadow x3

Gold Gadget x3

Destrudo, the Dead Drake of Dread x3

Silver Gadget x3


Dark Hole x2

Raigeki x1

Foolish Burial x1

Soul Charge x1

Terraforming x3

Union Hangar x3

Twin Twisters x2

Dragon Ravine x2


Solemn Warning x1

Solemn Strike x3


ABC-Dragon Buster x3

Decode Talker x1

Link Spider x1

Proxy Dragon x1

Gaia saber, the lightning shadow x1

Abyss Dweller x1

Castel x1

Daigusto Emeral x1

Gear Gigant X x1

Utopia x1

Utopia the Lightning x1

Tornado Dragon x1

Ancient Fairy Dragon x1

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Ok, so I see where you're going with this, but honestly for Links you need a different mindset to play ABC than you did pre-links. Pre-link, the best you could hope to do with the Unions was Rank 4 them, since Synchros require a Tuner. But post-Link, using your Unions to summon Link Monsters triggers their effects, which are not once per turn and are very powerful. You summon Link Monsters for more than just to open up zones to summon monsters from the Extra Deck into.


I'm assuming that this is pre-Circuit Break since you aren't running Destrudo.


First of all, lots of your ratios and card choice are kinda questionable. There's no reason to only run 2 Gofu, play a 3rd while it's unlimited. Same with Terraforming, you need to get to Hangar asap. Things like Honest and maindecked Gameciel are just bad imo. I'm guessing that they're both there to out Masterpeace, but the Honest won't even work half the time due to Diagram's effect (although then tbf you can just Dark Hole/Raigeki) and 2 Gameciel is just an easy way to open it going first and to never open it going second against True Draco. I see the Galaxy Soldier engine as being weak post-Links since it doesn't summon any Link Monsters out and if you don't have a Link, you can't summon Infinity and ABC. ABC takes precedence since it is the better card. Even if you did run Galaxy Soldier, you would definitely run 3 to get to it quicker. So put Galaxy Soldier to 3 or 0, probably 0.


Other than that, if you really want to play ABC over the coming months, prepare for Destrudo in Circuit Break. It's a Level 7 Dragon Tuner that summons itself by reducing its Level by the Level of a monster you control. So it's essentially a Synch-7 engine, and that means Ancient Fairy Dragon. ABC is now I think the 2nd best deck in the OCG due to this, so invest in Dragon Ravines and that kind of thing. If you want, the deck can go pretty hammy with Links but I don't think that's the meta variant since the build it quite fragile. Either way, you'll want more Link Monsters in the extra deck eventually, more Decode Talkers for the mainstream variant, and Firewall and Proxy Dragon for my variant. Good luck, duelist!

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