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Lyrical Luscinia Berserker Soul Turbo


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Hey, guys! This is EpicBoss99, and ever since the Lyrical Luscinia Archetype came out in the anime, i've been obsessed with it! So much so that I decided to make a fun little deck that not only uses my favorite archetype but also tries to be like this:




So that's why I made it an all-monster deck with the addition of 3 Berserker Soul. The deck focuses on doing a ton of chip damage with Assembled Nightingale, and then stalling until u get Battle Fader or Rainbow Kuriboh, and then summoning it again. It was waay better before link format, but I'd love to have some constructive feedback on it to make it better! (Btw I know the TCG name for the archetype is Lyrilusc, I just think Lyrical Luscinia sounds a lot cooler :3) 



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What site are you using to add cards to your deck?


I am using Dueling Book. It is a free web-based card simulator that lets you make decks from a database that has every card in the game and duel with others. It's a pretty cool website, but i'd stay away from the posts that people make. They changed a lot of the rules so that people just post whatever they want.

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