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Scrap-Iron Salvager (One Man's Junk is Another Man's Measure...)

Black D'Sceptyr

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(....of how we can extend plays for the most Summon-intensives, Extra-Deck-reliant venture Deck of all space and time)


Right then, enough of that ad-libbing.


On this episode of "you SURE this is what Synchrons need to survive in the current meta?".....




[spoiler=Scrap-Iron Salvager: Info]

Quick-Play Spell Card


Lore: Activate 1 of these effects, also after that, if this card was activated from the hand, Set this card-face-down instead of sending it to the GY.
• Special Summon 1 "Junk" monster from your hand.
• Special Summon 1 "Junk" monster from your GY that was sent there from the hand or Deck last turn.
If this Set card is destroyed: You can send 1 "Junk" monster from your Deck to the GY. You can only activate 1 "Scrap-Iron Salvager" per turn.




Don't worry, we'll be adding more arrows to the Junk/Synchron revival project....ON THURSDAY.


Till then, reviews, revelry, you know the drill, let's get digging.


BDS, signing off.

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Now I think about it Scrap-Iron would be a wonderful archetype

  • They're a sub-archetype of Scrap, which destroys its own cards 
  • You could have the monsters set themselves if they were destroyed while face-up on the field (and even have flip effects)
  • You can have Spell/Traps like this that recycle themselves
  • You could have retrains of some of the Junk archetype cards


Yeah that seems like a good idea, as for the card itself, I like the fact it can only recycle itself once (which is exactly what it should do). There is a chance that self-bouncing might be too good but this card doesn't break them by all means. Again, the "If this set card is destroyed" bit makes me curious why this isn't Scrap support. Feel like that archetype was renewed with Crystrons but it would still be cool if the archetype that birthed Scrap Dragon got a chance.

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