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Welcome to Project Freelancer

Leonard Church

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Before I begin, I must express my regret for not making this thread sooner, things came up that needed my attention.


F.I.L.S.S, launch the Project Freelancer files.



At once director


.... (Launching Project Freelancer files)




Welcome agents to Project Freelancer. Throughout the duration of the Halloween event you will be partaking in various missions to obtain these tickets that I had been asked to give out (How many you receive upon each completed mission is at my discretion and is performance based). Mark my words, these missions will not be easy, but you will be competing with the other agents and will be ranked on your performance accordingly.


Before we begin, I must state some important guidelines;

- When you start a mission, you will report to me via PM. This is for logistical purposes and will allow me to rank your performance. In addition, you must report to me when you complete a mission as well.

- I must also stress that you refrain from helping fellow agents.


One more thing, each mission will be distributed via PM.



1. Agent Skaia

2. Agent NetMonster

3. ???




Good luck agents.

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Alright Agents I have a new mission for y'all to attempt.

- Watch Season 9, episode 15 of the web series I originate from (Red vs Blue)


PM me when you have finished watching the episode and I'll give you your tickets

For additional tickets, you can guess what weapon Agent Maine acquires in the episode within the same PM.

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Alright Agents you have one last chance to earn these tickets that I still have. F.I.L.S.S, load the questions.




At once director


.... (Launching question files)


I have prepared a list of questions for y'all to answer. each right answer will yield 2 tickets


- What was the name of the computer stationed at Blood Gulch?
- What was Sidewinder referred to as by Project Freelancer?
- What was the name of the Private that was forced to act as my host?
- Whose Dog Tags contained top-secret data files on Project Freelancer?

- Who operated the tank that killed me at Blood Gulch? - Michael J. Caboose (answered by Agent Skaia)
- When the Freelancers claimed the sarcophagus, what was the weapon that Agent Maine acquired? - Brute Shot (answered by Agent Skaia)
- Who was the Freelancer that was sent to Blood Gulch to protect the Alpha? - Agent Florida (answered by Agent Skaia)
- Which member of Blue team had an alien baby? - Tucker (answered by Agent Skaia)

- What game was this iteration of me filmed with?

- What was the name of the bomb that Tex built with the purpose of killing O'Malley? - Andy (answered by Agent Skaia)

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Agents, my time here is all but done, but before I go, I will reveal the rest of the answers;


- What was the name of the computer stationed at Blood Gulch? V.I.C
- What was Sidewinder referred to as by Project Freelancer? Simulation Outpost 9
- What was the name of the Private that was forced to act as the Alpha's host? Private Jimmy
- Whose Dog Tags contained top-secret data files on Project Freelancer? C.T

- What game was this iteration of me filmed with? Marathon (which was another game series made by the organization you know as Bungie)



Finally, Agent Skaia gets a further 5 tickets for topping the Freelancer leaderboard, and Agent NetMonster gets 1 ticket for attempting my tasks.

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