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What does Pot of Greed do?

The Frost King

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Upon activation of the Normal Spell Card "Pot of Greed", the activating player is permitted to - despite the typical rules of the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game - locate their deck of anywhere between forty and sixty cards, place their dominant hand on top of the deck, then move that card from the deck into the smaller group of cards the player has that can be played at that time. These cards are often carried in the player's off-hand, thus people refer to them as the hand, and the aforementioned action - in the interest of saving time when discussing card game mechanics - is referred to as drawing, possibly in reference to the concept of drawing forth more power (citation needed). After adding that card to their hand, the player who activated "Pot of Greed" is to perform this process a second time.

tl/dr: Draw 2 cards.

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When a player activates the Normal Spell card "Pot of Greed" and placing it in any of their open Spell/Trap card zones, what happens is that they are allowed to place their hand, the one closest to where their deck (which originally consisted of between forty to sixty cards at the start of the game) is placed on the table, pick up the top card of it and placing it in their other hand which may or may not contain cards already (known as the hand), this is called drawing a card. After that, they are permitted to perform this action again as the text allows the player to draw 2 cards from their deck. Please note that it is optional to explain what the card does as in the animated series it was apparently compulsory to do so. It is also a common misconception that the explanation of this effect is complicated, but this is due to the internet and should be taken with a grain of salt.

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