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Super Robot Wars (Called SRW)


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Hello. Friendly neighborhood mod (even though this isn't my usual haunting grounds) here. Just here to let you know: You need to have a written version of the card's effect beneath the card itself. This is because some members use the site via mobile devices, have small screens, or otherwise may have poor vision that makes reading directly off the card difficult for them. I was going to do you a solid and edit these written versions into your post myself by going off the cards, but with how long that effect text is in both cases, I can't even make out parts of it (which brings us back around to why you need written effects under your cards). Assuming you saved the cards in the cardmaker page, it should be as easy as copy-pasting the information from there. Please make the necessary edits at your earliest convenience.

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I think I'm doing everything right now... A small review or opinion would be cool. Since I made these cards out of nowhere now... I hope that I did nothing wrong there now. I'm not sure if they are OP. That's why I need a opinion.^^"



Dragon is rly strong, but rly hard to summon, other card is strong, but could be easily countered with banishing.
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Dragon is rly strong, but rly hard to summon, other card is strong, but could be easily countered with banishing.


Just a side note that you do have to write more on this review, as per the Advanced Clause. You're on the right track, but just flesh it out. 


Also kudos for being willing to read the thing off the picture, despite the small text. 

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