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Avatar State [Invoked Elementsaber]


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Check out this deck I made with Yugipedia Deck Builder for Android/iOS!


Elements deck list:


Main (40)


Monsters (21):

3x Aleister the Invoker

1x Elemental Grace Doriado

3x Elementsaber Makani

3x Elementsaber Malo

3x Elementsaber Rapawira

2x Elementsaber Willard

2x Forceaurage the Elemental Lord

2x Pyrorex the Elemental Lord

2x Windrose the Elemental Lord


Spells (17):

2x Burial from a Different Dimension

2x Invocation

2x Magical Meltdown

3x Pot of Acquisitiveness

1x Reinforcement of the Army

3x Temple of the Elemental Lords

3x Terraforming

1x The Book of the Law


Traps (2):

2x Elemental Training


Extra (15)


1x Akashic Magician

2x Aleister the Meltdown Invoker

1x Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand

2x Invoked Caliga

1x Invoked Elysium

2x Invoked Mechaba

1x Invoked Purgatrio

2x Invoked Raidjin

2x Proxy Dragon

1x Security Dragon


Its kinda grindy but it has good plays. Haven't tested yet again but the concept is to use the grave sabres for whatever you need for invocation. Doriado is a spicy tech that I can get out and maybe negate summons.


Idk man CbC my ass

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I've been thinking a lot about this deck since you posted it but didn't comment because it really feels like the synergy between Invoked and Elementsaber is an illusion. However, you want suggestions for this deck, not someone telling you not to play it, so here goes.


It seems like there's an awful lot of demand for your Normal Summon. If you make an Aleister play, you can't also make a Makani play that turn. Elemental Training could help with this, but you're only running 2 copies, so maybe put that up to 3.


Seems to me that if you want to play 6 Elemental Lords instead of playing 2 copies of the Elemental Lords you should cut down on variety and just 3 of one and 3 of another. This is because you can only do the attribute switch effect once per turn so if you have 5 Elementsabers in GY and you make them all WIND to summon Windrose, you can then Summon any number of Windroses from your hand for free (effect is HOPT, but who cares, it's 2800), but you probably won't be able to get 5 LIGHTs in GY for Forceaurage.


Other things you might like to try are Dark Armed Dragon and Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning.

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