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Bekhlang Siegen: Collectible Trading Card Game

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(Name is a work in progress I guess)


Bekhlang Siegen: Collectible Trading Card Game. Khlang is thai for magical and Besiegen is german for vanquish


This game will have a gold system, a skill tree, shields and much more!






the main deck

there is a 60 card minimum and 80 cards max while 20 of those cards (1/3 of the deck) are the minimum for mana and 40 is max for mana (2/3 for 60 and 1/2 for a 80 card deck) for standard decks


At the beginning "Avatars" will be just sprite balls that will represent different combinations of colors that within in the game (or colorless if players want)


Avatars tells players what colors they can run and what their mana base should be


Avatars will grow into generals (think MTG commanders EDH) which will be have an impact on the game


Avatar can have effects and effects can occur while it is on the field or within the avatar zone.


How the game flows

01) During the upkeep of your turn you earn $ for each unit on the field and in your hand (including shields)

When a player have less cards on the field/shields/in hand than a opponent, the player with less card can also gain bonus gold based off that is equal to difference between the number of cards on they control/in their hand and shields and the numbers of cards in the opponent's with highest amount cards they control/in their hand/shield

02) using the money you dive into your skill tree to earn points

03) drop mana down to meet color requirements and do stuff can only drop 1 mana each turn unless effect says other wise.)

04) using the mana you cast card and use summoning spells to put creatures on the field.

creatures use abilities, move around the board and, enter combat.

05) pop your opponent shields to deal additional dmg

06) win the duel/match/game/etc.

many win conds. but, main way is pop 12 shields of the opponent. be the last person standing.


different game modes/game objectives can be added (king of the hill/capture the flag/control points/kill confirmed/and much more.)


At the start of the game each player has the start up of 1000 g to begin funding their conquest.


shields may have abilities to help out and or save people from dying and counter the more aggressive decks that focuses on all out attacking.


there will be a limit on how many cards with shields abilities be available within the deck


cards have mana cost (creatures and other permanents have refundable mana while non-permanent spells have non refundable mana)


creatures die the mana expels outward and return to the person who summon the creature (refunding the mana)


non-permanent spells have no refund unless stated otherwise. the mana that was generated is expel from the cast to cause an effect. and when the effect is over so is the spell.


certain cards have certain mana cost/skill points needed to full the requirement to cast it or to finish a spell that would a summoning of a creature


players have to manage their resources properly in order to fulfill the requirements in order get the spells cast.


main colors of the game: yellow/purple/brown/orange/silver


cards can have 1 color or multiple colors (showing it belongs to multiple colors).


types/clan/groups/archetypes/fractions/etc. will be a thing.


underground and flying will be important


points from the skill tree are used not used to cast but are needed.


lvs/stages are important as certain card can lv up/stage up to a new level/stage form. must have lower level/lower stage card on the field in order to preform this action.


The field

the diamonds in the back are the shield area and place for cards that do column effects on the battlefield


the diamonds on the left are zones for non-creature permanents and cards that do row effects on the battlefield


the star at the end is shared between players and is the stax pile.


there is only 1 star/stax pile in the middle


top card of the stax pile activate first of chains. the last card of the stax pile activate last. last card in the chain pile activate last, the next card activates next and so on until the top card of the chain is reached. the effects resolves according the stax pile zone.


stax pile zone is where cards activate before they are move else, players have the chance to respond with theirs.


stax pile was made to make following actions/effects easier.


if a creature is occupying the stax pile zone, it is ignored unless something or that creature's effect it part of the chain of effects.


the rectangular zones are zones for creatures and permeants. when summoning the backrow is filled first then next row. if rows are occupied then a player may have a creature in the stax pile.


creatures can move into the stax pile if other zones are not occupied.


order of phases within the game: standby phase is first followed by upkeep phase after that is the main phase and combat phase where battling occurs then after phase.


after phase is basically main phase 2 but is called after phase because it is the phase after combat and you can no longer declare combat for that turn once you reach this phase. after is named as such so it is not confused with the first main phase.


end phase which is after phase and during end phase the effects can occur then the next player can begin their turn.


standby phase: is skipped unless a effect occurs during this standby phase


upkeep phase: receive gold and pay costs if need be. develop skill tree further, creatures are removed from the board, points/mana may be restored at this point but gold is spent and not recovered. gold can be gathered in many ways and forms.

the last thing to occur during the upkeep is the draw


main phase: the main phase of action and interaction. cast stuff, place stuff on board, move units around


creatures have sickness during the turn they are summoned unless stated otherwise due to a effect.


creatures need to move around the board and positioning is key for victory.


having weak mages upfront may not be ideal while having your tanky warriors in the back is just silly.


beware as army of the enemy may surround units or even out flank


battle phase. declaring combat. when a unit moves to place where enemy unit is engaging the enemy and entering combat. combat is dealt. the victor of the fight stays and the losers dies (in most cases) other wise the units stay where they are currently at.


creatures have ap (attack points) which show how much it can deal damage to a unit.


creatures have health points(which do not have restored or can go over that number unless a effect says otherwise)


when a creature is dealt damage and it health goes to ZERO it dies (usually)


potential counter attacks can occur also gain ups can happen to with the help of ally unit


after phase: which is different from main phase recover from battling, tap units that have battled that turn. can cast stuff and send in reforcements


the main difference between after phase and main phase is that you can place shield down only in this phase.


end phase: effect occurs here when they say so also effects stop here as well. this phase is the transaction to the next player's turn (beginning of that player's turn)



Each player place their avatar face-down and Each player shuffles their deck, then each opponent cuts or shuffles the other player's deck


each player places the top 3 cards of their main deck face down in the shield card zone


each player draws their opening hand (which is 7 cards)


A mulligan is an optional process by which any player may attempt to draw a superior hand before starting the game. For sanctioned play, the mulligan process is exactly defined in the Comprehensive Rules. The choice to take a mulligan is made after the starting player is determined, but prior to any other action. Players may take multiple mulligans, until either they are satisfied with their new hand, or they draw a hand of zero cards. Any player dissatisfied with their hand, for any reason and without being required to reveal the entire hand, may return his or her hand to their main deck for an opportunity to draw a new one, after shuffling. After each mulligan each player can look at the top card of their deck and decide wither or not that card will stay on top of the deck or place it at the bottom.


Once all players keep their opening hands, each player with fewer cards than their starting hand size may look at the top card of their deck and decide wither or not that card will stay on top of the deck or place it at the bottom.


the player that goes second (in cases of just 2 players) adds 1 colorless mana card to their hand.


the player that goes after the player that went first (in cases of more than 2 players) adds 1 colorless mana card to their hand.


each player says good luck and have fun.


the players with the fewest cards in the hand goes first in most cases. Rock/Paper/Scissors or etc. can determine who goes first.


multiplayer which is more than 2 players can occur (all players still share the one stax pile through)


tell me what you think?

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